wonderful Wednesday...what's up??
Well, Wednesday morning, I’m reuniting with half of the twenty breast cancer survivors (the rest succumbed to the disease) who created the Niagara Breast Cancer Survivors Support Group just after my own diagnosis in 1990…it will be twenty years cancer-free for me in October! And 36 years cancer-free for Mom!
Then in the evening, JB (hubby) and I take out three of his cousins for dinner...one has a birthday...two are from out of town. One of them has copies of the family tree that I'd ordered...for JBs mother's family, the van Hartens...goes back to the 1600s in Holland so that will be fun...likely it's in Dutch so he will have to translate it all for me and for our sons. ( I'm taking my light salad dressing and my lil bag of seeds and nuts and dried cranberries along.) So another full day ahead...I'd better get my buns to bed! Have an awesome day, everyone! Nancy B
i just have a few minutes-
nancy i am so anxious to see an updated photo with your new hair length!
and the proposal for the mandalas!!OMG!!!! will taht up the price on the coloring books now? guess i need to order mine quick!
we had a lost weekend here- literally- michael does not remember anything since thursday nite's supper....til monday--mom/sil / nephew and i had to reconstruct whole weekend for him- he is amazed- we actually had almost lost him....
back to work today-should have worked mon off yesterday and today but took monday due to michael- picking hours up today then work thru saturday...i think i am going to look for fall/winter cashiering somwhere for weekends and my days' off.....to supplement.
still carless-may be for quite some time- challenging! jan--my mom is my taxi service ...i appreciate but can do NO pleasure driving right now....it's ok-
well- without going into details i guess i'll take my boring self to the shower--
read the last few days' posts- so glad to see ppl talking back and forth--julia- you are right- if the thread is started overnite or way early they talk- last week i could have started a few times but didn't wanna be a piggy! candy - my weeds are doing fantastically!!!! i watch them every day from inside the ac trailer!!!--hey your comment even got john to post out of the woodwork!!!
hugs and prayers to all....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Good morning Margo and everyone else....I off to de stress my self from work today forcing me to get out in to the shade garden and pulling weeds and planting some more shade perienials....coral bels and Hostas that a lady gave me. i think there are about 20 coral bells in the box she brought to work...have been working too much lately will be a great paycheck but the stress is telling on me badly, I am getting depressed and feeling like i dont have anything that i like going. which i dont lol
Joe said i wondered when it would start getting to you . Nursing is a very very stressful job , it is easier actually on me now than it was when i retired but still stressful , i let them talk me into more and more days untill im all but working full time....but one good thing i just paid all the yearly insurances for the house and truck , and motorcycle and the rental house with out turning green with letting go of that much money at once lol ....
going to get out and plant today and pull weeds that is the best de stresser for me there is. playing in the dirt. cant get stressed out doing that. will fill my large jug with ice water and go dig....come play with me ....
I use to work up there. Roseau and Bodettee. OK in the summer, but what about the winter. I know what all those people I worked with do, but we are old now. What do you do?
Yes they got me out of the wood work......Cheers, John
I went to northern Minn, to spray the spring wheat, barley, and treticaly. After I did that I went to central Wis to spray the green beans, potatoes, and sweet corn for Del Monti and Green Giant. I would finish spraying Sept 15Th and after that, I jump on my bike and travel the good old US of A. Next spring, back at it again. .....John
after awhile he would go to hawaii for his "time off"
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
My wife always wanted to go to Hawaii, but it was just to much $ for us and 4 kids. My sister married a fellow from there and she goes back at least twice a year. Yes, I envy her.
Tell me more...John
at one point he worked 120 hours in a week spraying!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White