Hey ya'll, it's Saturday!

Eileen Briesch
on 8/6/10 3:42 pm - Evansville, IN
Howdy, OFF family!

For many of you it's the beginning of the weekend; for me, it's another day of work. But that's OK, I love my job, I love working, I have no big complaints, just little ones (the computer system is painfully slow, my brain and my fingers work much faster than the computer and it takes forever to search for stories ... my three major ones). I'm so grateful to be working again. Yes, I'm in pain a lot of the time, but I'm trying to cope with that. It's so much better than sitting at home feeling sorry for myself.

A week or so ago, I ordered a shopping cart from a place online called Elder Care ... some neat stuff on this site. This cart comes out of the box ready to roll, no assembly required (important for me). This cart will allow me to get all my groceries from my car to my apartment in one trip; plus, I'll be able to take in the heavy stuff without killing myself. I had two carts in Michigan, but left them in the garage ... didn't think I needed them. Both of those required assembly and were a pain to put together. This is a much nicer cart. Plus, this site had a grab bar with suction cups (and a few other things).

I have some forms I have to get out to the realtor concerning my condo ... the short sale is moving along (but slowly). But I have to find someone who will scan them in and e-mail them to me so I can e-mail them to him ... my printer is still not hooked up (and it will take some time, because I was having issues with it before I left). So tomorrow I will have to make a run out to Office Depot and see if they can handle that. Then it's back to work again.

Well, that's all for now. I had too much caffeine today. Did you know that Starbucks has a bigger size of iced coffee ... called a treinte (don't know if the spelling is right ... they're trying it out in Monroe) ... wow, it really revved up my day! I had two of those and I'm still flying.

Have a good Saturday and enjoy your weekend, if you have the day off. I don't get time off again until Monday.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 8/6/10 4:32 pm - Manteca, CA
Hi Eileen,
I'm here but barely. The drugs are helping with my pain but it is still there and keeping me humble. I definitely don't miss a pain pill. I'm sleeping mostly- I get up to eat a bit and watch some TV. Then back to bed. Goodnight all... I'm off to bed again.
on 8/6/10 9:47 pm - Somewhere in, NY

I know what back pain feels like.  And I really hope you're doing better soon.
Muscle relaxants always seemed to help me when I had a bad episode.  Those, combined with the good pain pills, and you can sleep for three days and wake up feeling like you could run a marathon!

Seriously, I hope you're feeling better soon.  You've been through enough.



annette R.
on 8/6/10 10:43 pm - ithaca, NY

You never realize that EVERYTHING you do involves moving your bac****il it hurts.

Take care and rest easy.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Eileen Briesch
on 8/7/10 2:47 am, edited 8/7/10 2:47 am - Evansville, IN
On August 6, 2010 at 11:32 PM Pacific Time, seasheleyes wrote: Keep taking the pain pills and resting, Julia. Ice and heat, gentle stretching, maybe massage if you can find someone who will be gentle. Take care of yourself.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 8/6/10 7:44 pm
Good morning, Eileen and everyone who follows!

We had a lovely day at the zoo yesterday.  We got a nice break from the heat and humidity.  It was still very warm but there was a nice breeze and we were in Cape May (near the ocean) so that helped!  We tramped around the whole place and tried to find as many animals as we could, our Little T, Ted and me.  The girls came too, but they went off on their own.  We got to see the giraffes and zebras feeding.  There were a couple of magnificent bald eagles out on their perches as well.  Many of the other animals had more sense than us folks did ;-) and they hid from the afternoon temps or slept.  Still, a good time had by all!

Today we're taking the little guy to a family birthday party.  That should be fun!

Margo M.
on 8/6/10 8:20 pm - Elyria, OH
eileen...i commented on the thread from the other day- i am so excited when i read your posts since your move--you really have put on your big girl panties and run with them!!!!yes; you still have aches etc -however you sound so much happier.....it makes me smile!

so -it's saturday- i work from 8-12 and then mom and i go to big rapids- i forgot some important stuff the other nite at wally's in cadillac....and i want to head to big lots...a special blanket there -hope that isn't gone too!!!!

i sent my mom to at thrift store yesetrday-last saturday i saw a pair of drapes( a mossy green pretty) that kinda excited me- didn't buy em and , of course, they were gone yesterday when she went back...i hate when that happens! anyhow-someone gave her a shower curtain in burgundy and she hates it but i took it--i can make some nice drapes out of it- it's just to cover one window and burgundy OR green would have worked...amazing what ingenuity can do!

i am hoping that tomorrow i get the cleaning bug again--i am so close to getting stuff actually moved around so we can have the whole couch -and the whole kitchen floor!!!

michael had "given" the 4 ****atiels to my mother when we were moving to hawaii- well; since we didn't go...he kept them...now he wants to
sell * them--i wish he'd just give* them to her- she has a wonderful large cage to put them in and her parakeets (some of which were ours) would love the cage that we have now---and i would like to put our stereo out in the living room but the cage is in the perfect spot for the stereo....and moving the stereo out of here would give us room in the computer room..strange concept!!!! ...........men! * (he forgets that she is losing mega rent money with us here --let's see $300+ X 8 months....hmmm....)(****see my signature!)

came home from a long work day and had a small glass of beer before dinner- by 8 pm i was out! cheap drunk, i guess! poor michael tho- my long days at work are longer for him stuck here!!

well- coffee cup is empty again- how does that happen????? and i need to get self motivated for another round of saturday at the bank (am working every saturday for the next i dunnohowmany! by choice!)

hugs and prayers ....................
and if you are lurking...chime in....!!!!!!!! you may be missed a whole lot  more than you know!!!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 8/6/10 9:16 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Eileen and everyone!

Today is going to be a busy day for me.  An old friend we haven't seen in years, contacted me through Facebook.  Tonight we are going to their home.  It will be fun to see them again.  Somehow you lose contact with people for no real reason.

Then, off after that to see my son's band.  Ugh, I think we will be the two oldest people there.  PLUS, they play heavy metal.  SO, it should be interesting..lol  No moshing in a pit for me.

Probably work in the yard early and get ready for this evening.  Passed out Avon books last night.  I was behind three books because of vacation and just life getting in the way.

I am my best customer..lol

Well, hope everyone has a great weekend. 



I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.


on 8/6/10 9:38 pm - Alexander, AR
Eileen, how nice to hear you sounds so happy! Today is my Friday, so I know what you're talking about  when everyone else is off today. That's okay, I'll laugh at them on Monday!

Not much but work going on here, but that's okay.

Hope you all have a wonderful day today and that your burdens are light!



Hey Eileen
Welcome to the south and the heat,.. I read mostly  on here but have seen how your life has taken a great path since the layoff. So happy for you that you found a job you love .
I have found that many times people just push the old folks aside and kinda forget us ..I consider myself old  LOL , just turned 57 and so wish I could slow time down so I could get 20 years out of this year.
Anyway , so glad you found happiness again even if it is in LA :) ...
PS  My sweety used to live in New Orleans and hated the weather there..
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