Hey y'all, it's Thursday
I'm been MIA, not spending too much time on the boards lately, but stopped in this morning to say hello and catch up.
Our daughter came in on Saturday from New York and is staying until Monday....it's so nice having her home. We had a cookout over the weekend, went swimming in the pool, she and DH made homemade egg rolls, which they ended up throwing away because they did not turn out - lol - and yesterday was basically trying to get back to normal after her boyfriend left on the train to go back to New York.
I hope everyone is staying cool and enjoying the summer thus far. I'd better get back to work now.....have a great day!

I spent Tuesday night with my mom. She has a pace maker and it seems to be pushing thru the skin so she kept bleeding. Finally got her to her surgery yesterday. Thank GOD they did not need to remove the pace maker..but, they did discover a blood clot. She is doing great..she just called to tell me she is going home and not to come to the hospital. She also told me to take a nap I sound "tired"....

I have an appointment this afternoon with my mom's cardiologist..seems I have inherited her problem with atrial fibrillations. FUN FUN...although I'm a little scared of her dr.
but, I'll play nice cause I want him to give me clearance to go back to my water aerobics class...I haven't been able to participate for 2 weeks..!!!!!! I MISS CLASS, lord help me, but, I MISS THE EXERCISE ! ( If anyone had told me 2 yrs. and 200 + pounds ago that I would be saying that I would have laughed and thought they were crazy)..
Hugs and blessings to all who need them..
Sounds like you're doing fine, and all the 'rules" will work themselves out. Kind of nice that you got that extra 8 hours, but I'd bet it won't be happening again too soon.
We have chances of rain every day for the next week. Welcome to the South! Last July we didn't have one single day without rain, so it's looking like a rerun of last year. That's ok, our lawn looked great!
Just finished The Help and enjoyed it so much. After talking to some clients who are old enough to remember those times(early 60's) they said it is about as true as it can be. I can't imagine. But, I grew up in a different place than the South, so it was very enlightening.
Support group tonight, so yet another night out late and away from Gary. One week a month, glad it's not more!
Margo, hope things get better soon, but it doesn't sound like the light at the end of your tunnel is burning to brightly. Maybe soon?
Good Morning Eileen and Friends,
Kudos to you Eileen. Even a job that a person is well trained for will have some little things that are so different. Every job that I have had for the first few days was confusing and I felt inept. Some jobs within a few weeks I was so confident with that I found myself wondering, "What the heck was I all worked up about; this is something that I do well!" Hang in there, it will get better day (or night) by day. Sounds like you are working with a nice group of people.
I saw a sign on the employee's entrance somewhere recently that said, "Attitude is a choice!" That was an excellent reminder for me and I'm going to remind myself of it often. Another wise friend of mine once said, "I figure I can be happy or miserable just about any place on earth. " Also so true.
This morning I leave my daughter's growing family and head back home. I've been here almost 3 weeks. Little Briley is doing well with nursing and hasn't had any of the acid reflux breathing episodes since she has been home so I feel comfortable leaving.
They are all starting to get into a bit of a new routine revolving around Briley! Little ones become "petite queens" quite quickly. And it is so hard not to pick her up!
Yesterday after daycare Hannah, Clara and I watered all of the plants in the backyard. They're having a bit of a heat spell, nothing like back east. Here in western Washington it rains often enough that they forget about how stuff dries out in the heat when it doesn't rain. Poor flowers were drooping. H and C loved learning to "shower" the plants with the hose and nozzle. It was hard enough for them to do that they didn't mind "sharing" every 5 minutes or so. We were all soaked by the time we came in but it gave Erin time to feed the baby before turning her attention to the twins.
Pat, My mom developed ear wax problems and it affected her hearing. Notice any difference in that since having it removed? Hope that takes care of the problem.
It's 7am and I hear cribs shaking upstairs and Briley is starting to stir. It won't be long so I better get off of here. Have a good day everyone.
Karen C
I am going to check out ear wax drops next time I'm at the pharmacy. I sure don't want that episode again.
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
I sure know that I can be happy or miserable just about any place on Earth. I learned that a long time ago ... I've moved so many places I learned to grow where I'm planted. I take root wherever I am at the time.
I came down here with the attitude I would be happy here, I was going to fit in here like I fit in everywhere and I was happy to have a job. I spent my 401K to move down here, but even that didn't bother me. I never thought I would get another job, especially in my own field. To be told I was valuable again lifted my spirits. It gave me worth. I know it will take time to get up to speed ... their InDesign program is so much different than what I worked with in Grand Rapids. But finishing that one page made me feel so good. There were things I wanted to do with it that I couldn't because it wasn't their "style" ... like running two head shot photos (we call them "mugs") side by side ... not their "style" ... oh well, it would have looked nice. Got to convince them it's a good idea. These things take time.
I'm glad they're not throwing me in the deep end and expecting me to swim the first week (or second) by having me do the front page ... boy, I was worried about that. I believe by the end of the month, I could do it (at least I hope so) but right now I have to get my sea legs back. (I'm using enough cliches here, aren't I?)
I just offered to come in Sunday morning to do my usual Monday reports since I'm on vacation next week. My V.P. sent me an email saying that wasn't necessary. Have a nice vacation. That is great.
Eileen, you will be settled into your new job soon. It's a complement that they are giving you a whole page after a week.
Pat, Glad they were able to pinpoint your ear problem right away and that you're feeling better.
Karen, Going home is a double edged sword. It will be restful to be home but you will miss all your grandkids.
The Grandsons arrive Sunday afternoon and I'm so excited. I got their room all done last night. I even bought new sheets that have jungle animals on them. I opened the windows and the room should air out nicely. We are supposed to get some relief from the hot, humid weather next week.
My weight is back down this morning so it must have been too much salt that caused my 5 lb. jump. Thank goodness.
Nothing planned for the rest of the week except to get ready for the Grands. Hubby leaves Friday morning to spend the weekend there with our nephew at a boat show. Then they will bring the grandsons back with them. I will get a lot more done without Hubby underfoot.
Have a great day everyone. Hugs.
I just finished my job for the week...now I am on weekend time until Tuesday....wooohoooo!!!
Thank you all for the Happy Birthday wishes....I just love my OFF family!!!!
I am going tanning now and then off to start my weekend fun!! So many friends....so little time...LOL!!!!
Many prayers so many in need here today!!
Love and hugs to all....connie d