Happy Monday! Whatcha up to?
Morning All,
Used to be it was a sorta race to see who started the thread, now it seems it is never done before I leave for work. . . guess everyone is busy these days or on FB, as Susan and others have noted. . . while I do FB, I usually just do the games and move on, so I miss a lot of those who used to be here. . . I read and like Susan's idea and hope it gets people back into it here. . .
Well, nothing exciting here on the East Coast, though yesterday I did prune and tie my tomato plants up and found one that was ready to come off, did not eat it yet, as I wanted to share with my roommate who helped plant and tend the garden, this morning found another, less ripe on the ground, must have fallen through the night, this has really been a fun experience, even if my red peppers seem to be green, and yes, I have left them on the plant to ripen, but they start rotting, so I am convinced that the people in the store put the wrong sign on my pepper plant and I don't eat green peppers, oh well, got lots of banana peppers to cook up and the zucchini, well that has been so yummy. . . ok, gotta go take my Roxie girl for her walk and then it's off to work.
You all have a wonderful day and I wish you peace and strength to get through life's more challenging experiences.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Happy Monday morning!
I missed Susan's idea ... what was it?
As for me, if I post it's usually later in the morning or early afternoon and that's mostly because I don't really have anything to say. SOSDD. It's hot, it's humid, I'm staying indoors where I can hide in the air conditioner, my daughter's recuperating, we're watching movies, I'm reading and playing Facebook games. Ho-hum.
For me, summer is very boring. I'm not near the shore and there's nothing to do in this hick town. Everything else is a half hour drive away and I just don't have the motivation to get into a hot car to drive that far just to walk at a mall.
Geez, I'm depressing myself so I'll just shut up!

Today DH has to be fitted for a Tux. He is performing a wedding in August. He is also going fishing for a few days this week. I get to shop & have some me time!!!!
I believe only 2 things going on for August, company from California & the wedding.
I hope you all have a great Monday!!!!
Good Morning Laureen and Friends, Will this wind ever end? Now it's a hot, dry wind not a gentle summer breeze. When I step outside it feels like I put my face in front of an open oven door! Sure is hard on the garden. The combination of high heat and wind is not its friend. Tomato blossoms seems to be dehydrating on the vine.
Nothing much today. Going to attempt to pick out and order new glasses. Hard to do when so nearsighted that I have to be CLOSE to the mirror to see them. Not the best way to choose a frame style. Kind of have to trust the optician and I have more than a bit of "lack of trust" factor going for me.
One week from now and I'll be back at my daughter's for 2 weeks then they are pretty much on their own. Erin starts back to work this week. Four days from home Wednesday at long day in Seattle 90 miles away. That day starts at 4am to avoid the traffic and gets her home about 7pm if she's lucky. Briley is doing great but Hannah and Clara have the croup. . . Isn't this a strange time of year for that? Daycare! Sure hope the baby doesn't get it. Hopefully Mamma's natural immunities will be shared with Briley. So instead of the twins being in daycare this week, Erin will be attempting to work amidst the twins and Briley. Josh is home most of the day but it will still be hard to get much done. I don't envy them!
Plan to take my small tent and basic camping gear and escape to the Washington coast for 2 days of alone time on the beach. I'll stay in an attended campground but one right on the beach so that I can enjoy the sounds and walk, walk, walk. I love to spend hours on the beach searching for shells, listening to the crashing waves, hearing the shore birds, and breathing the salt air. It will probably be the weekend. Wish the twins were old enough to take but I don't think we're quite there yet. By next summer at 3.5 they will be much easier to manage and no diapers!
Need to get some breakfast, a shower, and get out of here. Have a good one.
Karen C
Believe it or not, it's only 81 degrees here today and raining. And of course that means I have a headache and body aches. I wanted to go to the pool today, but with the rain, that's off. I do need to go to the grocery store ... I'm out of stuff, like frozen dinner and other stuff. Like basic food.
Well, last night I kicked butt doing sports ... four pages, was done well before deadline, with enough time to spare to help out with proofing. I was so tired, though, when I got home, and my tummy hurt ... really bad stomach cramps ... I've been having IBS flares the last couple of days. Yuck. Had some peppermint tea when I got home, and that seemed to help ... I was also chilled when I got home, funny because it was so hot and humid out, and all I wanted to do was get under the covers. I feel better today, other than the headache and body aches ... but that's the weather.
Cassie, I don't have a lot going on in my life, yet, I seem to babble on forever, don't I?
Oh well, I need to move on, get going and get dressed, get groceries, etc. Have a good day.
Summer has been busy, busy. Next weekend we go back to my hometown for my 40th high school reunion! Class of '70. I'm the M.C. - I've done that at most of them. It will be really fun. I couldn't believe it, but Michael wants to go again! I think he gets a kick out of me. We have fun.
Onward with the week...
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
I am headed to the gym. Exercising helps release some tension. When I am counting the repetitions I can't concentrate on worrying.
Laureen, I still can't get the hang of FB.

Try to find concentrated cherry juice -- maybe a health food store, and have Tom drink it in some water or full strength. Also he can eat cherries - I use the no sugar added cherry pie filling. There is something in the make up of cherries that will alleviate his gout -- honestly it does work -- I've used it many times. I'm sure the doc gave him of list of foods not to eat that aggravate the gout -- especially shell fish!
I hope this helps -- it's a simple solution.
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
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