What's New for Friday...
I've been missing for a few days... I can't believe that I was so careless on Tuesday morning to get out of the bathtub and walk naked down the hallway. Our floors are stone and my wet feet just flew out from under me.... I was down hard, flat on my back. It hurt A LOT, and I had visions of broken bones, 911, naked with paramedics.... oh my gawd. I freaked out for a minute and then crawled to the nearest bedroom to pull myself up. I knew that I was hurt- tried deep breathing, etc., then called my doctor- they said go to Emergency for xrays. Oh no- I resisted that... so I just prayed that I could heal on my own. I iced it, sat carefully- distracted my mind. My daughter came to help. That night I slept pretty well... I thought I was home free. Then last night the pain got worse, and this morning I was screaming and crying when I got out of bed (quite a feat in itself). I called my doctor again and made an appointment. My daughter took me, my husband left work to take me to the hospital for xrays and get my drugs. The doctor called and said I have a disc compression... so I have to ride it out. The drugs are helping so much. I can't believe that I spent half of the summer nursing my back from the car accident only to injure it again just before school starts. Oh well- such is life. I've said this many times on here- boring is GOOD! Be happy for a healthy body in boring cir****tances.
Anyway- that's my life today... how about you?
I started up the same time you did. Missed by a couple of minutes. Deleted mine, but not before I cut and pasted it.
Hope you healt quickly. Them back pains are the worst.
Had my doc's pre-surgery appointment today and got a scare. The EKG did not look right to my doc. Said it looked like atrophibulation (part of my heart was not working right). He said it resembled it, so he wanted to have a cardiologist look at it. He said if he was right, I would be on blood thinners the rest of my life. Told him no can do, RNY, remember? He said there are options. He got a cardiologist to look at it within 90 minutes. No problem, just that I have a slow heart beat. Boy, I was worried, but all ok now.
Surgery is scheduled for 8/19 and I am ready. In case I have not mentioned it here, I have a contusion on my rotator cup.
Also, Wednesday night my ho****er heater went. Getting it replaced, but not until Monday it appears. Ugh. $650 I was not planning on spending. And that is only because I had a protection policy on everything in the house. Says there is a permit needed to install it. Plus, my house is old enough to where they have to install some stuff to bring it to code. Makes me wonder if the insurance was worth it. But I don't have the talent to replace it, so I would have had to pay someone something.
Well, hope your day goes well.
George, I am glad it was just a slow beat of the heart. We really need to watch ourselves. Sorry to hear about your upcoming surgery. Better on your shoulder than your heart.
Worked all day in the yard, even with my back. If I don't do it, no one will. My son does some things for me. Takes three hours just to cut our grass. Guess what? He broke up with his girlfriend and is back home. Great. He is a boomerang. Honestly, I keep tossing him out, he keeps coming back.
My daughter has been cooking dinner lately. It's nice but she makes a huge mess and leaves it for me to clean.lol I guess that is my price to pay. I don't make such a mess when I cook. I keep up on it as I cook.
Going to work again in the yard, trying to get it ready little by little. Yesterday it got too hot to work out there I had to come in and take a break.
Nothing else new here....
George and Julia, I will be thinking about you today
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

george-prayers buddy!
good day at work yesterday-finalizing some activvites and projects-
shopping last nite with mom and sil -a bit rushed so i didn't really "enjoy" -came home with KFC chix- still one of my faves- i know greasy- but i survived it!
today is the long day at the bank and tomorrow working -and some shopping for the important stuff that i forgot....wasn't written down-dang it!
humidity is down for a day or so and that helps...
michael now not only reads what i write but looks thru history and questions ...grrrr...
ok- hugs and prayers!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
it's a matter of principle.............
glad to see you pipe in tho!!!!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White