Tuesday, What's New? *****cat....
I can do boring too! Today's just going to be more of the same--the heat & humidity will keep me indoors hiding in the air conditioning. I can't go to the park and just sit and relax because of the excessive heat and especially can't walk the trails. It's hot and humid at the lake and the water temperature is very warm so that's not an option either. The shore is too far and too expensive and everything else is too far away to get to. Can you tell I just don't do heat and summers well? LOL...when I was young I loved the summer. Of course, I lived right by the beach and it was free to go there.
I'll probably cross stitch a little. I'm making a birth announcement for my soon-to-be-born granddaughter. I may venture out to the library depending on how hot it seems when I open the door.
Other than that, I'll probably just play some facebook games, read, nap and watch a movie or something.
Have a terrific Tuesday everyone!

My car accident was last December and I'm still having insurance issues. Now the DMV wants me to get checked by my PCP again. This has to happen within 30 days or they will automatically revoke my license. This is to prove I do not have a seizure disorder.
My older daughter & two grands are arriving on Sunday. I can't wait to see them. A shopping trip is in our plans. Lindsay wants a Vera Bradley back pack for school. Travis wants a car - hmmm - he's out of luck.
Hi Julia and Friends,
Sorry George and Eileen. . . What do I do to stay sane during 24/7 baseball???? (Don't they ever get a day off?) And even if I LIKED baseball (which is like watching greass grow to me by the way) our Seattle Mariners are not exactly "hot!"
However, the weather is (hot that is) so I've been getting out in the yard early in the day when it's relatively cool. Then it's inside to make aprons (new "old" pattern that I found among Mom's patterns), play with my food dehydrator (apple chiips, banana chips so far), poach eggs in the microwave with my "new" thrift store egg poacher. Made doll changing tables for H and C.
Didn't make it to the gym yesterday so will go early today. Going to a friend's for dinner. She loves coconut cream pie. Think I'll make the sugar free "Cool Coconut Dessert" version to take.
Got new glasses yesterday. Had never tried "Lenscrafters" at our mall. I had my prescription from a recent eye exam. Last glasses I purchased from my doctor were $500.00. . . Hard on retirement. We have a small vision benefit. I was impressed with the service. In a little over one hour and $350.00 poorer, I left with my new glasses on my face! Kind of trendy ones too! Old frames had been in use for about 6 years so it was time.
See? I can do boring too! Have a good day everyone!
Karen C
I may be attending a Zumba class (the first for me) tonight. It doesn't start until 8 and by that time I seem to be firmly ensconced in my house, not wishing to venture out, so we'll see.
I am still teaching my 70 students for the summer. They are a wonderful bunch of mostly mature women who are willing to do the work and who appear interested in what I have to teach - wow - quite different from my "just out of high school" classes in the fall and winter who seem more interested in texting!
Julia - I can't believe that you are back to teaching so soon. Do classes actually start in August??
Everybody - have a great day.