RNY Reversal Surgery

JMHO but I think I'd be looking for a new doctor. Sounds like this has gone on way too long. I don't know anything about reversal but there are forums on OH for just about everything I would think that would be one. Does you friend have someone attending appts with her? Sounds like she needs an advocate for sure. What does her surgeon believe the problem is? I'll keep her in my most positive thougthts.
Karen C
I just had my gastric bypass reversed 8 days ago, I have had complications for 6 years and several hospitalizations, but while sometimes it impeded my eating I still had outate the effectiveness of it, and was able to gain a large amount of weight back, but still was malnourished malabsorbing nurtrients and meds just not calories. I just have come back recently to OH because when I went to research reversals there isn't that much info out there.So I put my story regarding on my reversal on my profile... It sounds like she needs another doctor. If you or her want to email me, let me know....