Good Mornin'. Good Mornin', Good Sunday Mornin' to you!
Top of the mornin' to ye all! Guess I'm feeling my Irish today! Compared to last weekend I feel 100% better. Faithfully taking my antibiotics and also the pain meds I feel like I am well on the mend. I have my followup and physical on Tuesday. I have a lot of questions to ask my doctor in regards to how I could have contacted this infection.The only thing that I know for sure is that I will do anything to NOT have another one of them. Not pleasant. In the whole scheme of things I know there are many, many that are worse but I don't become ill often. I'm kind of a wimp when I am. Sure makes me appreciate my mostly good health.
Had all of my labwork done before being diagnosed. Going over it this week I see that several labs such as my White blood cell count, are way off from last year. Infection? Probably. I'll discuss if my doctor would like followup labs in a few weeks. I sure would. I look forward to being able to compare all levels and I'm sure as my doctor called it a "raging infection" would affect those results.
We're working hard to get everything caught up around here. On Tuesday afternoon, after my physical, Mike and I wll both head back to our daughter's. This is their moving week. Out of current house, most everything into storage for 6-8 weeks, and into daughter's in law's home until they get their new "old farmhouse" remodeled in side. Hope everyone survives without coming apart at the seams.
Hannah and Clara went to their local fair about 4pm yesterday. They took nice long naps so that they could go and man oh man were they excited to see the "aminals!" Last year they were in strollers; this year they are "big girls!" and walking with Mom and Dad. Baby Briley was going too. She is like a little "go baby." Erin says one infant is unbelievably easy compared to premature twins. The twins didn't go out in public for months. New parents plus it was just easier to leave the babies home and either Josh or Erin would grocery and errand shop by themselves. The twins are in daycare so Erin just grabs Briley and goes on her lunch break from work.
Well I've had my bit of protein, no water for 30 minutes so I'm headed back to bed. I've done really well since taking the pouch test. I'm back to a "regular" diet but it includes very few carbs and so far only the unrefined ones! I feel much better. I am doing my best with the "water rule" and for me at least it really is true. I stay full longer and can eat less that way. Why oh why do I seem to have to "relearn" this lesson every 6 months or so? What a stubborn rockhead I can be!
Have a nice day everyone. I'm back to bed before I choose to do anything that might set off my carb monster.
Karen C
Today has us going to church, after church going to see Gene's mom, then Whole Foods for some stuff for the week mostly Greek Yogurt for me and unsweetened Almond milk. Today I'm going to make some Junket, Gene has never had it so I figured it's time to introduce him to an old childhood treat my mom used to make.
I have to stop taking the percocet today since I'm returning to work tomorrow. I'm still not able to eat anything with substance - excrutiating pain in my mouth when I tried yesterday. Looks like a call to my oral surgeon tomorrow to make sure all is okay, and another week of liquids/pureed foods if he says this pain is normal.
I have lost 6 pounds since last Monday, not a great way to be loosing again but I'll take it. Now to motivate myself to get to the gym on the way home from work tomorrow and take a walk during my lunch.
Hope everyone has an awesome day....
Karen C
I Did think of dry socket, it's not that checked with the doc. I'm healing well, I had 12 teeth pulled all at once and the implants put in for all my upper teeth implants. The implants have to heal for 3 months before I can put in the permanant teeth. For the next 3 months I have to wear a full upper plate as I heal. I know I heal very slowly after any type of surgery in my mouth. I can have major surgery on any other part of my body and I bounce right back but this as my hubby says actually makes me look more human and not like a super human healing machine LOL
Well im working more and more every payday. last pay day was full time. dont know if i can keep that up for awhile but i really need to so i can pay off a credit card we have run up. and get taxes and insurances all paid so we can close up and go to AZ for the winter.
I canned some watermelon rind preserves yesterday , wow that was a long drawn out process. of peeling the rind , soaking for 3 1/2 hours and then more and more it too all day long to finally get the jars into the water bath and boil for 25 minutes. all of that work for 6 pints lol but they are really pretty and hopefully they taste as good as i remember from my childhood....that is why i made them really i had been thinking about doing it for awhile and i had a nice big watermelon to do it with. but now that i have done it they will have to be really really good to do it again lol ...i did use splenda so hopefully they did right..
well got to get i have to work today so i need to get some stuff done and then try to nap for awhile before i have to go. .....
Have you heard the country song called "Hill billy bones."? I think canning and preserving and making use of everything is part of ours. I'm the same way. This summer I've discovered drying. I bought a Mr. Coffee Dehydrator at Value Village and I was off to the races. It needs to be "gleaned" fruit or it is so expensive. So far I've done apple slices, apricots, peaches, and bananas. I want to try fruit leather next. Have you ever done that? I did when the kids were little but remember nothing about it. I'm on the lookout for more racks for my dehydrator. I've read that you can stack them much higher with the same results.
I'll be trying to find wild blackberries this next week at Erin's to freeze to make jams later. The thing about the dried stuff is there is NO added sugar and know about those yummy canned ones don't you? I have had mixed results with Splenda. Didn't work well at all for my strawberry freezer jam. I've also bough dried blueberries and strawberries. I'll try drying those to if I get a chance! If it's not nailed down I'll thrown it on the dryer. And then about the end of October Ill "glean" Concord grapes for jelly . . . Yummy. When you open the jar you can actually smell the orchard!
Do you venture into California on your winter trip? I may be in southern CA in January for a few days. Wouldn't it be fun to meet in the middle? That was one of my mom's favorite things to do with family or friends that we didn't get to see often. Like that other song "You start your way and I'll start mine and we'll meet in the middle!"
Karen C