Saturday, What's New?
Good mornin', ya'll.
It's Saturday and we are supposed to get a lot of rain. I don't really mind, except our back yard doesn't drain well, and it's like a wading pool out there for a couple of days.
My DH and I went to lunch with our DIL, some girls from her work, our two grandsons, and an 'adopted grandson', to celebrate her 20th anniversary. I'm sure she would rather have been spending it with her DH (our son), but the Marines had different plans.
I have just been crochetting my little heart out. I like to keep a baby girl and a baby boy set on hand for someone who needs one. Well, my daughter and DIL think I should have one of each color set for each of their children. They are concerned my arthritis will get so bad I won't be able to make outfits when THEY become grandmothers. Sounds good to me. I just love to crochet (it keeps me from eating). And now I feel like I have a reason to do it.
I am starting to think about my packing for my trip to NY for my 45th reunion. It's such a pain having to pay for bags. I would rather only have to pay for one. BUT...if I have so much stuff I need the second one, I want to fill it up so I am getting my money's worth. As for carry-ons. I only take a small thing that fits under my seat. Don't get me started on the folks that bring two HUGE carry- ons and then try to cram them into the overhead, or check them at the gate. They just hold up everyone getting on and getting off.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!!
i am not sure today if i'm coming or going....
yesterday at work was gruelling- i thrive on busy so it was a long day- then when it picked up- watch out world! by the end of the day tho i was frazzled--there were two of us all day on a three person day---and there is a local community fair causing big change orders etc....anyhow- i survived- had dinner with mom out and should have stuck with the decaf only- the fish was so greasy i thought i would lose it on the drive home--attempted to watch some tv with michael and was in bed before 830 last nite--
roxie scratched me in my left eye this morning- appears to not have caused damage -thank God--however it hurt like the dickens and watered like nuts for two hours...
michael fell out of bed last nite again- it took him a very long time to get back into bed too- dunno if he was disoriented or in i will wait to see what he says now that he is awake...(just got up he did)
well- those of you on fb--isn't life great! my kids have announced to the world that they are moving next weekend but i am not even told yet--why should a mom know anything about her baby boy and his family?????(this is the one married to the daughter of the perfect gramma) hmmmmppppffff- you bet i am miffed here.... i'll get over it tho---
ok- so --i have been threatening to weed the veggies for weeks- last week i did about everything else BUT! and today i have to bite the bullet...i think i'll put my bathing suit on and enjoy the sun then take a sit in my pool.......are we placing bets on whether or not my veggies are alive under all of the weeds??????
karen c and i have corresponded about the Quaker heritage and our thoughts and i am NOT trying to get religious here so don't anyone get offended- i, too, feel the closeness of their beliefs - i was disapointed to find that the nearest active Quaker mtg to me is almost 2 hours away by car ....
well- just my thoughts.....
ok- so roxie is on my lap and i won't succumb to sitting wasting another day....
hugs and prayers..........................
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Many years ago, when I was first out of college, I hung around with a friend I now call Crazy Gwen. Crazy Gwen had gone to Sidwell Friends School in D.C., which has a Quaker background, so she had attended Quaker services ... she wasn't Quaker per se, but liked to sample a lot of faiths, so one Sunday we went to DeKalb, Ill. (where I went to college, btw) and attended a Quaker service.
I too found it fascinating ... like nothing I've ever seen before or since. It started with a general prayer or reading on a beautiful fall day ... leaves were a golden yellow and orange and the sky was a deep blue. Then someone got up and contributed a reading; then the kids were led downstairs for their own service (or play time). At that point, with just the adults, the room got very quiet. During the rest of the hour, one other person got up to share a thought or read something. At the end of the hour, the group leader said, "I guess we have a consensus." Then he closed with a group prayer. And that was it.
It was the most peaceful and meditative service I've ever attended. I sat there contemplating the glorious fall day ... I didn't think that it was boring or slow ... just that I had a chance to think about something other than myself or my problems. It really gave me a chance to clear my head. I loved it.
Good morning, everyone here!
At last! Clouds in the sky and some rain. Can the heat wave be broken today? I sure hope so!
Today will be a quiet day as we aren't seeing Little T what with Kristin recuperating and still needing some help.
In the last couple of days I've watched more old movies than I have in months, LOL. It's fun spending time with the kids. I let Kristin pick the movies and so far she's been on a Harry Potter and Disney kick. It's a good thing she's choosing ones that she's seen many times because with the percocet she is taking, she conks out frequently!
She's able to get around more and more so she'll be on the mend fast and soon would rather be on the computer than watching movies with mommy. I'm enjoying it while it lasts! :)
Have a good day everyone!

Not much planned for today. Run a few errands and that's about it.
I talked to the Hospice RN about mom yesterday. She feels that mom's pain is pretty well managed. They have a guideline to follow about whether or not to increase the strength of the pain patch. Because of mom's dementia, they are asking her every two hours whether or not she needs extra pain meds. In order to increase the strength of the patch, she'd have to say YES 4 or more times a day. The most she has shed YES has been 3 times a day. So, at least for now, the strength of the patch will remain the same.
The nurse also told me that they will evaluate mom in about two weeks time to see whether or not she will remain on Hospice. My hope is that her pain will be well managed by then. She has gained 3/4 of a lb. and now weights 77.25 pounds.
All in all, I am feeling pretty good about things with mom. At least for today, I do know that we have done the best/most we could for her and that knowledge brings me peace.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Cindy P.
Wow, not many on here yet today. I don't think I'm on here that early.
Well, I didn't sleep that well either. First, Scooter kept waking me up; then AT&T woke me up to pay my cell bill ... aarrgh! So I finally got up and fed Scooter too. Plus, my knee has really been bothering me ... hurt like hell last night and still hurts this morning ... I have the ice packs on it already. It's the weather ... I had a headache most of the day yesterday, too, even when I went to work. Fortunately, I got rid of that with drugs and an ice pack on my neck.
I finally got my paycheck yesterday ... had to go into the office to get it, but the managing editor had put it under my keyboard. Fortunately, the crazy credit union cashed it and I was able to go spend it. So I had to find PetsMart (GPS Gertie ... yes, I've named her ... didn't have PetsMart for Monroe in her, but I remembered that it was near the mall), get cat food for Scooter; then I was trying to find Lowe's and saw it, but couldn't figure out how to get over there ... at that point, I was hungry and decided to have lunch. The waitress told me how to get over to Lowe's (it was on the other side of the highway and I couldn't see how to get to the bridge). This Lowe's had the dumbest employees ... I had a coupon I had gotten from the USPS for $10, plus two coupons from the newspaper insert last week ... first the cashier said one of the coupons was for Home Depot (I told her no it wasn't); then she said I couldn't use the Lowe's coupon for 10 percent off with the other two coupons. I said it was for $10 over the entire order, not 10 percent ... her supervisor came over and said the same thing, 10 percent, so I had to explain it to her, too. Geez, where do they find these people?
Tonight, I get to do Monroe News-Star sports; young guy who's doing it now was showing me how to do the scoreboard stuff ... you know, all the tiny type ... we call that agate. I'm probably going to do that tonight. Sunday, I'll also do sports. Last night, I proofed a bit and then did one Lafayette page, so I learned a bit of their styles. Every newspaper is a little different, not at all like in Grand Rapids, where for the most part, all the newspapers conformed to the same styles (type for headlines, etc.)
Well, I've babbled on long enough. I'm finishing my coffee and want to get to the grocery store yet this morning. Didn't get to do that yesterday. I have a lot of canned goods, but not much else. Need some produce ... wish I knew where there was a farmers market around here.
Have a good weekend ... mine doesn't come until Monday-Tuesday. Ah well ... I'm happy to have a job. It feels good to be working again and earning a paycheck.
It makes me happy to hear that you are again using your newspaper skills the way you were meant to. You're able to produce work that makes you feel good instead of passing time at a job that was making you more and more miserable!
Thank you for your description of the Quaker service. I'll be spending 3 nights in a Mennonite B and B in Washington DC in the fall. Then I hope to stay with a Quaker family for a couple of days in Chester Co, PA where my mom's side of the family lived in the late 1600s. I am so non confrontational. Perhaps this is where that comes from.
I want to do some more reading. Have you read PLAIN and SIMPLE. It's a favorite little book about Quaker life and whati s really important. Some wonderful reminders for all of us. We do not have any Quaker meetings here in eastern Washington state but I found one about 30 miles from my daugther's. I plan to visit it next time I am over there. Gotta run.
Karen C