Question about supplements
It's time for my annual check-up. I take all of my supplements religiously. I get 1600mg of calcium citrate, 1600mg of Vit. D, 800mg of Magnesium, a Zinc daily, iron daily, 5000mcg of sublingual B-12 twice a day, my daily multivitamin, 1000mg of Vit. C every day. I need to make the appt. to go see Dr. Roller and get my labs checked but I haven't had time yet. They just checked my thyroid and D levels and did a CBC and CMP when I was in the hospital last week and they were ok. The question is, if something is out of whack, could that be causing some of this deep depression I've been going through? I go to get interviewed to see a shrink today, joy, joy. I have been off work for almost 3 weeks now and I'm going stir crazy on top of everything else. They have me on so many meds for my nerves I can hardly function. On top of that, I think one of them is the culprit that is making me really nauseated all day. I know I've been really stressed lately but what else is new? I usually can handle things pretty well. I just put on my big girl panties and move on. Maybe I need a bigger size?
chances are your D is in trouble. Do you have PTH
iron, ferritin?
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.