"I'm out walking after midnight searching for you!" It's Tuesday what's...
Another one of those old tunes running through my head. What's going on with you? Didn't need any pain pills yesterday; pain is gone thank goodness. I have my recheck and the rest of my physical late this afternoon. Then we'll drive "into the sun" to our daughter's. Almost hoping for a few clouds as I hate driving into the sun. Couldn't get my appointment changed and had to go in for the recheck. That's why we'll be so late. Spent much of yesterday making a few things to take that will make meal prep over there easy this week. They've packed up most of the kitchen so supplies will be intneresting.
I heard all about the fair from "Anna" and "Arrah" yesterday. They can't say the H or C yet but I understand most of what they say. They wanted to go on the "big swing" (the Ferris Wheel). Erin told them they'd have to wait a year or so. She could just see getting up high with them and them changing their minds which happens often!
Clara did an impromptu belly dance while watching some performers on one of the small side stages. Guess she had quite an audience as she mimicked the moves!
I picked up a "Sponge Bob" CD playing to take to them. They love to dance and have several CDs of children's songs. I think they'll get a kick out of it.
Well, it's well after midnight here and I need to walk myself BACK to bed. Wish I could take those pain pills even when I don't need them. They really help with sleep!!
Doubt if I have access to the computer much the next few days. At my daughter's house it will be disconnected and doubt if I'll have much free time to search out a "free wi fi" loaction. You all have a good day.
Karen C
Karen, it was so nice to chat with you the other day, we must do it more often!
We're starting to get ready for our New Orleans trip on Thursday. I'm hoping to get a chance to see our Cajun Angel, Debbie on Saturday. Gary and I have never been there, and we're both so excited. Just ONE little glitch.....I broke my toe yesterday

Not much else going on but work, so I'll sign off for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful day today!!!
Susan...OUCHY with the fx. toe, yep tape it and wear comfortable shoes if you can get them on, maybe some ice to keep the swelling down.
Well after my return from medical leave when I got home, I hopped into the hot tub to relax and unwind and I went to bed at 8pm, I was exhausted.
I caught up with most of my work so I sat at my desk and didn't take any breaks except go down to the cafe' for lunch. Well that was a big mistake because when I woke up this morning it felt like I had done 1,000 sit ups! Okay today I will take my breaks and walk around the hospital which is one mile. I will do that at least 3 times today or more. I gotta keep walking and stretching. It really helps me. I guess when I was home, I walked more and didn't sit alot.
Oh well lesson learned the hard way. Today I even wore my wrap around tummy support.
So all of you out there continue with the mindful eating and exercising. In the end that is what keeps the weight off. Besides it's the best thing we can do for our bodies. Hugs Debbie
My best to you, my friend and secret pal,
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
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