Girlfriend's box of questions.
Okay's today's question. Chime in tell us.............
What is your most compulsive daily ritual??
I always put my right leg into my pants first and I always put my left shoe on first.
I don't know if this is really a compulsive ritual or just habit, but if I should put my right shoe on first, I have to take it off and put the left one on.
Crazy, huh?
How about you?
What is your most compulsive daily ritual??
I always put my right leg into my pants first and I always put my left shoe on first.
I don't know if this is really a compulsive ritual or just habit, but if I should put my right shoe on first, I have to take it off and put the left one on.
Crazy, huh?
How about you?
When I get up, I gotta go, then make coffee, turn on the computer, wake up slowly. All kidding aside , I'm a matchy -matchy person, so into the closet I go , find a outfit , get the earrings that go with the top, shoes that look good. into the shower. I find if I don't follow these few steps, I'm in slow mow mode all day.
A creature of habit is what I call myself.
You'll have a fabulous day, Later, Peg
My daily ritual is setting the alarm for 20 minutes before I need to actually get up and then hitting the snooze button three times before I get up. My husband thinks I'm a nut. He says just set it for when you actually want to get up and stop all this nonsense. I do it because somewhere I have the hope that I'll actually get up that 20 minutes earlier and do something constructive. It hasn't happened yet though.