Here we go---sailing this boat together! Recipes today

on 6/28/10 8:36 pm - Alexander, AR
Good morning one and all!

Here's a recipe for a Super Quick Salsbury Steak. It looks great, made with ground turkey and beef.

I haven't made it yet, but plan on it. I'll seal a meal the left overs for another day.

I was really busy here at home yesterday cooking the day away. The woman who owns the salon is going on a Med cruise to celebrate her 50th birthday, so instead of having a b'day party (she begged us not to, doesn't really want to accept she's 50) we're having a bon voyage party. Should be fun, and if anything I cooked turned out well, I'll post those recipes here to share.

bkfst burrito
leftover french dip soup
greek chicken, tomato and cucumber salad
applesauce w/ cottage cheese

Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Another hot one here.



on 6/29/10 1:56 am - NY
  Thanks so much for this post..!!!!  It really is helping me to keep up with all of the "feedings"

  Breakfast...late today..I actually slept till 9 am...!!! 1/2 c greek
    yogurt, almost 3/4 c puffed wheat cereal
  Snack...8 Blue Diamond Pecan crackers  with 2 RF cheese 
  Snack..1 graham cracker sleeve with peanut butter
   Lunch will probably be...yogurt w/cereal, or quiche with green
     beans and maybe some sweet potatos
  Snack...graham cracker with peanut butter clue yet
  Snack 1/4 banana with peanut butter
  Snack...maybe popcorn with a cheese stick or peanut butter

 This is getting a little easier..packing to go away for the day is a nightmare...but, that too will get easier.  I am right now 1 pound below what I set as my goal.  I may still lose a few more pounds..but, right now I'm happy.

on 6/29/10 9:00 am - Alexander, AR
Okay, are those Blue Diamond crackers not the BEST THINGS????  Oh my gosh they're great. I love the cheddar cheese. A little too much,

Gotta love those sweet potatoes, too!

Gosh, you're doing so well, Marcy! Keep at 'em, gal



on 6/29/10 9:07 am - NY
Thanks Susan...doing better and feeling better...

  tomorrow is my monthly shot of the help slow down the dumping..and then blood work on LFT's are still high.

  I'm doing the best I can right now...ONE DAY AT A TIME !!!
  I really do appreciate all of your help....

on 6/29/10 4:21 am, edited 6/29/10 4:21 am - Somewhere in, NY
Good Morning

Well, my barge is still afloat, but it's sitting a little lower in the water today.  I HAVE to plan ahead at least a little or I start paddling in circles.  I was running around all morning yesterday and didn't get home till after 3, and  I had my first episode of hypoglycemia since I stopped working.  I swear, I could feel my blood sugar dropping!  All I need to do is eat regularly and intelligently, and I have no problem.  It's an elusive goal sometimes...


B:  cottage cheese and fresh peach
S:  Zone protein bar

By the time I got home from running around at 3 pm, my blood sugar was in the toilet, and I ate what was close and quick.  Not a good choice:

Orange gelatin dessert
1/4 cup trail mix

L:  at almost 4 pm  Grilled ham and cheese sandwich

Never did sit down to another meal, and at about 9 pm I got hungry and grabbed one (large) handful each of corn curls and Bugle snacks. 

Not enough liquids.

Poor planning makes poor choices.

Today is another day.  Started off rocky, but it seems to be coming along.

I could lie and say I've been  "perfect", but then what's the point of posting? 

Every day is a new day. 



on 6/29/10 9:09 am - Alexander, AR
Yes, today is another day, each one new.
Yes, poor planning = poor choices.
There is no such this as enough liquids.

Corn curls and Bugle snacks shouldn't be in your house.
Low blood sugar is the pits, and you were there, but it's a good thing you can recognize it.

Yes, the purpose of this thread is to be honest and truthful with yourself and each other.

My dear, you are not a barge! Think of yourself as a little motor boat( I'm thinking white, with a nice red stripe along the sides)....puttin' along. Barges are big, bulky and oily hunks. You are none of those things!

Keep on being honest with yourself, it will do you well!

Love ya!



annette R.
on 6/29/10 4:39 am - ithaca, NY
Here I am, bringing up the rear.
B - cottage cheese, berries, Kashi
L - salad with pecans, chicken, blueberries & poppy seed dressing
D - Pork & green beans
S - apple & pb

Once upon a time I was creative in the kitchen. Now I practice the KISS method = keep it simple stupid
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 6/29/10 9:10 am - Alexander, AR
MMMMMMMM that salad sounds good. I love poppy seed dressing!



on 6/29/10 6:12 am - Shelbyville, MI
Hi Susan...going crazy today and posting late but what the heck!
B: 2 scrambled eggs
S: smoked and pickled red hot sausage
L: beef and roll with butter
S:smoked and pickled red hot sausage (it's a meat day for sure..LOL)
S: apple
D: salad with pork roast
S: cherries
S: SF Klondike ice cream bar
on 6/29/10 9:13 am - Alexander, AR
Well, yeah, meat day for

I'd swell up like a balloon with the salt from those pickled thingies. Get lots of water in, too. Gosh, I love cherries. They're $4 a lb here, how about there? I can hardly afford them. But....maybe I'll splurge this week?

Take a deep breath, and it that doesn't calm you down, just remember all your friends here are a bit off kilter right with you!
Have a grand evening!



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