Girlfriend's box of questions. Here we go!!!!

on 8/29/10 10:02 pm - Alexander, AR
Alrighty, here's a good one!

Are you superstitious, and if you are, how?

I'd like to think I'm more "cautious' than!  My mom, however was. She had lots of them:

Shoes on a bed or table ( I think she just didn't want dirty shoes on beds and tables)
Purses on beds (see above)
Leaving through a door you didn't come in through

And of course, ladders, mirrors and all the other usual suspects....

How about you?



on 8/30/10 12:24 am - Somewhere in, NY
Nope...Not superstitious at all, as far as I know.  Sometimes I'll walk under a ladder on purpose just to see people cringe.  Naughty, I know.

I'm about as down to earth as anyone I know.  "It is what it is".  I never look for problems.  If they want me, they can find me.

Pollyanna, that's me.  (Or oblivious.....)

How about you, Annette?  Black cats???? 



annette R.
on 8/31/10 1:57 am - ithaca, NY
Black cats are good.Cat 11 Plus my surgery was on Halloween Witchand my best friend has always called me "Witch" (her polite way of switching the B to a W)

I refuse to wear opals though. Not my birthstone and had a string of bad events when the X bought me opal earrings one year.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Connie D.
on 8/30/10 12:26 am
Hi I am not too superstitious other then I don't walk under me the creeps!!!

When I was younger I couldn't step on cracks....didn't want to break my mothers back....LOL

Hugs sweetie.....connie d
on 8/30/10 1:13 am - NY
Welcome home Susan...superstitious...mmm...nope..I have two black cats and ladders don't bother me.

Friday the 13th is just another day...I can have the worst luck in the world and have lately...but, thats just life !!!

Hugs and prayers to all..
Eileen Briesch
on 8/30/10 3:02 am - Evansville, IN
Not superstitious at all. Except if the White Sox are winning (especially in the World Series) I can't get too optimistic ... I always expect them to blow it (just pessimistic, I guess).

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




George T.
on 8/30/10 4:44 am - Grand Prairie, TX
I don't like certain numbers.  2,4,6,8,9.

Baseball.  I take the same route to the Ballpark, regardless of traffic if the Rangers are winning.

I have several pair of baseball boxer shorts.  I think Judy gave me my first pair.  Those, I wear to every Friday game.  I think the Rangers have lost only 1 or 2 Friday games all season at home, when I was wearing them.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

(deactivated member)
on 8/30/10 4:00 am
I don't like to use the numbers VI-VI-VI. If a cash receipt comes to that much, I force an extra penny on the clerk. I won't write down a blood pressure with those three numbers in it, either. I'll change it to either 108/66 or 106/68.

That's the only thing I am superstitious about, though
on 8/30/10 4:26 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi Susan,
Not superstitious, just careful.  Walking under a ladder doesn't sound like a good idea anyway.  Love cats so black ones don't bother me - I've had a lot of them cross my path.  I'm still here. LOL.

on 8/30/10 6:04 am - Manteca, CA

I think I'm not superstitious- BUT- my password on my school e-mail account has to be changed about once a month and I keep the same password but add 1, 2, 3 etc. at the end to change it. Last month it was to 13 and I went ahead with 13 but I kind of winced when I typed it in. Then last week (after all of my problems occurred this month) I went in and changed it to 14.... it had been bothering me.

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