By my clock it is now Sunday, so post away. . .
Today's schedule has Tony coming down and then me attending a WLS support group for those 2 years and further post-op, from there I'll go home where I will prepare food for the week ahead. . .
Wishing peace and strength to all facing challenging situations and even if you're not. . .
Have a great Sunday! Be back to check on you all later. . .
P.S. Nettie, you are most definitely NOT fat. . . .
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I went to a small fishing village near me where they were having an Art on the Boulevard day. I bought some jewellery and ran into friends that I haven't seen since I moved from there almost three years ago. It was a warm but not horribly hot day like it's been for weeks.
Canadians like to have at least one holiday weekend per month and this month, it's called Civic Holiday, and so I have Monday off. Since I'm teaching 70 students over the summer, I'll be marking for part of tomorrow, but I'll be free to do whatever I please on Monday.
We got a new holiday last year in February, which, ironically, is the longest-seeming month of the year - the new holiday is Family Day - I think it's just an excuse to have a long weekend in a dreary month, and I'm all for it!
I've been feeling tired and am going to have some blood tests this coming week. I think that my iron levels may be low since I hate eating meat and consequently don't get much iron. My family doctor asked me if I am still going to the cancer clinic, so I know what he is thinking might be the problem, but I am not worried. It won't do me any good to worry anyway. The cancer clinic "fired" me earlier this year since I have been free of cancer for over 5 years. Hopefully, the tests results will get back to my doctor soon, and I can do whatever I need to do to start to feel better.
I am a night owl and so I am still up and not tired. I am trying to train myself, as Julia is, to get to bed earlier so that I will be ready when the fall semester starts. All of my classes this summer start later in the day, but in September, I will have two eight o'clock classes every week!! That will be tough for this late riser. I'd better get to bed soon so I will be ready in September for those break-of-dawn mornings.
Have a great Sunday.
Hope you slept well, I did, just woke up too early, seems 6 to 7 hours is my norm these days. . . I think Americans should copy the Canadian way of having one 3-day weekend a month, it would go a long way towards helping me fit more into my life, with all I did yesterday, there is still so much to do and I won't get it done either because of what is on my schedule today. . . oh well, no complaints from this part of the world, it just means I have a good life. . .
Anyway, I better get Roxie girl out for her walk, cause Tony is about 20 minutes away now. . .
Have a great day!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Reading your post made my heart warm, knowing that your family are such animal lovers. . . If I were ever to hit Lotto, I'd buy a big piece of property and be an animal dog rescue person. . . Chows are generally a more aggressive breed, if I recall, they generally like being an only dog, but most animals can be socialized with the right patience and a bit of working with them. . . good luck and hope your while lab is feeling better, I don't think I ever heard of a "white" lab. . .
Have a great day!
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Yesterday, I spent over five hours working in my yard. A little sore today, but going back out to work somemore. My daughter wants have a picnic today at a park that is about 45 min away. I need the break so I am going.
Workmans comp refuses to pay for my son's hernia operation. He has no insurance, I am worried to death over it. No clue what he is going to do. He seems so depressed. No job, now, no car and having all of this on him, I hope he can get the job. It would make him feel better.
We were going to go to Alabama but that is out. I am glad we went to Florida. It made my summer this year. Plus meeting Carla was a great day! Hopefully we can do it again in Dec.
Other than that, nothing special going on in my life. Maybe that is a good thing. Still trying to lose weight. Can't seem to budge the stall. You would have thought being in the Ocean every day and pool would have dropped some weight. I kept to the eating plan too. Oh well..... It has to break someday.
Have a great day. Monday's come so quick!
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Sorry your son is having such tough times, but try not to worry too much, it won't help the situation any and sooner or later things will turnaround. . . but sometimes it seems like it won't.
As for your stall, those last lbs. can be tough and after the 1st year passes, the weight comes off at a slower pace, so just perservere and you will reap the results. . . I am almost 3 years post-op now and still have 19 lbs. to go to goal, though my scale seems to go up a lot easier than down. . . I won't give up and I'm sure you won't either, more importantly is how far we've come and staying the course. . .
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Good morning, ya'll.
Yesterday my DH and I and our DIL went to a local Farmer's Market, then to a little produce stand, and on to Sam's. All before 11 AM!! Then we tried the new cantina tacos at Taco Bell. Our daughter has been raving about them (you have to expect that from her, she is the COO of a corp that owns 30 some TB's in the Northwest, and she is also a franchisee in a few). They were OK but not GREAT. The tortillas just fell apart (daughter says that's cause they grilled them and steamed them for too long). My DH and I just ate the guts anyway since the soft tortillas don't really work for us. They had LOTS of cilantro in them. I liked the pork the best, my DH liked the chicken best and our DIL liked the steak. So I guess there was something for everyone. I put sour cream on mine, and I think they could have used some cheese.
Today I have the bacon going for Sunday BLT's at Grandma's. Then a bunch of crochet. I am thinking about the packing for our quick trip to OR for our oldest grandson's wedding. I finished altering the dress my daughter gave me for it. I'll actually start the packing later in the week.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!
Funny thing, I went to Taco Bell yesterday too, had the Fresco Chicken Burrito, it was pretty good, don't think they have the cantina tacos up our way yet, but I'll be looking for them, don't eat fast food much anymore, but occasionally I do like TB, though I generally only eat the innards. . .
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland