Ugh.. I hate Monday's. What does yours look like?

on 6/27/10 11:43 pm - Somewhere in, NY

That is so cool.  The dates being the same.  Must mean this new job will go as well as your WLS did.

I wish you the best on the new job.  I give you lots of credit for picking up and moving to start a new life.  I'm much too much of a wuss to do that.

You go, girl!



Connie D.
on 6/28/10 12:51 am
Eileen...I am wishing you the very best at your new job tomorrow. I will be waiting to here how it goes.

Congratulations on your 6 year Surgiversary tomorrow too!!!!!  You are doing great maintaining all this time.

I find it very interesting that both the job and the anniversary land on the same day. I think that is a good sign!!

Have a wonderful day....hugs....connie d
on 6/28/10 12:09 pm - Palmyra, WI

Congratulations Eileen on the 6 year surgiversary!!    It is appropriate that it falls on the day you are starting your new life and adventures with Scooter by your side. 

The furbabies arrived yesterday.  Very skittish, they hid pretty much most of the day but I coaxed them out with a pouch and a half of tuna and lots of toys.  They are playing now.  The mama cat was very upset with my SIL and sprayed her chair to show her anger of us taking her babies. 

Smoky is the leader of the pack and Princess follows his lead but takes a while.  Things should get better.  So far they cry when I shut the door and when I come in they hide.  They are something else.

 HW:  407  SW:  386  CW:  202
RNY Surgery Date:  7-9-08
Dr. Manfred Chaing, Bariatric Institute of WI

Eileen Briesch
on 6/28/10 1:08 pm - Evansville, IN
They'll be OK ... when I had Kittle and Cinnamon as kittens back in Montana, Cinnamon hid behind the stove the whole night (he was the skittish one); Kittle played a little with me and ate. But finally, they both came into bed with me, and they laid on my bed and groomed themselves. Then Cinnamon snuggled up by my face and kneaded my neck. He really missed his mom. So I became his mom. Young ones, or those who are the runts, like Cinnamon was, always have a rougher time at first. But they'll bond with you eventually.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Sybul C.
on 6/27/10 11:35 pm - Alma, AR
Hello all.  It's Monday and it feels strange to be sitting here at home drinking coffee instead of being on my way to work.  Been off 2 weeks now.  Been having a lot of stress in our lives lately and it finally got to me.  I ended up at the hospital on Monday and just got to come home Saturday.  The stress of 3 deaths in the family in one month, financial woes, lots of stress at work, all got to be too much.  To add insult to injury, The local mental health facility was full so I ended up at a geriatric psych. facility at a local hospital.  What a trip that was.  Felt like I was living at work all week.  To top it all off, one of the Alzheimer patients kept going to my room to use the bathroom.  On Friday I was in the shower and he walked in to use the bathroom.  I about had a cow.  I told my husband he is the only other man to ever see me naked in 34 years, lol.  Later that night when I was in bed, he wandered in and I told him he was in the wrong room.  He sat down in my chair and propped his feet up on my bed and started complaining about how he needed his slippers.  I jumped up and told him to hang on I'd go find them and went and grabbed an aide and got them to take him to his own room.  Then to top it all off, when the doctor made rounds on Saturday, I convinced him I was ready to go home and he agreed.  The nurse rounding with him said "can we wait and send her home tomorrow?  We already have 3 discharges to do today"  I thought I was going to come unglued.  I looked at her and said hell no.  If it's that much of a problem for you, I'll fill out my discharge paperwork and you can just sign it.  The doctor thought that was funny and told her no, I was going home today.  I'm taking another week before I go back to work so all the meds have a chance to build up in my system good before I go back to all that stress.  They brought in another MDS coordinator to input my stuff until I can come back and she was amazed at how many things they expect me to do.  That made me feel a little vindicated.  I am going to talk to my administrator when I get back and see if we can't lighten up some of my work load.  For those of you who work in a nursing home, I do the MDS', 703's, all preadmission assessments at the hospitals, run the RNA program, the restraint program, bowel and bladder program, take call and work the floor if they are short a nurse, the weekly family care plan meetings, and have been doing half the business office stuff for the past month since we lost her to illness.  Needless to say, the MDS' have been taking a back seat the past month and were really backed up.  On top of that, we are the pilot facility for a new software program and I have been down more than up on the computer due to glitches.  Anyway, due to the wonder of modern medicine and new meds, I'm supposed to be in top form again very soon.  I think I'll try to go see Dr. Roller for my 2 year check-up, the c-pap guy, the shrink, and my PCP this week while I'm off.  I just hope I'm up to all the driving as pilled up as I've been lol.  Y'all have a good week.

Eileen Briesch
on 6/27/10 11:53 pm - Evansville, IN
Take it easy and get well ... the stress gets to us all sometimes. I know it got to me, too. I had multiple meltdowns at work and finally took a mental health day. It took a long time before my shrink got me on antidepressants, and boy, did they make a difference. So glad I got on them. Be good to yourself for once.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 6/28/10 12:58 am
Sybul....sorry to hear it took a meltdown to finally get some much needed time to rest. I pray they give you some slack on all those jobs when you return to work.

I did giggle however when I read about your adventures in the hospital...that was something else!! Glad you are home and resting now!

So sorry for all your losses.

Hugs....connie d
on 6/28/10 12:15 am - Jacksonville, NC

Good mornin', ya'll.

Well, it's Monday again. It was a good weekend here.  Lots of kids, lots of food, lots of coming and going. The kids all went bowling a couple of times. Lots of swimming in the pool. My house is a ness.  Mainly just 'stuff' that belongs to others laying around.

I have washed clothes and dishes a bazillion times a day. I have mostly been cooking breakfast.  Since the kids don't generally get up til noon or so. Which is a good thing for me really, cause I can go to the gym and come back and get showered and dressed before anyone else is even stirring. After breakfast I have been having something they can grab any chili in the crockpot, BBQ beef in the crockpot, hamburgers made up we can pop onto the George Forman. I also have lots of fruit laying around they can grab and go. 

Today my DIL and all the kids are going to the beach.  I'm not fond of the beach, and neither is my red-haired daughter.  We will stay home.  She will go through the girls' room and we'll make sure the dirty stuff gets washed and everything gets put in the right person's suitcase. Of course, the grandson has been sleeping here some nights and at DIL's some nights. So he has clothes spread everywheere.  Mostly dirty I suspect.  They all leave tomorrow and I will get my house back in order.

Everyone have a fantabulous day.

Grammylew in Jax


Connie D.
on 6/28/10 1:12 am
Good morning Mary and everyone.....

Mary....I agree I don't like Monday's either. My job work load is crazy after 3 days off. I rarely ever work a Friday and I intend to keep it that way. I will just have to suffer through busy Monday's. Have a nice lunch with your cousins!!

As for me nothing much going on here.....just work and more work. I need to get back at it soon but I wanted to check in with all of you first.

All is well here. The Air Show this weekend was awesome!! I only live a few miles from the airport so it was loud here since they started practicing last Wednesday. All that rumble!!!  I love to watch the Blue Angels preform...they are just amazing! How they can fly only 18 inches apart is really something to see.

Nic (grandson) comes home tomorrow from his 10 days in Montana....I can't wait to talk to him and hear about all his adventures!!

Time to get back to work. Have a great day everyone!!

Prayers to all in need.....special prayers for Karen's daughter and new baby Briley.

Love and hugs to all.....connie d
Karen S.
on 6/28/10 2:34 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Mary and all the rest of this wonderful OFF!!

It's 6:30 a.m. here and lots of you have already posted. Often I don't post because early early here is already afternoon on the east coast. I think one of these days I'm going to start the thread at 6:00 p.m. here on Maui, because it will be midnight on the east coast!!!!

Mondays are one of my favorite days. It's like a fresh beginning....slate wiped clean of last week's fiascos (if there were any), and hope for a new week that will be surprises of the good kind.

I have been working quite a lot lately at the hospital with the newborn babies....two of our screeners are out for one reason or another. Last week I had a little one who had broken his collarbone on the way out! He was a BIG baby....10 lbs. 10 oz.......and we had to be so careful with him. That poor mama is going to have her hands full until he heals.

KAREN C........Right now you are probably on high octane excitement! I get "chicken skin" thinking about how wonderful it is to greet your very own grandchild on the day of their birth. You will remember this day with awe for the rest of your life Enjoy and I hope everything turns out perfectly.

Eileen I wish you the very best on your job starting tomorrow. You have definitely turned a page in your life's book. I am happy for you. wonderful that your grandson got to go to Montana and that his health is good.

So many others I would like to comment on, but I'd better get off here and to the hospital to meet and green "MY" new babies!

With lots of aloha to you all!

Maui Karen
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