Hey y'all, it's Wednesday
You could try taking your gold-plated stuff to a metal salvage place if you really want the money. Or just donate it to the rummage sale. I did a lot of donating before I moved ... got rid of a lot.
ok- thx for listening!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Banks bite themselves in the butt. I got pre-approved for my car loan at my credit union. But then getting the car took so long that the interest rate/loan app. expired. So I talked to the credit union officer and he said that our car dealer was an approved dealer to do the credit app. on-line right at the dealership. The bank officer also told me I would have no problem because my credit score is 826 and I had been approved once before.
Well when the dealer put the credit union app in on-line, it came back that they wanted two references before approving the loan. So the dealership put in for the same interest rate with Chase bank and they approved it on the spot. So the credit union lost out on our business on that one. HA!
We have cooled off, yay! It's right at 70 degrees and sunny and supposed to stay that way until after the holiday weekend.
Nothing else going on with me.
Have a great day.
Eileen, I wish getting a license in NJ had been as pain free as getting one in LA, LOL! I not only had to have my NY license, I had to show my social security card, utility bill, birth certificate, marriage certificate to Ted, death certificate of my first husband AND our marriage certificate--to show how I got from my maiden name to my first married name to Ted's name. What a frakkin ordeal that was! It sounds about as goofy as the rules for that credit union you had to sign up with. :P I'm so glad the folks you're working for are so nice & helpful.
We invited my MIL over for dinner and "game night". She's pretty lonely so it'll be nice for all of us. Today is beautiful so I shut off the air and we have all our windows open. We're expecting another heat wave starting Friday or Saturday so I'm enjoying this respite.
Yesterday with Tomas was a lot of fun even though I was *very* sleepy from waking up at 1a.m. night before and not being able to get back to sleep. Last night I "crashed" at nine ... and woke up at 2. I was annoyed. Luckily I got in a few more hours by falling back asleep at 5 but I don't feel totally rested because my sleep was interrupted. I sure hope I haven't gotten a resistance to the temazepam!
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

I could go on and on ... state laws are so different. They really should make it uniform.
ok- off my soap box...i was soooooooooooooooooooo friggin mad!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Good Eveniing Everyone,
Started to wait til morning but that's what happened today and here I am dragging the tail end. And dragging my tail I might add! Just about exhausted here. Baby Briley has a bit of acid reflux and had to stay an extra night. She'll have to sleep propped up for a while and take an anti acid twice a day. Evidently this is not too unusual. We were kind of complacent. She looked so round and "done."
I guess every little human is on his or her own journey all with an individual footprint. If nothing else happens they will be home tomorrow. Luckily for me two year old memories aren't very long or I would be in big trouble. I kept telling the twins yesterday that Briley, Mommy, and Daddy would be home today. Lucky for me that they didn't remember.
Nothing else to report. Cleaning, cooking, changing beds, wet and poopy diapers, referreeing sister spats. . . trying to remember to take my pills and to find time to go to the bathroom! I think I'll go fill up the bathtub and take a long soak. Missing my hot tub!
Karen C