Good Sunday Morning! what's new?
ok-if you bet on me or the weeds- i actually pulled about 1/3 of them --there are lots!!! and now my back and upper thighs are screaming at me!!!! that's why i was up at 1 am--
mom is picking me up soon to make a newspaper run and a cuppa together- have to get michael some smokes and some decaf....
not truly sure what today holds other than getting ready for another work week-
have one load of wash on the line and another in the machine now
listening to great 60's music on the tv and may just goof off all day......
has anyone ever been to The Tall Ships when they come to a port? mom and i want to go next Saturday in Bay City.......
hugs and prayers
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
I don't have much to talk about and basically just wanted to say hi and wish everyone a lovely Sunday.
Kristin is post op day #3 and I will encourage her more to take off the knee splint. The surgeon said it could come off on day 2 but I think she's really scared about it. She does need to put weight on her leg and bend the knee so I think my day will be encouraging that.
We're enjoying hanging out together. We're working through our DVD collection, lol, and luckily it's extensive so we've got lots to watch.
Enjoy, everyone!

A VERY lazy Sunday. Grandsons both spent the night at friend's houses. So I will either a) have no one for BLT's this morning or b) have the grandsons and a couple of friends.
Delta airlines has made ANOTHER change to our itineraries for our trip to OR in Aug. This is the THIRD change. I think they owe us a few FREE itinerary changes in the future. Or can we charge THEM $150 per ticket per change? BAH HUMBUG!! At least they gave us enough notice to adapt before we leave.
I had a nice little 'chat' with our son on Facebook this morning. It was so nice to sit here and know he was 'talking' to me in real time, from a ship somewhere in the Middle East. We will all be so happy to see him home next month!!
Everyone have a fantabulous day.
Last weekend they were all here. We had a blast. They went mudding with the quads. We have a big puddle on the property & did they ever get dirty!!
Looks like Jamie will be transfered to Indiana. Only a few hours from home. After 10 years in N. Carolina it will be a change for him.
Well I best shower & get dressed, been a lazy day so far.
Have a great Sunday everyone.
Good Morning all,
Carl fell and broke 3 ribs during the rain in chicago the other day. He is in a world of hurt and wont go tot he er to get drugs!!!!!
I am going to work today for 12 hours!!!!! The schedule didnt get posted yesterday so everyone was in a tizzy.
Other than that everyting is hunky dorey!!!!!
Take care, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
We've had a couple of gloomy days ... when we get rain here, it doesn't cool down at all, just pours for a bit, so it gets extra steamy.
Last night I did Monroe sports. Didn't do too badly ... tonight I fly solo. From what I understand, this assistant managing editor lays out exactly what he wants on every page and where he wants it, and a lot of times actually puts it on the page. He even tells you what order you should put the scoreboard items. Talk about micromanaging! Oh well ... and then he also goes and corrects things on the page. Less chance of me making mistakes, I guess. Although I almost made a big one ... realized I didn't cut a story as I was sending out a page. Fortunately, I was able to fix it in time. Whew! That was a close one.
My supervisor put together a little welcome and goodbye dinner ... welcome to me and this other guy, goodbye to the two guys who are leaving. Stacey brought in Subway sandwiches, macaroni salad, grapes and chips, plus a really good lemon cake (I had a very small piece, but it was good for a non-chocolate cake).
Not much else going on ... just back to work tonight. On the phone right now talking to my brother Gary ... got to find my headset because this is killing my neck.
Anyway, have a good day.
I'm shaky today... don't know if it's high sugar level or what. Or I caffiened out. Had a SMALL bowl of cereal and a plate of nachos. Certainly nutritious.
Can't get motivated today. Just not feeling up to par, I guess. Going to the movies this afternoon to see Despicable Me.
(sigh) Just was thinking 'be careful what you wish for'. Guess I'll just work on an attitude adjustment.
We are steamy here, too, Eileen. Lots of rain lately.
Everyone have a good day.