Girlfriend's box of questions.
That was sooooo fun!!!!

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
At yet another fun summer job SORTING potatoes I worked my buns off during the summer from college two years. Callouses on my hands, great way to lose a few pounds. The frist summer I sorted spuds the second I graduated to the "10 lb. crew". A carousel full of empty mesh 10 lb potato sacks would revolve, potatoes from a chute would fill the bags, several girls were around the carousel. Our job was to pull bags as quickly as we could twist and tie them. Hence the callouses.
Anyway I degress. . Here's where the forklift comes in. Cute little colleg guys would sit on their buns on their Hysters waiting for us to fill the pallet with those bright red 10 lbs bags of spuds. They would actually sit there and READ waiting for us to fill the pallet. They were making several $$ more per hour than I was. I wanted to be trained to drive one. This in 1968. I should have sued them. . . I wasn't allowed to learn to do that. I was a "MANS" job. GRRRRRRR.
Karen C
Once again , I had a long reply and my finger hit the wrong key, dang.....Sure to hate when I do that .
So , here we go again.
Karen , you got robbed. All you needed to know was the weight your ( forks ) could lift, don't run over the customers, don't take out a wall in the building, and the most important rule of all. Take the keys with you when you walk away from the ( forks ) Kids just love to sit in the drivers seat. The company I worked for also didn't pay me as much as they did the boys. During the 4 yeas I worked in the store, I went from Dept. to Dept. as the Manager of each Dept. Got tired of excepting lower pay. Moved to the main office as a buyer, and would you believe, I was payed less then the boys.O'well, I 'm no longer paid less .I'm retired, yahoo.