wonderful Wednesday...what's up??
Margo, I know what a spraying season is like. I didn't work to hard in Minn, but I was always in Wis by the 4th of July (corn knee high by the 4th of July).
The company that I worked for had 13 airplanes and 3 helicopters. They went by seniority as to when we came to work. He had pilots there that had been there 30 years. They came in early in the season. When they couldn't keep up, he would bring in more and when they couldn't keep up, he would bring in more. I was needed every year by the 4th.
We had to roll our planes out of the hanger by 4:30 am, get the engines warmed up, get our paper work, get a load boy to load the plane, and be on the end of the runway ready to go as soon as you could see a white flag at the other end of the strip.
They would shove a hamburger in the window at noon, and we would run until it was so dark, that they had to put on the runway lights. Put the planes away, turn in your paper work and head for home, which was across the runway. Be home by 10 pm. We were so glad when it would storm and rain, because we got to sit on the ground and sleep.
Many years I would work with the local fertilizer dealer driving his Taragator. We would work early in the season and then late season at the first frost.
It was quite a life, and I sometime miss it, but then I remember, and then I say "John, what are you thinking? Tend you garden, and eat your goodies. Forget working."
Thanks for the reply......John
The company that I worked for had 13 airplanes and 3 helicopters. They went by seniority as to when we came to work. He had pilots there that had been there 30 years. They came in early in the season. When they couldn't keep up, he would bring in more and when they couldn't keep up, he would bring in more. I was needed every year by the 4th.
We had to roll our planes out of the hanger by 4:30 am, get the engines warmed up, get our paper work, get a load boy to load the plane, and be on the end of the runway ready to go as soon as you could see a white flag at the other end of the strip.
They would shove a hamburger in the window at noon, and we would run until it was so dark, that they had to put on the runway lights. Put the planes away, turn in your paper work and head for home, which was across the runway. Be home by 10 pm. We were so glad when it would storm and rain, because we got to sit on the ground and sleep.
Many years I would work with the local fertilizer dealer driving his Taragator. We would work early in the season and then late season at the first frost.
It was quite a life, and I sometime miss it, but then I remember, and then I say "John, what are you thinking? Tend you garden, and eat your goodies. Forget working."
Thanks for the reply......John
Don't blame me. I voted for Sarah......
michael really loved it too- the stories would match yours --
i think he is having great difficulty accepting that he is no longer 40 and 50 yrs old doing that!
i appreciate you writing about this-i hope the others aren't too bored! i thought about taking it offline but i love seeing about other ppl's jobs as well!
can i get you to send michael some of your tend your garden, eat your goodies and forget working wisdom?????!!!!
i think he is having great difficulty accepting that he is no longer 40 and 50 yrs old doing that!
i appreciate you writing about this-i hope the others aren't too bored! i thought about taking it offline but i love seeing about other ppl's jobs as well!
can i get you to send michael some of your tend your garden, eat your goodies and forget working wisdom?????!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
hey john!!! it is SO GREAT to see you are still here -even if lurking!!!
as nan cleared up; we are in northern michigan - the lower peninsula--- i live about 45 mins to an hour south of nan.....
please update us!!!
as nan cleared up; we are in northern michigan - the lower peninsula--- i live about 45 mins to an hour south of nan.....
please update us!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
I suppose the only thing that needs updated is Jordan. Almost a month ago, now, he got to be to unruly, so I had to let him go to another home. It was a sad day for me, but I know it was for the good.
With all my financial genius, I have fooled around with a line of credit on my home, that is secured with a mortgage on my deed, with a floating loan rate, and I know the way Obama is spending money, the rates are going to skyrocket shortly.
I have been remodeling the kitchen and painting everything that doesn't move, and some that does move (me), to get ready for an appraisal, to get a refinance. As they say, "live sucks and then you die."
Retired, went on Social Security, slowly going broke. Need a rich wife. ANYONE OUT THERE?
I got the new granite counter tops in last week, a new stove, a new sink, and today I started laying new floor tile.Got half way done and discovered I had tiled myself into a corner. No I really ran out of mud to put it down with. Will finish the, putting it down, tomorrow and then try to put in grout???? Who knows.
Still looking for a new "ole woman", but I am getting to the age that I have almost forgotten what to do if I find one.
It was really good to talk.....John
With all my financial genius, I have fooled around with a line of credit on my home, that is secured with a mortgage on my deed, with a floating loan rate, and I know the way Obama is spending money, the rates are going to skyrocket shortly.
I have been remodeling the kitchen and painting everything that doesn't move, and some that does move (me), to get ready for an appraisal, to get a refinance. As they say, "live sucks and then you die."
Retired, went on Social Security, slowly going broke. Need a rich wife. ANYONE OUT THERE?
I got the new granite counter tops in last week, a new stove, a new sink, and today I started laying new floor tile.Got half way done and discovered I had tiled myself into a corner. No I really ran out of mud to put it down with. Will finish the, putting it down, tomorrow and then try to put in grout???? Who knows.
Still looking for a new "ole woman", but I am getting to the age that I have almost forgotten what to do if I find one.
It was really good to talk.....John
Don't blame me. I voted for Sarah......
Morning Nancy and Margo,
Wow, Nancy you always amaze me with your schedule! I saw on FB that you had cut your hair, sure would like to see some pics.
Margo, I keep you in my thoughts and prayers daily. Hugs to you
I started PT yesterday for my back. One more thing to try to fit into my schedule. Oh well, it must be done. All I know is that I didn't have any back troubles before the accident and I do now, so someone is going to fix it.
Work continues to be crazy, thankfully. Busy is great, but I was in be before 9:00 last night. The way it looks, I'll be too tired to spend the extra money all these new clients are bringing in. Don't you love irony?
Okay, off to shower and get ready for my day. Hope you all are doing your best with all that life hands you!
Wow, Nancy you always amaze me with your schedule! I saw on FB that you had cut your hair, sure would like to see some pics.
Margo, I keep you in my thoughts and prayers daily. Hugs to you
I started PT yesterday for my back. One more thing to try to fit into my schedule. Oh well, it must be done. All I know is that I didn't have any back troubles before the accident and I do now, so someone is going to fix it.
Work continues to be crazy, thankfully. Busy is great, but I was in be before 9:00 last night. The way it looks, I'll be too tired to spend the extra money all these new clients are bringing in. Don't you love irony?
Okay, off to shower and get ready for my day. Hope you all are doing your best with all that life hands you!
Good morning, Nancy, and everyone who follows!
It's the middle of the week already!
Nancy, I don't know if I could ever deal with dial-up again. You have the patience of a saint. I think it's so cool that a company wants to buy your artwork and use it, good for you! I'd love to see pictures of you now that you've had a hair cut too.
I was almost in the middle of a cat fight. I was at my computer with one of the cats, Indigo, sprawled across the desk. Another cat jumped up and at first, Indigo didn't notice him. Then all of a sudden she looked, puffed up to twice her size and started spitting, hissing and flailing with her paws. Mouse, the other cat, back-pedalled nearly into me and there I was, right in the middle. Eeeeek! I pushed my chair back as fast as I could, LOL. The two cats have been talking hate to each other since, Indigo still on my desk and Mouse trying to keep his dignity on the floor. Whew!
Yesterday I ventured out with my daughter to the library and then to Walmart. The heat wave "broke" yesterday, it was only 89 and so I felt brave. Anyway, we got more books and movies from the library to keep us busy during the next 10 day heat wave.
Ted and I had put some money aside in an account for Kristin to use for some of her education expenses and we cashed the account in so she could get a laptop and accessories for her classes. The check came and cleared and she was so excited about it we just had to take her to get her "Kraken". Yes, she named her computer "The Kraken" after that Titans movie. Heh. So now she is pretty set except for needing her textbooks and there will be plenty for that.
I am going back to college this fall too, finishing up my associate's degree. I hope it will make me marketable so I can get a darn j-o-b!!!!
Last night I watched The Road to Bali for the first time since I was a kid and the Road movies used to run on TV. I got a good laugh. It sure is nice to have old classics to watch because summer TV well, bites.
Not much cooking on the burners for today. Later!
It's the middle of the week already!
Nancy, I don't know if I could ever deal with dial-up again. You have the patience of a saint. I think it's so cool that a company wants to buy your artwork and use it, good for you! I'd love to see pictures of you now that you've had a hair cut too.
I was almost in the middle of a cat fight. I was at my computer with one of the cats, Indigo, sprawled across the desk. Another cat jumped up and at first, Indigo didn't notice him. Then all of a sudden she looked, puffed up to twice her size and started spitting, hissing and flailing with her paws. Mouse, the other cat, back-pedalled nearly into me and there I was, right in the middle. Eeeeek! I pushed my chair back as fast as I could, LOL. The two cats have been talking hate to each other since, Indigo still on my desk and Mouse trying to keep his dignity on the floor. Whew!
Yesterday I ventured out with my daughter to the library and then to Walmart. The heat wave "broke" yesterday, it was only 89 and so I felt brave. Anyway, we got more books and movies from the library to keep us busy during the next 10 day heat wave.
Ted and I had put some money aside in an account for Kristin to use for some of her education expenses and we cashed the account in so she could get a laptop and accessories for her classes. The check came and cleared and she was so excited about it we just had to take her to get her "Kraken". Yes, she named her computer "The Kraken" after that Titans movie. Heh. So now she is pretty set except for needing her textbooks and there will be plenty for that.
I am going back to college this fall too, finishing up my associate's degree. I hope it will make me marketable so I can get a darn j-o-b!!!!
Last night I watched The Road to Bali for the first time since I was a kid and the Road movies used to run on TV. I got a good laugh. It sure is nice to have old classics to watch because summer TV well, bites.
Not much cooking on the burners for today. Later!

Morning Nancy, you do keep busy!!!! My DH is going fishing for a few days today. Finally, some me time, well me & 4 dogs. Have lots of plans. I will wait & see how much I get done.
I still have beans to pick & can, raspberries to pick & freeze. I did dig some potatoes yesterday. I love fresh potatoes.
I have a question for anyone. If I eat a lot I seem to drop a few pounds, If I don't eat I gain at least 1 1/2 pounds. I don't purposely not eat, I just don't remember. Anyway aqny advice is welcome! Please enjoy your day, no matter what is in store for you.
I still have beans to pick & can, raspberries to pick & freeze. I did dig some potatoes yesterday. I love fresh potatoes.
I have a question for anyone. If I eat a lot I seem to drop a few pounds, If I don't eat I gain at least 1 1/2 pounds. I don't purposely not eat, I just don't remember. Anyway aqny advice is welcome! Please enjoy your day, no matter what is in store for you.
Good mornings Nancy and everyone.....
Nancy.....Nice to see you start us out today!1 I too am excited about seeing your new look...awesome!! Did you donate your hair to Locks of Love??
John....welcome back...you have been missed!!
Margo....I continue to keep you in my prayers..HUGS!!
Nan....enjoy those days (almost) alone!!
As for me ...I am still putting along. Doing things with my granddaughter before she goes back to Minneapolis. Kind of nice to have company....as I live alone most all the time.
I need to get back to work......just wanted to do my usual check in....I will be back later.
Prayers to so many in need.
Have a great day!!!
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Nancy.....Nice to see you start us out today!1 I too am excited about seeing your new look...awesome!! Did you donate your hair to Locks of Love??
John....welcome back...you have been missed!!
Margo....I continue to keep you in my prayers..HUGS!!
Nan....enjoy those days (almost) alone!!
As for me ...I am still putting along. Doing things with my granddaughter before she goes back to Minneapolis. Kind of nice to have company....as I live alone most all the time.
I need to get back to work......just wanted to do my usual check in....I will be back later.
Prayers to so many in need.
Have a great day!!!
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Hi Nancy and all my OFF friends,
I've been MIA since my grandsons were staying with us last week. We had a wonderful time together. I did need a few days recovery though. I was tired but it was a good kind of tired. We did something with them every day. My son told us that when they were alone with the boys, they said they wanted to come stay a week again with us next summer. Our 3 yr. old granddaughter was with us just for the weekend and when my son said it's time to get in the car to go she cried, no, I don't want to go. We will get to see them again in August and in September. Then it will probably be Christmas before we see them again.
Still hot as h*ll around here, in the 90s every day and humid. Yesterday we decided to shut off the AC in the common areas of the house and just AC the bedroom. We may have to rethink that if I'm expected to cook in an already hot kitchen!
Nothing going on tonite after work. I think I'm going to tackle organizing all my tiger cub scout stuff. I found out that I already have 8 tigers registered and we get our largest amount of boys signed up at the fall registration in Sept. I need to put in an order for the coming year to Oriental Trading. So I need to take stock of what I have. I think I'll be ordering 2 dozen of everything to make sure I have enough. BSA changed the programming helps this year so I may need to figure out some more games, crafts, skits, etc. on my own. I have lots but I need to remind myself of them. I also have uniforms somewhere that my grandson can use for starting cub scouts this year that I need to find.
I need to get back to work.
Stay hydrated everyone. Hugs and prayers to those who need them.
I've been MIA since my grandsons were staying with us last week. We had a wonderful time together. I did need a few days recovery though. I was tired but it was a good kind of tired. We did something with them every day. My son told us that when they were alone with the boys, they said they wanted to come stay a week again with us next summer. Our 3 yr. old granddaughter was with us just for the weekend and when my son said it's time to get in the car to go she cried, no, I don't want to go. We will get to see them again in August and in September. Then it will probably be Christmas before we see them again.
Still hot as h*ll around here, in the 90s every day and humid. Yesterday we decided to shut off the AC in the common areas of the house and just AC the bedroom. We may have to rethink that if I'm expected to cook in an already hot kitchen!
Nothing going on tonite after work. I think I'm going to tackle organizing all my tiger cub scout stuff. I found out that I already have 8 tigers registered and we get our largest amount of boys signed up at the fall registration in Sept. I need to put in an order for the coming year to Oriental Trading. So I need to take stock of what I have. I think I'll be ordering 2 dozen of everything to make sure I have enough. BSA changed the programming helps this year so I may need to figure out some more games, crafts, skits, etc. on my own. I have lots but I need to remind myself of them. I also have uniforms somewhere that my grandson can use for starting cub scouts this year that I need to find.
I need to get back to work.
Stay hydrated everyone. Hugs and prayers to those who need them.