Hey ya'll, it's Saturday!

on 8/6/10 9:53 pm - Somewhere in, NY
Hi All

Today is the last day of the marathon yard sale.  Mostly my niece's stuff from her recent move, but I've made a few $$$..  I do hate sitting outside for hours at a time.  I keep seeing things that I need to do in the yard and can't.

Have been corralling three baby kittens (about 5 weeks) for the past few days, trying to get them somewhere that will place them for me.  Momma was a very young stray that got hit by a car last week.  I managed to get two of them, but little Houdini has proved smarter and quicker than I am.  I hope to catch him today to get him to the girl who'll place them, but even if I only get two of them, it'll help.  Damn, those little guys are fast!

Everyone have a good day.  Headed out to the garage.



karen C.
on 8/7/10 4:03 am - Kennewick, WA
karen C.
on 8/7/10 4:06 am - Kennewick, WA
How can you resist those cute little critters? I am such a total sucker for baby animals! Tho I have to remember that they do grow up all too soon.

Karen C

on 8/8/10 2:18 am - Somewhere in, NY

Yes, they're awfully cute.  But all I really have to do to resist them is to look around my house at all the cat hair piled up in the corners and under the furniture.  There's enough to make at least one new kitten, maybe two. 

Nope.  Three is enough.

I managed to corral Houdini this morning.  He is NOT a happy kitty.  I'll take him to the girl for placement either this afternoon or tomorrow.  Meanwhile, I take my life into my hands trying to put dishes inside the carrier to feed or water him.  Can't wait till he messes in there and I have to clean it up...

I couldstillsend him UPS if you'd like me to....

(Just kidding.  I would never do that.  Besides, he'd tear the UPS guy to shreds....)



IdaMae D.
on 8/6/10 10:03 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning OFF:

This has been a busy crazy week.  Work is crazy, murphy's law seems to kick in every day 15 minutes before I'm scheduled to leave which of course causes me to stay until said crisis is averted.

Been sleeping a lot lately, just can't get my butt awake @ 5am even though I'm sound asleep by 8pm.  This morning I made sure the alarm was off just to see what time I'd wake on my own, went to sleep last night 8 work up around 7.  It seems my body wants 10-11 hrs of sleep. 

Last Tuesday night I had dinner with an old friend I have not seen in 20 yrs.  We had an awesoem time catching up and just sitting there talking.

Today I'm off to a support meeting, not sure if my honey is going with me, he's working on his syllibus for a graduate course he's teaching this fall.

Hope everyone has an awesome day - I think I'm heading out for a morning walk.



George T.
on 8/6/10 10:14 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Good morning all!  Short night.  Getting up for work (part time job).  8-1 today.  Then home to watch the Rangers.

Our company will be leaving this morning.  It has been so  nice since Mary got her own car. 

Ho****er heater will be replaced Monday.  In the mean time, cold showers.  Used to take them when I was younger, but... oh never mind.  Tonight I have to clean out a space in the garage for the plumber to work in.  Won't be too hard.

Went to Aldi yesterday.  Can't believe their large eggs are only 69 cents a dozen.  Milk $1.29.  I got some cherries at $2.49 and strawberries at $.99.  Love that place.

Well, gotta get going so I can stop at Sonic for my breakfast.  Later.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

on 8/6/10 10:29 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good morning, ya'll.

It seems like so many of us have to depend on pain pills to make it through our days. Sad, but so glad they are available. And listening to many of you talking about not being able to put things together, or move/unpack boxes, and many other things, makes me feel sooooo fortunate to have 2 strapping grandsons living right down the street. All they really ask for is a meal, but I do give them money if the task is time consuming.

Saturday. When you are retired it doesn't matter what day it is. My DIL and the grandsons (and their girlfriends) will be heading back to school soon, so then I'll pay closer attention. Til then the kitchen is open every day, the big screen TV is always available for watching or playing Wii, the living room is always here for just hanging out, or getting away from home and taking a nap. I grew up next door to my grandma and I want these grandkids to feel as loved and nurtured as I did because of that proximity!!

Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


annette R.
on 8/6/10 10:59 pm - ithaca, NY
I worked on the machines at the gym again. The trainer showed me a few more hints so I don't hurt myself. It felt good to work those muscles (I  think)

After the machines I went to the heated pool to relax by doing slow laps.

Tom's foot and leg have ballooned and he is in big time pain. He had threatened to skip the MRI and specialist appointment on Monday. This set back was the push he needed to go.

Time to think about starting my day. The supplements have settled and breakfast is next.

Kisses to all Wearing Lipstick
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 8/7/10 1:29 am - Bradenton, FL
Hi Everyone,
I am working today at 7pm till 11pm. I love the sweet shifts!!!!! and tomorrow too. Monday is a work day then I am leaving for Chicago Tuesday evening. We will be back on Saturday in time for me to work again!!!!!
Nothing else much going on in my world.
image hosting site

Connie D.
on 8/7/10 1:40 am
Good morning Eileen and everyone.....

Not much time to chat...busy day planned....my sweetie got up and made me breakfast this morning....it was so good!!

Going to some friends annual BBQ and summer party about 1:00PM....it will be an all day and night affair. I always look forward to going to this one!!

Time to get in the shower and TRY to get pretty...LOL

Have a great Saturday everyone!!

Prayers...love and hugs to all....connie d

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