Hey ya'll, it's Saturday!

George T.
on 8/7/10 2:34 am, edited 8/7/10 2:35 am - Grand Prairie, TX
I don't think you have to TRY to get pretty.  It comes natural.

(Shameless flirting doesn't hurt anyone, does it?)

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Connie D.
on 8/8/10 12:49 am
Thank you George...that is so sweet ....just what I needed to hear today!!

I am a flirt.... and there isn't anything wrong with that!

Hugs.....connie d
karen C.
on 8/7/10 4:14 am, edited 8/7/10 4:15 am - Kennewick, WA

Good morning! Still morning here at least for another hour. Erin and the twins went out shopping together this morning. Josh is out of town so Briley and I are hanging out. Erin and I both thought the twins needed some "Mommy time" without anyone else. They are shopping for "earrings" ( the little sticker ones in craft stores} and quick dry nail polish. Then out to lunch. They have sundresses, sandals and their sunglasses on. Twin ponytails. Can't believe how grownup they look and act much of the time. Their language has just exploded this summer. "Why?" was added this week. I remember that one don't you?

I'll head home on Monday. I've been here two weeks. In the next 3 weeks they have to pack up and move out of this house and in with Josh's parents for probably two months. I don't envy anyone! I love them but this will be a test of patience for all. Josh's mom still teaches, Erin will work from their 4 days a week, the twins will continue daycare during the week, but evenings and weekends? Oh my! They have a large old farmhouse but are used to it just being the two of them. Add 3 little ones and one large day. I think we'll take Lucy (Maggie's two yr old puppy) to our house for a month or so as she is definitely an inside dog and they aren't used to that. They have outside farm dogs not lap sitters! Don't remember if I mentioned it or not, Erin and Josh bought a 1940's farmhouse on 17 acres. It's part of property that belonged to Josh's family back about 1860 when it was homesteaded. The house has to be rewired, plumbed, major updating before they can move in. It has a wringer washer and a clothesline! My daughter is definitely not used to that. So new kitchen, laundry, and bathroom along with new wiring and plumbing before they move in. The rest will have to come as they can afford it.

Just wanted to stop in and say hi. Need to get a shower and dressed before Briley's "alarm clock" goes off. You can just about keep time by her wake up and hollers to eat! She's totally breast milk fed but takes a bottle easily which makes it easy to care for her if Mommy is gone. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Karen C

on 8/7/10 5:02 am, edited 8/7/10 5:02 am - Palmyra, WI
I have finally figured out the techno part of putting a pic of myself on my avitar and I have put a link to a before and after picture which I had taken in April.  I was asked to model at my surgeon's support group fashion show and it shows before and me standing for the after.  My avitar was just taken on the 4th of July.

There are other pictures which give you the idea of where I have come from in the last 2 years and one month since my RNY.  All of you have been so inspirational to me as well.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com
 HW:  407  SW:  386  CW:  202
RNY Surgery Date:  7-9-08
Dr. Manfred Chaing, Bariatric Institute of WI

Eileen Briesch
on 8/7/10 6:09 am - Evansville, IN
Wow, you look great! Nice to finally put a face with the voice.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 8/7/10 7:42 am - Palmyra, WI
Thanks Eileen--

I finally got around to figuring this out and getting the pictures off my husband's camera!

Glad to see you are doing well but it is hot all over but worse by you.  Wisconsin has had humidity, storms and all of that.  This has been one of the worst summers in recent history.

 HW:  407  SW:  386  CW:  202
RNY Surgery Date:  7-9-08
Dr. Manfred Chaing, Bariatric Institute of WI

karen C.
on 8/7/10 7:39 am - Kennewick, WA
Sylvia, You look wonderful! I started out at 377lbs so I do understand what you have accomplished. Congratulations and it IS wonderful to see you!

Karen C

on 8/7/10 7:46 am - Palmyra, WI
Thank you Karen.  You look great too.  It took a while to get some of the pics off my husband's camera because he kept taking other pics and all that!  I finally told him it was time to give them up (lol).

 HW:  407  SW:  386  CW:  202
RNY Surgery Date:  7-9-08
Dr. Manfred Chaing, Bariatric Institute of WI

on 8/7/10 12:55 pm - Palmyra, WI
Thank you Karen.

I don't post at work (which is where I spend 5 days a week) and sometimes I get home really late.  The exercise wagon has got to return because my stitches from my breast reduction are pretty much healed and my labs were low in iron, protein and calcium.  I had them done after surgery and they weren't terrible but the bone scan was borderline normal where it was normal last year.  My surgeon thought it was due to the surgery but I definitely have a parathyroid issue where calcium is depleted despite me taking 1500 mg a day and eating greek yogurt.  My energy level is starting to come back but the heat takes it away.  Argggh!!

You are doing well also.  We just got 2 kittens on June 27th (my SIL rescued a mama cat from my MIL's yard) and we got the boy and the baby girl runt of the litter.  She was really skittish but we had the appropriate operations done on Thursday (which was ironically the same date we had to put our Candy to sleep last year at the age of 17).  I really didn't want any more pets because she was the third cat we lost and we were petless for almost a year.  They are great comic relief.  I couldn't resist those furbabies either.

 HW:  407  SW:  386  CW:  202
RNY Surgery Date:  7-9-08
Dr. Manfred Chaing, Bariatric Institute of WI

Margo M.
on 8/7/10 9:26 pm - Elyria, OH
wonderful photos!! thank you!!

whoooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooo sylvie's workin it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


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