Hey y'all, it's Wednesday
It's nearly 1:30 a.m., and I'm watching the White Sox game I recorded (they won). My first night at work went well, after a rather stressful morning/early afternoon chasing around. My knee/back/shoulders hurt, but it was nice to be working again. Everybody is so nice ... then they don't know me well enough yet. LOL . I did a lot of proofing ... man, a lot of pages, but then there are five papers we're producing. At the end of the evening, I sat with another editor, who explained the Opelousas paper (which I will be working on at first). Later today, I'll actually play around on the computer and try to put together a dummy page. Although they use a similar system as we did in Grand Rapids, it's quite a bit different.
So the stressful part started after I went out to get a Louisiana driver's license ... that was easy. No eye test even, just sign, show some proof of ID (old license, a birth certificate, passport, etc.) and get your photo taken. Oh, and give the money. Then I went over to the credit union again to get an account so I'd have somewhere to have my paycheck deposited (they only do direct deposit). Well, all was going well until I handed my mom's check to me as my first deposit ... this was supposed to go to pay my rent on Friday ... and the teller told me, "Oh, there's a rule that new member's checks have a 30-day hold on them." I questioned that, called it antiquated (checks clear in five days or less nowadays), but they wouldn't back down. The teller suggested I find somewhere else to have it cashed; I said where would that be, and if I found that place, I wouldn't have opened this account.
So I got back from these errands and had enough time to eat, change clothes and get to work (and then forgot a couple of things I needed for the HR person). I was telling the story to my boss Stacey and the HR person, who both were incredulous. Stacey told the editor Kathy, who called the credit union manager and read him the riot act ... but they wouldn't waive the rule. So she decided to make me a short-term loan so I'd make my rent (I'll get a week's pay next Friday) ... and then by the time my mom's money is released I can pay her back. I am in awe of how nice they are.
But one thing is good about this day ... I am finding my way around. I haven't gotten any more unpacking done ... but I'm finding where things are.
Well, I've babbled on enough already. Post away ... I think I need to go to bed soon. I think Scooter is waiting for me on the bed.
I'll check in later in the morning.
eileen ...i know the credit union thing is an upset but look at what wonderful things are coming in your new job!!! and you are getting to know your way around--the unpacking will happen- you have really made strides and i am so proud of/excited for you!!!!!
ok on to weds...i picked up hours at work so i will have a bit nicer check- specially since i'm missing 2.5 hours tomorrow for a dr appt-this will be the worker's comp doc and i am just praying--attorney says that they could now ask for another "wc" dr to see michael--anything to keep from paying us our due. and he STILL is not getting treatment or relief from any pain.....
yesterday he saw the pain psycologist- good session but very very draining on both of us....and many alzheimers moments after and last nite...((((.janet-you are right to not ask!!!!! ))))
it is 37 degrees outside this morning! i enjoyed the cooler afternoon weather yesterday when i hung 3 loads of wash and weeded (well partly) the veggie garden.....
have to scoot to get gorgeous-yea right! - for the day....
hugs and prayers
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Sounds like you two are busy, busy, busy. I guess that is good.
Eileen good luck on your new job. Sounds so far a great place to work.
Margo, I envy you hanging your clothes outside. I love that too, but I have been asking my husband to put up a line for me and......... so far he hasn't. Guess I will have to figure it out myself.
I have been really busy this week with something to do everyday. Tomorrow and Friday and Sunday are already booked up too.
I went to the thrift store yesterday and bough a bunch of stuff and summer clothes. I think I bought 11 T shirts which look brand new. Some still had the tags on them. Four pairs of shorts , two of them were gloria vanderbilt. I spent 23.00. The last Tuesday of the month is 50% and 75% off. It is so crowded that you can hardly move. Still it is fun.
Going to take my son out to breakfast this morning. He has been having a tough time and is a little depressed. I thought I could help cheer him up today.
Well.... all from me for now.
Everyone have a great day!
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Yep, this is the South. Stubborn people with hearts of gold. It ends up being a very nice combo. Glad you enjoyed the work day, sorry about the credit union, though. Sounds like it will work out.
Yesterday I was coming back to the salon from the bank and got slammed into by a woman in a Cadillac Escalade. I drive a little Kia. She said I cut her off, but where she actually hit me was a good two blocks from the street I turned from. Lying witch.
The cop didn't cite her, even though she didn't have proof of insurance with her. She called her agent and got the info, but didn't actually have the card in her car. He said there were conflicting statements....DUH, ya think?
My car's not bad, but will have the adjuster check it out anyway, of course. I'm stiff and sore. I was going 35 and she really plowed into me, I think she was doing at least 50. It's a notoriously high speed/traffic area. I was going to be turning left at a stop light, so was slowing down to get into the turn pocket.
Well, that's what I know. Today is pretty much a nail only day, so I'll be sitting a lot. Thank goodness!
Thats scary..but I'm very glad you didn't get hurt!!!! Some people, (remember I am a teacher), just don't get it...I'm always telling the kids at the high school ...driving is a priviledge..it is NOT your GOD GIVEN right.
Sometimes adults need to remember that too.
Rest up today..tomorrow should be better!
I love hanging clothes on the line too. I just love the smell of bedding hung outdoors.
Nothing much new here. Preparing my list and checking it twice for the upcoming holiday weekend of camping.
Good mornin', ya'll.
This is going to be a very down day for me!! Yesterday my daughter and the kids left. We had such a great time. And it was so much more peaceful since the granddaughter brought her cousin. That way she had someone to 'hang' with and didn't care that her brother and the cousins here were off doing their own thing. SOOO..I'm sad cause they are all gone now. Second - I GAINED way too much weight while they were here. I don't think I ate that much, and I was still able to get to the gym most mornings. However, I had to take a powerful pain pill nearly every night. My hip and my shoulder have been way too overworked. I think the Vicodan may have a part to play in the weight gain. Third - I truly have no restriction. I am even able to eat soft white bread and that is my litmus test. If that goes down without a fight, I can eat anything. Can't get a fill till next Tuesday and I have to drive 5 hours for that. But I'm not going back to the ham fisted folks at my DH's surgeon's office.
SO, I need to grab ahold of my shoulders and give myself a big fat shake. This is not acceptable! I need to sew my mouth shut.
Everyone else have a fantabulous day.
Eileen....sounds like you have some nice people to work with...the unpacking will get done....checking out the town is important!!
Susan...so sorry about the accident...DUMB BARBIE!!!!! I hope the pain is better today...HUGS.
I made a mistake....Jamie doesn't pick up Ni****il Friday...I don't know why I thought it was today!!
As for me ....I am in a rush....I have a dentist appointment in 45 minutes. I showered but I haven't done my makeup or gotten dressed yet....I need to get off the computer!!
Wishing you all a really good day.
Prayers to all in need.
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
Can't stay long gotta run and do tons of things at work. Sounds like a lot of us are stressing.
I'm gonna take a deep breath and trudge on!
Grammylew, I can identify with you....stepdaughter and my 2 grandchildren are moving out today. I'm here at work and can't help them move. Stepdaughter is ready to deliver any time. I hope she doesn't push herself too much.
Hang in there everyone. Happy hump day. Hugs- Debbie
Saw my orthopedic surgeon while in Kalamzoo and everything looks really good with both knee replacements and my hip replacement. He was pleased that my foot is doing so well. (That's after he caused the problem and another doc. had to fix it). I really don't blame him, those things can happen -- it's just too bad it happened to me....LOL
Anyway he said I didn't need another check up for two years unless something feels wrong.....hurrah !
I have a doctor appt. tomorrow with my PCP -- that will be four doctor appts. in just over a week -- hopefully that's all for a while.
Better get to work now -- everyone have a great day.
Pat r.
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