Girlfriend's box of questions. Here we go!!!!

on 8/1/10 12:05 am - Alexander, AR
What is the easiest way to "annoy" you or 'push your buttons"?

Slamming doors!!!!! One day you might find me on America's Most Wanted for killing my husband and one of my co-workers. Seriously.



on 8/1/10 12:17 am
This is an adult-child related button pusher for me.  I have these grown kids that don't seem to understand how to pick up after themselves.  At the table, I find half empty glasses, crumpled napkins, pens, pencils, keys ... on the floor, shoes, socks ... you get the idea.  It's a little thing but it really hits my buttons hard.

on 8/1/10 12:34 am - Alexander, AR
I don't find it to be a little deal at all!  Jimminy!  You're talking adults here that should have more respect for you than to leave things around like that for you to take care of. High time they started taking care of you!  IMHO, that



on 8/1/10 12:46 am
Thank you!  LOL.  Seriously, though, I don't get this behavior.  I thought I raised them better!  :P

on 8/1/10 12:48 am - Alexander, AR
As Gary would say "if you accept it, you deserve it" and you most certainly don't.  So, just tell them they're big enough to help out and you're not going to do it anymore. Or....just go on strike!  Nothing like some passive aggression to help things along.



(deactivated member)
on 8/1/10 5:14 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
""if you accept it, you deserve it"...I love that and will remember it from this day forward.  EXCELLENT!!!  Thank you for sharing it and Thank Gary for the inspiration.

Jan C.
on 8/1/10 12:56 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Irish you know how i broke my kids of that stuff. I got a big garbage bag and everything that was someplace it wasnt suppose to be went in it  and into my closet...they werent around when i would do this and would ask hey mom where is so and so and i would say oh i threw it away , i didnt think you wanted it ...wasnt long before they started putting things up. because it wasnt just toys but coats thrown over chairs , shoes on the living room floor. etc ....i mean anything and everything that wasnt where it was suppose to be. .....they finally got to where it was going straight to their rooms , now the rooms were a mess but i made them keep their doors shut unless they wanted to clean the room up. lol


Connie D.
on 8/1/10 1:18 am
Hi Susan....cupboard doors being left hard is it to shut the door!!

Also.....when driving behind someone and they are just putting along...then you go to pass them and they speed up...ggrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Hugs again....connie d
on 8/1/10 1:46 am - Alexander, AR
Coming in a VERY close second to the slamming door is the open cupboard door. took about 20 years to get Gary to stop doing

Oh, and people who don't use their turn signals!



annette R.
on 8/1/10 1:29 am - ithaca, NY
Open closet or cupboard doors but especially when Tom tells me NO for no good reason.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
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