Thursday-what's new with you?

Margo M.
on 8/4/10 8:31 pm - Elyria, OH
starting the thread to say hello!
wasted my day off yesterday-not really-but feel like it--ah well....i needed it!
back to work then shopping and scrips etc tonite....
a teeny bit of cooler less humid weather and i love it!

what are you up to????
i need more coffee--
hugs and prayers............

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 8/4/10 9:40 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good mornin', ya'll.

I skipped water aerobics yesterday after my 30 min of gym time. My tummy was feeling a little quesy. I'm glad I came right home because I needed the facilities. Something I ate, or a bug going around?  Not sure but it only lasted a few hours after I took amodium.

This mornin, I will definately be doing both!! Then my DIL and I will be going for a mani and a pedi. I need all my nails to look good for the wedding next week.

Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


Nancy H.
on 8/4/10 9:42 pm - Traverse City, MI
Morning Margo, Can't believe I'm the second one to post.
  Today I am spending part of the day with one of my grandkids. She is 12 &  try to do this as much as possible. It's hard because I have so many. We will do some window shopping, have lunch & maybe walk down the path on the bay.
 Not much else going on here. Hope you al have a wonderful day!!
Connie D.
on 8/5/10 2:12 am
Nan...are you spending the day with Morgan...if so give her a big hug from me!!!!!! I keep her in my prayers everyday!

Hugs to you too....connie d
Nancy H.
on 8/5/10 4:40 am - Traverse City, MI
Hi Connie, no not Morgan. Maddie is sort of like an adopted grandaughter. She is the sister of my grandson, & she lives with my son & his family. He hopes to make it legal as her mother has a lot of problems, drugs, way too many men & not having a home. She mooches off of people & then gets kicked out.
Sorry, rambling, Morgan was here for 2 weeks this summer. Boy do I miss them!!
on 8/4/10 10:21 pm
Good morning Margo, Grammylew, Nancy and everyone who follows!

Today should be a little less hectic.  The only plans I have is for this morning--bank, Michael's, Borders and Walmart.  I wanted to pick up stuff to start another project or at the very least, a little kit to keep me busy for the next month until school starts.  I also wanted to pick up a board book for my grandnephew's birthday.  I love giving books as gifts.

Tomorrow we're caravaning to the Cape May Zoo.  I hope it'll be cooler down at the shore.   It's not supposed to be so hot and humid so I'm praying for a good day so we all have fun!

have a terrific Thursday everyone,

Sybul C.
on 8/4/10 11:39 pm - Alma, AR
Didn't get much done yesterday, just an off day.  Convinced my therapist to let me try to go back to work 3 days a week on Monday and went in to talk to my bosses.  They were agreeable to the 3 x wk but when I discussed my work load with them they wouldn't give me any consessions.  I went by my office which is in a shambles, work is still a month behind, no schedule for the month, etc, etc,.  by this time I was already having muscle spasms in my neck and shoulders.  By the time I got home, my boss had already called with things she wanted me to take care of the next day at work.  I sat here having a panic attack and not realizing what it was at first since it's been so many years since I had any, and cried all night.  The short version is I called my boss early the next morning and told her I am not ready to come back to work yet.  I spoke with my therapist and at least she was gracious enough not to say "I told you so".  I'm just disappointed with myself that I couldn't even make it to my first day back.  I'm beginning to think that when I feel better I should start checking out other employment.  I'm just not sure I can handle all the stress the job entails any longer. 
Today I plan to vacuum, mop, and make bierocks for my hubby to get my mind off things.  I made it a full 45 minutes on the elliptical night before last!  that's a first for me, lol.  Ya'll have a good day.

Connie D.
on 8/5/10 2:17 am
Sybul...I meant to mention it before how much I like your new look great!!

Glad you are taking it easy and NOT working....the stress at that job will only pull you backwards...causing more pain for sure!  Hope you can find another job where you will be appreciated!

Congrats on the Elliptical...good job!

Hugs....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 8/5/10 2:17 am - Evansville, IN
It's good you know what you can handle. Don't be disappointed with yourself. Be happy you know what you can do. There's no stigma attached with that. Follow your bliss.

I was smart enough to tell my former boss I didn't want to deal with the front page because I knew it would be too stressful. Now, that may have led to my layoff ... at one point, he told me that I didn't want to do anything but one section (not true, but it was perceived that way). I knew what the stress would do to me because of my pain level and my fibromyalgia. I stepped back ... well, somehow that hurt me. But that's OK. I'm all right with it. Maybe you need a less stressful path too. Follow your bliss.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Margo M.
on 8/6/10 7:52 pm - Elyria, OH
sybul...1st- i love the new photo!!!!!!!!!!! thanx for updating!!!!

i agree that you need to be not so hard on yourself.....some stresses just ARE NOT worth the anxiety .....

rest-recoup-- redo your resume!!!! you deserve better!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


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