Hey y'all it's Monday
I am eating lunch at my desk today - hummus and pita chips yum. Then I'll take a walk.
Mondays are report day for me. So I just finished up all of last weeks activity reports. I have appts. today and tomorrow to do internal audits too. Tomorrow is our employee meeting. There is one every quarter after the earnings release. It looks like we made a profit this quarter but so far for the year we haven't broke even. The company hasn't broke even for nine years now and we have been running off of cash reserves which are running out. Sooo, we can't breathe around here until the end of this year. If we don't get profitable soon we'll lose our investors and it's all downhill from there.
I called all my brothers and sisters and their kids this weekend to invite them to my house on Aug. 29 for a cook-out to celebrate my Mom's 82nd birthday. I'm providing drinks, meats and rolls. They will bring all the rest. The weeds in the gardens have taken over so that is what I'll be doing this weekend and sprucing up the deck and yard. I have some outdoor metal mesh tables that need a coat of black spray paint too.
Well I need to get that walk in before lunch time is over.
Have a great day everyone.
You about done with that unpacking? I should talk, we've been in Indiana 4 years and there's still boxes never looked at.
Just got back from a wonderful trip to Washington DC, but unfortunately just couldn't arrange to meet Amy. I enjoyed talking to her on phone tho. We'll never go on a vacation with other people again. They were nice, but it restricts you too much. Brenda and I like doing the same type of things, so it's so much better when it's just us. I promise to catch Amy next time, no matter what.
Next Friday, Aug. 20th, we head out for Cincinnati for the OH Conference. Anybody else going to be there? We've pretty much given up the Indiana OH board, so not sure if any of our friends are going or not. I'm sure it won't be as good as Chicago, without Carla. She's a blast!
Work is pretty dismal today. On Friday, 3 co-workers went out for lunch on their motorcycles. While they were stopped for a red light, a police car with his lights and siren going, ran over them. One was killed, and the other two are in critical condition. It's a very sad situation. I didn't personally know them, but some of my friends did.
Wish I had more time to visit my OFF friends, but be assured, I think of you all often.