First day back to work (was off on Medical Leave)
So happy to see you back.....I've been wondering how you were doing! I tried to get your home address from Deb/Kalamazoo but she never gave it to me -- I wanted to send you a card and note. Anyway, sounds like you are doing well -- so happy about that.
Prayers for continued strength as you get back into your routine.
Pat R.
Prayers for continued strength as you get back into your routine.
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Hi Debbie,
Sorry, I didn't miss you, because I haven't been around myself! I just don't have time to sit on the computer all day anymore! This life of retirement is such a busy one.
Glad to hear you've recovered from your SBO. Doesn't sound like any fun at all.
I agree regarding the need to have more. I still have trouble not eating with my eyes. I have learned to stop and not eat until I'm full or sick. It's still a learning process for me. I'm maintaining my 90-93 pound weightloss, so I'm very happy. Now, to just keep it going forward. Kill the carb craving and the caving into the craving. Snacking is becoming a problem, but I'm trying to choose a good snack like an apple or some other kind of fruit.
I'm going to try to frequent OH more again. Hopefully I'll find the time.
Sorry, I didn't miss you, because I haven't been around myself! I just don't have time to sit on the computer all day anymore! This life of retirement is such a busy one.
Glad to hear you've recovered from your SBO. Doesn't sound like any fun at all.
I agree regarding the need to have more. I still have trouble not eating with my eyes. I have learned to stop and not eat until I'm full or sick. It's still a learning process for me. I'm maintaining my 90-93 pound weightloss, so I'm very happy. Now, to just keep it going forward. Kill the carb craving and the caving into the craving. Snacking is becoming a problem, but I'm trying to choose a good snack like an apple or some other kind of fruit.
I'm going to try to frequent OH more again. Hopefully I'll find the time.
Hi Jani,
I have heard when you retire you run out of time because your so busy. You be sure to take time for yourself. Finding that balance in life sometimes is hard for us isn't it?
Oh yeah, mindful eating and "eating with our eyes" is something we have to learn. It takes time. We have to relearn that it is okay to eat and not feel guilty. We really do have the best of both worlds so to speak. Once we learn our limitations on food consumption and accept it and not go down the guilty road of life it's easier. I thank God for Kristi my Eating Coach. Learning to listen to my body and what it needs and wants, learning to push the food away after it stops tasting fantastic is very empowering. Now I just have to stop offering my leftovers to hubby. He has been doing great and has lost about 30 pounds during this summer.
For your snacking I have been eating when I need the crunch, I eat one Wacco cracker (helps with the bowel moments too) and put 1 tablespoon of peanut butter on it. It really fills me up and then later I will drink 16 oz. of water....(after waiting 30 mins.) Try it and see if that helps your carb cravings. I got these crackers at Meijers. Good luck and keep doing your mindful eating. Sounds like you are doing great and congrats on your weight loss my friend! Hugs Debbie
I have heard when you retire you run out of time because your so busy. You be sure to take time for yourself. Finding that balance in life sometimes is hard for us isn't it?
Oh yeah, mindful eating and "eating with our eyes" is something we have to learn. It takes time. We have to relearn that it is okay to eat and not feel guilty. We really do have the best of both worlds so to speak. Once we learn our limitations on food consumption and accept it and not go down the guilty road of life it's easier. I thank God for Kristi my Eating Coach. Learning to listen to my body and what it needs and wants, learning to push the food away after it stops tasting fantastic is very empowering. Now I just have to stop offering my leftovers to hubby. He has been doing great and has lost about 30 pounds during this summer.
For your snacking I have been eating when I need the crunch, I eat one Wacco cracker (helps with the bowel moments too) and put 1 tablespoon of peanut butter on it. It really fills me up and then later I will drink 16 oz. of water....(after waiting 30 mins.) Try it and see if that helps your carb cravings. I got these crackers at Meijers. Good luck and keep doing your mindful eating. Sounds like you are doing great and congrats on your weight loss my friend! Hugs Debbie
Hi Debbiejean, just wanted to let you know I had a bowel obstruction just 2 1/2 weeks ago. It too was emergency surgery. Not fun but I survived. Now I just hope it doesn't happen again. I wish I had 6 weeks to take off. I was only off two weeks but am doing pretty good being back to work. I am glad to hear you are doing well. I saw your post on the rny board regarding your surgery. I just have to ask if you asked yourself what did I do to myself. Because that is all I could think about when they told me what was wrong. I am better now but was an emotion mess then.
We didn't do anything, our bodies just "makes adhesion's" which causes small bowel obstructions. I had to have open surgery, my history is I have to go in every 6 years and get those adhesion's cut away. This time is was almost 31/2 years from my RNY surgery. I do everything right but my body just makes adhesion's. I wish they could do it lap but nope, I was open.
You just take it easy and follow your surgeons orders. Make sure you don't lift anything heavy for awhile.
Be aware of your body, be sure to talk to your surgeon, find out if you had a lot of adhesion's or maybe you didn't have any but really corner him/her and find out what they did to you in surgery.
I have a friend that had a small bowel obstruction (never had bariatric surgery just other surgeries) and they were able to do her lap...and she was back in 2 weeks to work.
You just take it easy and follow your surgeons orders. Make sure you don't lift anything heavy for awhile.
Be aware of your body, be sure to talk to your surgeon, find out if you had a lot of adhesion's or maybe you didn't have any but really corner him/her and find out what they did to you in surgery.
I have a friend that had a small bowel obstruction (never had bariatric surgery just other surgeries) and they were able to do her lap...and she was back in 2 weeks to work.