It's Saturday, watcha' up to?
Good mornin' ya'll.
Nothing goin' on here. Can't decide if I want to go to the gym for some treadmill, or just use my elliptical here.
My DIL wants me to make something 'light and airy' for dessert at the July 4th party tomorrow. She doesn't mean calorie light, as none of the folks there are watching their figures (except my DH and I). So I have been going through cookbooks.
I am nearly done with the trim on my latest baby afghan. Now I will put the trim on some store-bought fleece baby blankies. I want a good boxful of stuff to mail to my daughter on Tuesday.
That's about it. The humidity is still way down here. HOORAY!!
Have a fantabulous weekend!!
Not much going on here today. I'm kind of sad actually. We were supposed to see our grandson and take him to the playground but it's not going to happen for reasons I can't say in public. I wish I could. I miss having an easy outlet, a neighbor I could go and have a cuppa coffee and cry if I needed to.
Anyway, don't want to be a drag so I'll just wish everyone a happy Saturday and move on!

Kind of quiet here on OFF today....everyone is busy with 4th of July activity.
Just doing a quick check in....nothing new with me.
I too have a busy day planned.
Wishing you all a terrific day!!
Prayers to all in need....special one for Cassie today.
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
low fat, low sugar but no body knows....and it's a breeze to make.
1 extra large graham cracker crust
1 3 oz. box s/f orange jello
1 cup of low fat cottage cheese
1 - 8oz low fat cream cheese
2/3 cup boiling water
3 pkts sweet & low or other sweetener
2 Tbsp. orange juice
1 8-oz cool whip lite
1 sm. can mandarin oranges, drained well.
In a blender put dry jello, sweetener, orange juice and add boiling water to dissolve, blend for about a minute.
Add softened cream cheese & cottage cheese and blend until smooth.
Place cool whip in a large bowl and gently fold in the orange mixture.
Fold in mandarin oranges and pour into the should fill it up nicely and sit quite high. Chill for at least 4 hrs. before serving.
You can use other flavors of jello/fruit, but this is my favorite and always requested at our church suppers.
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Made a small salad to take to my sister's tomorrow -- it's a layered cauliflower/bacon/lettuce/red onion salad and has to sit 24 hrs. Yummo!
Got to finish cleaning then free time until this evening when I'm planning to go out the my son's church for "Dogs on the Driveway" free hot dogs and entertainment, followed by fireworks. Always have a really nice time.
Have a safe day.
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
some shopping later with michael and then i dunno- weeding veggies tops the list and dishes washed- plan to veg out some myself this weekend......may buy a kiddie pool at wally's and soak my butt......
would love to head to nan's on monday but not sure yet what the day holds- michael's moods swing so quickly that i can't plan.....
need to do some cooking ahead cuz i am tired of planning meals at nite when i get househusband has been slacking quite a bit on the job lately....not complaining- just saying....
hugs and prayers to all
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Sorry to hear so many are going through a difficult time. I hope it gets better.
Nothing new here. Getting ready to go to my brothers tomorrow and to Florida on Tuesday. Lot's of work to do.
Hope everyone has a nice day and it is going to be very hot here today and this weekend.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Nope, still hot and humid down here in Louisiana ... 85 and humid ... I don't think it ever changes.
At least no asthma attack last night. I was prepared if there was. I stopped to get some cough drops at a 24-hour drug store, so I took a different way home and got home without the GPS ... hurray! The main reason I use it at night is because the shorter way home is down side streets that are so dark. I technically like in the "Garden District" and some of the little streets that lead here are one-way and very narrow and not well lit. Last night I took the main drags so I could hit the drug store. Didn't need the cough drops, but had them just in case.
Last night of work for the week ... the first week has gone well, but I'd like to try doing a page. Maybe not the front page, but an inside page would be good. I've been playing with a dummy page for the past couple days, trying to pull photos and wire stories, putting them on the page, doing a few different things, getting reacquainted with the pagination program and their program in particular. But in the meantime, I keep proofing, which is OK ... gets me familiar with the five papers.
Not much else going on ... Scooter kept trying to get me out of bed early this morning; I resisted and stayed in bed til 10. Well, have a good day.