It's Thursday, what's your plan for the day?

Sybul C.
on 7/14/10 3:22 pm - Alma, AR
Good morning everyone!  It's just after midnight so technically it's Thursday.  I caved and made me a cup of coffee.  Only had one pot yesterday so I'm doing better anyway.  Called and set up appt.'s to see the c-pap guy (haven't been in a year), Dr. Roller which is set for the next day so I'll be going to Springdale on a Tues. and Fayetteville on a Wed.  such is life.  Couldn't get them on the same day.  Tried to check on the status of my precert. for the dental work and the dentist office is closed for the week so they can all take vacation at the same time.  I plan to finish mowing the rest of the yard in the morning so I can get the flea and tick granules out before it rains.  I plan to hit some sales in the afternoon and find a few pairs of slacks for work.  I've been exercising and tracking my food again and already down 4 lbs. in a week and a half.  Maybe I can make it to my goal weight before my doctor visit on the 28th.  I sure would like to.  My sister gave me this HUGE Schwinn elliptical that takes up most of my front room.  The darn thing is taller than I am and does everything except cook for you, lol.  I'm loving it.  Feeling much better and feel I'm ready to get back to work.  I'm getting restless.  I sure hope I can snag a cancellation before my Aug. 11 appt.  I'll really go crazy if I have to wait that long.  I hope everyone has a really good day.

Eileen Briesch
on 7/14/10 3:50 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Sybul and my OFF family:

Good for you on losing 4 lbs. I have dropped 6 lbs. since I got down here ... I credit the heat and not sitting at home all day eating, plus doing all this packing and pitching, and unpacking and pitching during the past month.

I have news, and it's not good. I got into work today and one of my new coworkers said, "You weren't here yesterday, so you didn't hear the news. Gannett is going to close the CPC." (content production center, which is where I work in Monroe)
Oh great, I said, I just got here! I asked when I was down here for the interview how solid this place was, and I was told this place was going to stay open, it was not a stop-gap measure. Well, Gannett is now going to consolidate further into regional design centers. And we were assured that everyone would have a job somewhere (yeah, I've heard that before). Some would be needed as copy editors, because the copy will have to be sent to the design centers page-ready, with headlines. Some will go as designers; some might be kept as reporters or assignment editors. 

This might not happen for two years. The design centers would be in Des Moines, Nashville, Asbury Park, N.J., Phoenix, and one other city I can't remember (Louisville, maybe?).

I'm quite upset about this. I've been here three weeks now and who knows what will happen in two years ... this could happen sooner and things might not happen as we've been told, as happened in Grand Rapids, when I was told I was "one they wanted to keep," only to be laid off.

The tale of the washer continues; I got a loaner yesterday, but still had water leaking from under the washer. I called the maintenance guy, and sure enough, he found a bunch of dried lint clogging up the drain. The rent-to-own place is working to fix the other washer (where the hot was coming out when I put it on cold, and vice versa). But at least now it won't be leaking when I try to do the wash.

Well, that's been my story lately. I said today I think it's me ... I just get here, and they're ready to close the place down.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




karen C.
on 7/14/10 5:44 pm - Kennewick, WA
Eileen, Just do what you can do. Sounds like you're enjoying your job. Nothing else you can do about the situation, but I would sure try to have a "rainy day" fund in case things go south for you again. . . Two years is a ways away. Maybe by then you'll be ready to retire or to try another new area. Hang in there. I know it must be very unsettling when you are still trying to get used to a new place.

Karen C

Laureen S.
on 7/14/10 10:25 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Hi Eileen,

Karen said it well, enjoy things as they are now and don't worry about the tomorrow so much, save what you can to create a cushion and things will work out for you. . .  I know it's hard, I have lots of issues at work and who knows what will happen, but I also know in my heart that all things happen they way they are meant to open other pathways, so just try to do what you're doing and stay focused on all the good stuff I've been reading in your posts lately, the stuff you are doing that you didn't get to do before, it's all bringing you up to where you need to be to be more marketable. . .

Hugs and good thoughts going out to you.


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Sybul C.
on 7/14/10 11:19 pm - Alma, AR
Hi Eileen.  As "Pollyanna", my baby sister, would say "there's a reason for everything that happens, you're there for a really wonderful purpose, you'll see".  Seriously, that does sound sucky.  Maybe things will change in the next two years?  Good luck.

Eileen Briesch
on 7/15/10 1:08 am - Evansville, IN
Thanks, Sybul, Karen and Lauren:

This is just a cruel joke by the universe, I think. I guess I just have to sit tight and wait it out. I am just getting too old to be moving around.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




karen C.
on 7/14/10 5:31 pm, edited 7/14/10 5:36 pm - Kennewick, WA

Hi Sybul and Friends,

 I use the elliptical a lot at the gym. Wonder if I would use one at home. For some reason exercise equipment collects dust at my house but I'll use it at a gym. Don't know why!

A couple of fun things going on right now. Little things but they make me happy. I bought a Mr. Coffee Food Dehydrator at ValuVillage yesterday. A big thrift store investment at $14.00 but  it sure works great. Dried 6 bananas sliced into thin chips in about 8 hours today. Apricots will be abundant and free soon, apples, who knows what else? I like the fact that the bananas are pure, nothing added and they taste great.

Second thing is that a friend and I are attending a summer musical production of "Footloose" in Walla Walla tonight. It's a 60 minute drive but well worth it. The weather is gorgeous, sunny, warm not too hot. The production is put on  my the community college and they always do an excellent job. A new show each summer. Over the past 20 years I have seen "Sound of Music", "Oklahoma", "Wizard of Oz", "Pajama Game", others I can't remember! The theatre is an outside amphitheatre at Fort Walla Walla. It starts at 8pm but we'll go early as it's first come, first served seating. You can take in your own drinks and snacks so we're packing a picnic dinner, a cushion, drinks and a blanket as it gets cool here in the desert when the sun sets even in July! Should be a lot of fun. I love live performances.

Already lost this post once so I'll close before "finger error" gets me again. Hope you all have a great day. As a matter of fact even if it starts out not so hot MAKE it a good one!









Karen C

karen C.
on 7/14/10 5:39 pm, edited 7/14/10 5:41 pm - Kennewick, WA
I keep removing the extra spacing above myprevious post by editing it out and it keeps showing up. Grrrrr! What gives? Third time was the charm. Don't know what the problem was.

Karen C

Pat R.
on 7/14/10 10:41 pm - Sturgis, MI
Nope, the space is still there, Karen!   At least it's showing on my computer.......mine has really been acting up lately but don't have the $$$ to get a new one with my Germany trip coming up in Sept.

Making progress on getting my new top teeth -- he actually said I could get whiter ones, so I selected two shades whiter than my old ones (which were rather yellowish) and also they are making them just a bit smaller.  Guess it will be worth the $885 when they're all done.
Five trips to see him in all before I get the final product.

It was 74 deg here when I got up at 6:30....quickly stripped the bed and got that washed and now in the dryer so my garage won't heat up more than necessary.   Have to go out to Wal Mart as soon as they open to drop off a prescription and get a few items....mostly cat, pets are expensive!

We are to get severe storms today -- glad I will be staying home after my shopping trip.  The humidity is so high, I ache all over today, even inside with the a/c on.

I am hoping to get more hours at the bank -- I really need the money, and they were excited that I had volunteered....I will either be filling in on the switchboard/receptionist or learning more about insurance.
They promised me 19 hrs a week - I now work only 9 and sometimes 12.  I told them I wouldn't work full time -- after all I'm 71 and supposed to be will hopefully have every afternoon off, but may have to work a few Sat. mornings.

Time to fix my hair and get on the road.   Have a blessed day.

Pat R.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
karen C.
on 7/14/10 11:19 pm - Kennewick, WA
It looks fixed on mine Pate. See if it goes away if you hit the "refreshe" key. Let me know ok?

Karen C

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