Hey, hey, hey! It's Freaky Friday, what''s new with you?
Hoping that the new baby and Mommie are doing well and that the sisters are loving their new sibling. . . and Grandma, well, seeing as you are at it so early, get some rest, will yah!
My week has been hectic and I am more than ready for a long weekend. . . no time to go into everything as I need to leave for work, just wanted to say hi to you all and hope that everyone is doing well. . . I have a busy tomorrow with my BARIX First Saturday support group meeting and then off to NY for my Godson's High School graduation dinner party, so not sure I will be here until late tomorrow or Sunday, looking forward to pool time and the weather is supposed to be very cooperative here on the East Coast. . .
Be safe, and wishing all the best of life and the peace and strength to get through the rough spots.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I should definitely still be sleeping but it ain't happening so here I am. Josh came home yesterday, picked up the twins from daycare and spent the night in his own bed. I drove up to Olympia about 45 minutes from Erin's' and spent until about midnight with her and Briley.
Briley is learning so much. Just her 3rd day in the real world and she is a nursing pro already. I was hopng that part would go well and it has. With the twins it didn't. They were so early and Erin's body wasn't ready with enough milk. This time Briley is strong, ready and so is Erin. Plus just having one and being experienced at motherhood is a real help. Briley latches on and sucks hard enough that it sounds like milk hitting the bottom of a bucket!
She is now sleeping on a 45 degree wedge that will come home with her hopefully later today. She's starting to gain back the 1/2 pound she has lost since birth. She whips her little head back and forth with her mouth wide open like a little bird. What strength and instinct in that little body! It's' so much fun to watch.
After she ate about 7pm Erin felt well enough to go up the street to an Italian restaurant for dinner. She bought mine as a thank you. Not necessary but nice. Kind of reminded me of when she was in high school. Once in a while when she would come in from a date we would sneak off to a Denny's or somewhere else open late and have breakfast and talk. It was a good way to stay in touch with her during those sometimes trying years.
I am so proud of her. She is a wonderful young woman and a confident loving mother and wife.
Hopefully when the twins come home today from daycare Baby Briley WILL be in the portacrib. They run over there each day so eager to see their little sister!
Can't' believe it is July already! It will be a pretty quiet 4th around here. Just a lot of thanks for a healthy new grandchild and the fact that I am able to be an active, healthy part of her life. Whatever you will be doing this weekend please take care!
Karen C
What an image I have as you describe your little sweetheart. She sounds absolutely delightful. You are very lucky to be going through this with Erin and Josh and being able to see your kidlets often. I miss mine a lot.
Hearing you describe Briley's good nursing skills reminds me of how many of the babies I test DO NOT know how to suck. I often put a gloved finger in their mouths and some just chew and gum my finger, and others are like your Briley....grasp right on and give a powerful, sucked in cheeks pull on my finger. It is always a problem if baby's instinct doesn't kick in for awhile.
This morning I am at home when I was scheduled to test babies. Got a call from my supervisor saying they are replacing our testing machine with a new one so won't be testing babies until we are all retrained on an updated version. Hopefully it will be state of the art and not the antequated current version.
I hope you are all having a super weekend, and that you have moments of quiet calm. I love those moments.
Sorry I have been absent a lot lately. I really miss all of you and haven't even met a few newcomers. Welcome to our new member who just had surgery a few days ago. That brings back such memories of 4 years ago (wow 4th on July 26). Everyone is right.....you will feel better every day, and allow yourself to nap off and on........I did that for about a wee****il I finally started feeling energized. I also have kept up the habit of always having water with me. Good luck to you!
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
Karen C
Oh Karen, it sounds like everyone is doing so well. Not much happening here.
Gary bought tickets today for the Chargers/Saints game in August. AKKKK, New Orleans in August, are we crazy?? Yep, we are crazy Charger fans. The kids will be going with us and since they are well traveled in NO, they will be our tour guides. I'm really hoping to catch up with our Cajun Angel, at least for a cuppa and a sisterly hug.
That's about it, see....I said not much going on. So I'm off to the shower and to work. Hope you all have a great weekend. Be safe and happy!
Good morning, ya'll.
Oh, Karen isn't grandmotherhood wonderful? You are so lucky to be able to be there during this time. And Erin is very lucky to have you. A little quiet alone time with her sounds very restorative for both of you.
Today I go get my port flushed. It happens every 6 to 8 weeks until Sept 2011. Hopefully by then everyone will be as positive as I am that this gall bladder cancer is GONE!!
After the flushing I'll head to the gym. I may not get there in time for the start of water aerobics. But I would rather do the treadmill than the aerobics if I can only do one. I always do the treadmill before the pool. After the water aerobics I just put a cover-up thingy over my suit and come home. Many of the girls shower and dress and go out to lunch. With this bad shoulder I have a very hard time dressing myself if I am damp.
Yesterday afternoon I realized I needed another skein of white yarn to finish the trim on this afghan. I could have waited until today to go get it, but blame it on my OCD. Once I am on a roll I can't stop and pick it up hours later. So off to WM at 5 PM. BAD time!!! Cops with sirens blaring going this way and that. Two ambulances flying by, once on the way there, once on the way back. Terrible traffic. Someone with over 30 items in the 20 items line. Then they needed a price check, cashier had to find someone to take the security thingy off a package, then the guy's credit cards were declined so he was making phone calls to who knows who. They finally opened another express line! It took me 90 minutes to drive 7 miles to get yarn and get back home!!
Another gorgeous day in paradise. The humidity is way down, just the way I like it!
Have a fantabulous day.
Everyone enjoy their 4th and I'll "talk" to you next week!
Yesterday was my 2 year Surgiversary !!!! I spent it seeing my drs. and having blood work.
Today I am relaxing and hoping it gets warmer here in NY. Usually its really hot by now...right now its about 40 degrees outside...brrrr...chilly.
I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July...not much going on here. Enjoy the fireworks!!!