Going in for a second latte, then to get ready for work. VERY long day, probably about 11-12 hours, but then I'm off to New Orleans. I have Debbie's # in my phone and we're hoping to meet up on Saturday. Sure hope it works! It will be nice to see our Cajun Angel, for sure.
The toe is much better today, suprisingly enough. I MIGHT be able to wear my Tom's to NO, nice and soft, but we'll see.
Okay, off to start two different threads. Hope you all have a great day. Special hugs and prayers to Julia and all of you.
I have given up trying to color my hair. The pool strips every bit of color. At least it doesn't turn green.
Work this morning, then to the gym and a work training after that.
I am being bad. A stray cat has been pressing its nose against the sliding glass door. The poor thing looks so thin. Last night I put out food and water for the critter. The bowls are empty today. I don't want to introduce a stray into a house of 7 cats but it needs food.!!!
I went through the same thing not too long ago. Three stray babies, about 5 weeks old, whose mother wa**** by a car. I couldn't let them starve, so I fed them and watered them for over a week. I knew that I couldn't adopt ANY of them, so I finally caught them and was lucky enough to find a kind soul who would have them neutered and was able to place them. But before I got them to her, I fell in love, as all we kitty mamas seem to do. I swear, if it wasn't for the cat hair, I'd have a houseful. Unfortunately, I hate to clean as much as I love cats.
Be strong. Unless the stray is black, in which case you will probably catch it, clean it up, get it neutered and immunized, and love it.
I understand.

Do your cats go outdoors? If they don't then you could just keep feeding the stray and have it live outdoors.

Hi Janet, Susan, Annette and whoever else comes along. . .
I'm poking my head out, been a rough go at work lately, very little time to come on here and while I do pop in when I get a chance to see what you all are up to, I am being real cautious these days about being on the computer for "personal" stuff. . . let us just say, I am grateful to be employed, but at the same time I am looking for employment elsewhere, unfortunately there is slim pickings to be had right now, so I need this job. . .
Otherwise things are ok. . . I am going natural in regards to my hair, I decided I am tired of being a slave to hair dye, as my roots come through in 2 weeks and by 3 I look like tinsel town, so I figured, let's see what it looks like, as I can always change my mind on that front.
Prayers for all in need and wishing all the peace and strength to get through the tougher times in life. . .
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I let my hair go natural for almost 5 years for the same reason, then after WLS decided it was maybe worth the effort. I still hate to color it, and I'm too cheap to have it done, but I keep it up. It was a beautiful white, but I still like the brown better on me. Or red, when I go on vacation with Thelma.....
I have the feeling that yours will be beautiful if you let it go natural.
And if you change your mind, a box of Revlon is only $3 away...
I have been MIA for awhile. I guess it was because I have been extremely busy with doc appointments , blood tests, x-rays and mri's,.
I have severe arthritis , osteoarthritis in my back and neck. I have degenerative disk disease in my lower spine (lumbar) No osteoporosis.
I have several nodules on my thyroid, one is very large and dense, according to her it might be cancerous from the appearance on the x-ray. I have to see a specialist for my thyroid and a surgeon for my spine. This week they will take a biopsy of the nodules and they will have to all be removed. If, the one is cancerous, my thyroid must come out. I will be on synthrex a substitute for your thyroid the rest of my life.
She has put me on very strong pain pills, almost equivalent to morphine. I can not take any NSAIDS ( like aspirin) because of my stomach surgery. So she has to prescribe some other kind of anti inflamatory. Don't know which kind since they all have aspirin or something like it.
I also have to see an endocrinologist- I had more blood tests done today and all of this is extremely draining. I have no idea how I am going to pay for all of this. I am going to try and get on another payment plan like I am with my other surgery. I think they will let me.
My blood work - too many vitamins- Have to stop taking so many. lol At-least I am not deficient.
I honestly can't remember all she said. Too many things to think about.
Well remember me in your prayers.
Hopefully everyone else is ok. I am just trying to deal with all this crap. When I was 354 lbs, I didn't have any problems with my back- Go figure-
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.