What's New Thursday Edition
Yesterday was trying. Went to visit mom. She begged us to take her out of the nursing home. By the time we left, she was very angry with us. This scenario has played out the last several times we've been over there. Mom remains pretty confused. She was asking about a cousin of hers who has been gone for many, many years now.
Glad to see that Karen's baby Briley is here.
Hope that everyone has a good day today.
Cindy P.
it is soooooooooooo hard to watch this in our loved ones.....
here's a hug
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
I hope you remember to take care of you in all of this. I struggle with not feeling responsible and guilty. Ron and I talk to a therapist twice a month for support. She also provides a sounding board which is crucial to making it through. Even in our small town, there is a support group for caregivers of people who suffer with Alzheimer's/dementia. You might look for that kind of thing where you live.
I'm here if you ever need to talk. I know I don't post a lot -- but I read every day. Let me know if I can be of support to you, Margo.
Cindy P.
Have PCP appt. this afternoon and he's not going to be happy with my weight. I just can't seem to get the scale moving down. Thought I was extra good yesterday, even rode my bike for 30 minutes and worked outside too, this morning it said I gained 1/2 lb. I had to go back on my water pill, but am only taking 1/2. I give up, I just don't know what to do other than not eat at all. I've cut out all bread and other bad carbs....oh well!
Time to go do my foot exercises and get around for work.
Have a terrific Thursday.
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Cindy, I am sorry you are going through this situation with your Mom, it is heartbreaking to have to experience what you are going through, but try to remember that your Mom is truly in a place that is better capable of meeting her needs now. . . my cousin is going through similar stuff with her Mom and I remember when we went to our family reunion a couple of summers ago and she accused us of kidnapping her and all sorts of things, it was tough, aging is sometimes a very sad thing.
Anyway, I have to get dressed and moving, but I am having a rough patch with my job, seems I can do no right lately and it is very frustrating to say the least, some of it, I must admit, is me rushing through to get things done and therefore making stupid mistakes and the rest is one boss I have who micro manages things and the other one who is a last minute, need it now personality and it's to the point of stressing me out, which I think is part of the problem, but it does not matter, I just need to slow it down and pay better attention, just not used to being so "sloppy". . . ok, enough whining and I will just do what I can to do a better job.
Ok, I am off to get dressed and take Roxie for her morning walk, which she is patiently waiting on.
You all have a good day and I wish you peace and strength to get through the rough spots.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
How true: ". . . aging is sometimes a very sad thing." Just knowing that others have gone through (and SURVIVED) similar things is helpful. Support is so important. Thank you for taking the time to address my situation in your post.
BTW, I have had similar work experiences to what you're going through right now. Stress is a killer. Take care of yourself. If I were you, I'd polish up the ole resume and keep an eye out for other employment possibilities. It is so much easier to find a job when you have one. Try to keep perspective. You have had other positive work experiences. Your current bosses are NOT a mirror of your capabilities. Just my two cents worth.
I love your spirit, Laureen. You are such a positive person on/for OFF. Take good care of yourself, girl.
Cindy P.
Good mornin', ya'll.
A much cooler Thursday. The humidity is way down and you can actually walk outside without sweating. I like this weather.
Our daughter and the kids got home to OR safely. The grandson has an ear infection and he and his Dad leave today for a Boy Scout Scuba diving adventure in FL. I hope his antibiotics give him some relief.
After giving myself a good shake yesterday, I am more determined to work on this weight gain. I will do 30 min on the treadmill before my hour of water aerobics each weekday. I am resigned to the fact that this extra activity is gonna mean using my stronger pain pills, but I have to do what I have to do. I will call my orthopedic surgeon's office to try to get this shoulder surgery scheduled for September. Then I can start thinking about a new left hip.
My thoughts are with all of you that are struggling. With your job, with your family, with your finances, with new moves. I am sending you all a big fat hug and hopeful prayers!! I wish there were more I could do.
Have a fantabulous day!!
Laureen I get you about different bosses and their emergency is your emergency! I also hate to be micromanaged and had a meltdown yesterday at work....with my boss saying "lets work smarter and not harder" crap. Getting everything ready for Joint Commission and had all the required documentations to mail out to the non-compliant volunteers when she said to work directly with them, call them on the phone and have them come in so it's in our hands. Slowly and politely I said "just let me breathe for a minute"...then promptly burst into tears. **** I never cry, I'm someone that will hardly ever let people see me cry. Well she ended up feeling like crap when I finally told her I had everything done and to just let me mail it out. It's the 4th of July and believe me most of my volunteers are out of town, visiting with family and friends. She finally agreed with me and apologized and gave me a hug when I left work. I believe I will do nothing this weekend up in Mackinac except walk, swim and ride my bike and not listen to a phone ring!!
Pat my friend, please don't get frustrated with your weight. It is something we all will have to contend with for the rest of our lives. Try to remember how far you have come. You have embraced lifestyle change, you exercise and you are trying!! Please don't starve yourself, you have to eat and try to embrace this concept: no food is off limits, just do portion control and keep doing your exercises. Stay off the scale because that frustrates you. Mindful eating, really look at what you are putting in your mouth and is it worth it? I haven't eaten a M&M (and I love M&M's) since my eating coach said, "you eat one M&M and you have to walk the entire football field to just get one M&M calorie off your body"...does make you think is it worth it? But heck...cookies!! I love cookies and won't keep them in my house. Potato chips? love them and will buy them for family gatherings but they are out of my house usually.
Stepdaughter moved out yesterday and they slept in their new house. Now I will detox my house of all the little extras I have kept for the grand kids. Oh yeah...a new leaf is blowing in the wind this next week when I return from Up North! LOL
I'm taking control back over my house and hubby said he would like to lose 20 pounds so we will do mindful eating together, and see what we get in a few months of having our home back!
Don't get me wrong I loved having SD and the grand kids but now it's our time to shine and I won't have empty nest syndrome at all. The house was nice and quiet this morning, and now my hubby and I will have to adjust once again to it being just us.
Everyone have a wonderful 4th of July! Hugs Debbie
my heart is with you as you help care for your Mother, It is so heartbreaking for family to see them deteriorate. I was lucky that mom was content at her care facility bu****ching the demon dementia gain control was hardest. You keep loving your mom in the same caring way and do what is best for her that is all anyone can do though most wish we could do more. My prayers will be with all of you as you care for your mom.