What's New- It's Friday!

on 8/19/10 5:25 pm - Manteca, CA
Good Morning to all,
It's just after Midnight here in California. I can't sleep. I'm not used to going to bed on time... I am not on a work schedule since I haven't been able to go to work yet this school year. I have an MRI scheduled for tomorrow morning. I'm feeling somewhat better, but am still quite hobbled and having some nerve pain in my butt and thigh. I'm hoping for clarity and maybe some magic cortisone when the specialist can figure out the problem.
That's it for me. I've been watching a lot of trash TV and reading... I'm bored and a bit freaked out. I'll calm down when they tell me that I can heal to a somewhat normal state. I have patience...
I hope your month is going well. It's almost September already- wow! Time flies when you are having fun! Or maybe it's "Time flies when you reach the age of 50!" Happy Friday!
karen C.
on 8/19/10 5:36 pm - Kennewick, WA

Great west coast minds do thing alike. Especially those flying high! I'll change my title. Anyone interested in my drug induced ramblings go there. Have a great one everyone.

Bought myself a little used tent trailer today. Hubby is not delighted but relieved that i didn't go out and but the new Highlander and small  travel trailer that I really wanted. In that respect he sees it as the "lesser of two weevils!" It needs some "prettying up" so I'll get to play house, making new pillow covers and "decorating." It's very small so shouldn't be too pricey and it will be fun.

Karen C

karen C.
on 8/19/10 5:45 pm - Kennewick, WA

I love Rod Stewart's "Maggie May."  "It's late September and I really should be back in school!" I know it's a drugged mind and it is August not September but I can't get that song out of my mind.

Julia, we could really have some kicks and giggles couldn't we? Practice patience. I know you are good at it. Sending healing vibes your way.

 I'm creating a water shortage because I'm spending about half my day soaking to relieve pressure and pain. Don't have a "sitz bath" but may resort to purchasing one. Hope not to ever need  it again!

Karen C

Pat R.
on 8/19/10 9:30 pm - Sturgis, MI
Good morning Julia and Karen, and all to follow:
Had a good report at the WLS doc yesterday-- my labs were PERFECT!  They have been recommending adding more calcium citrate for their patients, but my levels are excellent and my bone density scan came back normal, so I will remain on 750 mg. per day.  I had only gained 7 lbs. (was worried it was gonna be more like 10) and I know it's not good, but with all the problems I've had the past year with hip surgery, drop foot, and foot surgery, it's not that bad.  We talked about a revision, and she reminded me if I was having eating concerns the additional surgery would NOT fix that problem - and she's right!  So I am going to do better -- still 50 lbs. to lose to where I want to be and I can make it happen. 

We're back to the hot and humidity ......storms tonight and tomorrow maybe.

Just three weeks till Germany trip -- I am getting really excited.

Off to work now, have a great day all.
Pat R.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
on 8/20/10 7:58 am - Manteca, CA
I love that song too, Karen. And I could just imagine us laying on two zero gravity recliners watching movies and talking, talking, talking. Or me on my zero gravity recliner next to you laying in the bathtub. Weird images- chalk it up to the meds....
IdaMae D.
on 8/19/10 9:54 pm - Philadelphia, PA

Good Morning:

Today is shaping up to be another day of lazing around the house.  Hider seems to be loving having me home with her, we cuddle most of the day away.  Slept better last night, didn't wake up till 03:15am needing a pain pill.  Then was able to fall right back to sleep.  First night that has happened since the surgery.

Later this morning I'm hoping to have the energy to walk up the the Rite Aid to pick up a few things I need.  Yesterday Gene did find me liquid multi vitamin when he went out to re-fill my perscription.  I'm glad to be able to start taking multi vitamins again.  Don't need more vitamin levels dropping than are already currently on the low side.   Another thing on my list to do today I need to call Champs to see what they have in non-flavored protein.  I need to get something to add to my cream soups until I'm able to eat solid meats again.  If they have what I want Gene will pick it up on his way home from work this evening.  If I can manage to find a spurt of energy today, I'd like to get the wash done, clean my den, and make some stewed apples and peaches to run through the food processor.  Last night I smooshed up a banana and it was soooo good such a nice treat for a change.  I'm missing fruit.

Hope everyone has an awesome day....



karen C.
on 8/19/10 11:06 pm - Kennewick, WA


Sounds like you accomplish a lot on one of your "lazy" days around the house. Glad to hear that you are doing well. I hate mashed pills but tolerated them for a few weeks following my RNY. I got a pill smasher at one of the doller stores that worked great.

If you have to be on a soft diet I would think summer would be the best. We make smoothies out of frozen fruit that we get at Costco. It comes in a large bag and is a variety of stuff. The night before I put some fruit in my "bullet cup" and set it in the fridge. It's still cold and a bit frozen in the morning. I add yogurt and crushed ice and a bit of any kind of juice that I have on hand. Run it in the Bullet for a short time and it is yummy!

Karen C

IdaMae D.
on 8/21/10 10:37 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Thank you for the suggestion Karen, sounds yummy!  I don't have a bullet but would imagine I can do the same thing with my blender.



karen C.
on 8/22/10 12:11 am - Kennewick, WA
I bought my daughter a Magic Bullet for Christmas a couple of  years ago. One of those middle of the night can't sleep "as seen on TV" purchases. Like eating my resistance to shopping is down in the middle of the night too. Anyway. . . . I bought myself one also. Used it rarely until we started making smoothies. I do use it a lot to make "oat flour" which I now use to replace about one half of the regular flour in favorite cookie  and muffin recipes. Just throw the oats it and "zap" them for a few seconds and you've got a great natural flour. How's your mouth feeling? I bet it has been really tender. I had some bad early on experiences at the dentist so I'm one of those dental chair arm grippers!!!

Karen C

on 8/20/10 12:53 am
Hi everyone, we have a lot of night owls and early birds in this group. I don't get up early unless I have to. Julia, I hope you get some answers and get to feeling better soon. I can't believe how fast this summer has gone. My DH and grandson are going to the local stock car races. I am staying home and chilling. This weekend I am staying home and getting things done. I will be freezing peaches and canning stuff. Yikes! I will need to come back to work to rest. Have a great weekend everyone.   Mona 

Veteran Bandster 2002

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

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