What's New Thursday Edition

on 6/30/10 10:42 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Everyone,

I am sorry to read all the heart break this morning.  You all seem to have something stressful happening in your lives.  I hope, it can get better.

Carla-  It was great talking to you last night.  Looking forward to it...

Nothing much going on.  Today off to do errands and cut a womans hair this morning.

Verizon is suppose to come out and fix my line, but I have a hard time dealing with them the last month.  I am beginning to wish I could get another service.

Have to get going this morning....

Have a good day, even though it is hard to push through another day.



I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.


karen C.
on 6/30/10 11:05 pm, edited 6/30/10 11:06 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning Cindy and Friends,

As you travel through these difficult days I send positve thoughts that you will find the strength that you need. I am so glad that you realize that you need support and that it is available to you. From personal experience I know how physically ill one can become from stress.

You are doing the best that you can for your mom at this stage of her life. l'm sure we would all be angry but that doesn't mean that you should become ill yourself. Sometimes the "right" decision for a loved one is not what they want. I'm sure she feels trapped. We all would.

Are you trying to find the time and energy to get out and "away" from your troubles at least a bit each day? For me it is so difficult not to obsess and dwell on the situation 24/7. That helps no one; most of all you.

I'm certainly no expert at living for the moment. I'm not a formally religious person but the Serenity Prayer reminds me to "accept the things I cannot change." So tough, but also freeing when I am able to do it.

Back to the present. Oh how I admire grand parents who are RAISING grand children. I love these little two years olds but man oh man are they exhausting. Thank goodness for a quality daycare and their training to sleep from 7:30 pm to to at least 7am! Even tho I don't sleep good I get some "me time" then. I changed poopy diapers at 2am for Clara. Of course, Hannah work up also. Changed them, got them a drink of water and then sat in the rocker in the room and sang quiet soothing songs for a few minutes. Then told them I had to go potty and that I'd check beck on them in a few minutes. . . . They were sound asleep again in just a few minutes. It's now 6am and not a sound.

Little Briley is on meds for acid reflux. She'll come home with a "wedge" to elevate her upper body. The pediatrician made Erin and Josh feel a lot better. He said that this is fairly common.Think I'll get out by myself for a couple of hours this morning. I'm sure there will be little time for that in the next week!

My thoughts are with all of  you. New jobs, old jobs causing stress, family health issues, trying to lose or maintain weight loss. There's a country song out there called something like "Sounds like life to me". It's a good one.

 Like it or not there are "hills to climb" in order to see the view from the top. On the other side of that hill will be a time of "coasting" and perhaps a lovely valley. . . and then guess what? Another hill! We have to remind ourselves that nothing lasts forever even if it sometimes seems like it does. Sometimes I need to think "one hour at a time" as anything else is impossible! May you all find the courage needed to face life stresses. AND may you find and take the time to "smell the roses" along the way!

Karen C

on 6/30/10 11:40 pm - Alexander, AR
Hi Cindy,

I think most of us have either gone through all of this already, or starting to face it. So sad that it's such a common thread.
Gary's mom was very angry when we first moved her to the board and care facility. She has Louie Body's Disease, which appears like Alheimers, but is actually a form of Parkensins'. After two years she's very compliant and happy in her own little world. She just announced here engagement to the King of Spain! Yes, that's right, she thinks she's been having an affair with him, and even shows us her jewels he has given her. Of course, they're just costume jewelery that the two SILs let her have, but she's very proud of them.

Going to go see the doctor today and get checked out after the accident. I'm still stiff and sore, even had some tingling in my leg yesterday, but that went away. I talked to my ins carrier and they are finding her 100% at fault, and the fellow is coming today to take a look at the damage. It's worse than we thought, the trunk is catty whampus, of course the dents, and the trunk doesn't always close properly, leaving the warning light on the dash lit up.

It's always something.

Hope everyone has a great day!



Connie D.
on 7/1/10 1:13 am
Good morning Cindy and everyone....

Lots of stress and heartache here today. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I have been there and done that with both my parents....not a fun place to be.

I am sooooo excited. ....I am having my little Gracie for a week starting July12th....I have so been waiting for this!! I talked with her a couple days ago and said I was coming to see her. She said no Nana I want to come and see you. Jamie and I discussed it and we have it all worked out. Nic will be in Montana that week. Jamie said she would love some time to herself. This is the best for all of us!!  I will go down later this summer and see Nic or he said he might come up here. YAY...I finally have something good to look forward to!!!

Kyleigh, Amanda and Lucas hope to spend time with me this summer too....that would be awesome!!!!  We need to start working on a plan to make that happen.

My cleaning fairy is here doing her magic. I need to finish up the grocery list so she can be on her way. She is also going to Wal Mart for me....good because I hate going there!

Hope everyone can find a little happiness today.

Prayers to so many in need.

Love and hugs to all.....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 7/1/10 2:47 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Cindy and my OFF family:

Yeah, it's tough seeing our parents age ... we are having problems just getting my mom to get a hearing aid. She insists she doesn't need one, even though she can't understand anyone on the phone, has to have the TV turned up so loud you can hear it outside (and even then can't understand half of what is said); she at least knows she can't drive to certain places and even is welcoming having my brother living with her so he can drive her to the doctor, etc. But when my cousin moved my Aunt Bernice into the nursing home, that wasn't a happy day at all ... my aunt always asked when she would be able to go home. Eventually, she settled in and became OK with it, but she never took her meals in the dining room or did any of the social activities; she found them boring. She would rather sit in her room and watch TV and read or play cards with her daughter or anyone else who came to visit. I know it will be difficult if we ever have to move Mom there ... she is so obstinate that she will have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of the house. We'll probably have to drug her (just kidding).

Well, I woke up this morning to no phone or Internet ... so much for Comcast's great service. I'm using a public network right now. Comcast is coming out tomorrow between 1-3. Hopefully earlier because I have to be at work at 3.

It's gray and cloudy and a little cooler today ... 82 degrees. But it's still very humid. I'm going to finish this one cup of coffee, hop into the shower and limp on over to the apartment complex office and pay my rent ... I hope they accept cash, because that's what my editor gave me, and I don't want to carry around this much cash. Otherwise, I'll have to drive over to the grocery store on the corner and get a money order.

Well, not much else is going on. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 7/1/10 10:05 am - Bradenton, FL
Hi All, I got home from work around 7pm. I left work at 5 adn went grocery shopping for aminute.
It looks like a big storm is brewing. I was going to go down to the boat parade in Sarasota but I dont want to get rained on.
Carl just called and they took my sister in law to the hospital again with internal bleeding and blood pressure so low that I think she is on her way out. Carl says she isnt responding to stimuli. She fell inthe nursing home sometime today. So he is now on hospital watch.
Well I am so tired from not sleeping last night and having to work today. Im going to go and take a much needed nap.
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