Hello. It IS Thursday, isn't it?
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
drove michael to grand rapids in horrid torrential rain yesterday for dr appt- 4 new tests scheduled re his hip which was replaced in 2006----
watched my niece skate yesterday- she aspires to be an olympian!!!
brother and his family leaving today after 6 great nites and days--my mom is exhausted!
brody is getting grey! he has grey eyebrows!!!!!and he has pretty much decided that michael doesn't belong in our bed anymore!
i'm looking for a cheap car.....hmmm....just for back and forth to work....
nothing else really worth typing about
miss all y'all
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Good Morning Candy and Friends,
Still watching out for Briley's arrival. Yesterday I picked Hannah and Clara up from daycare and took them to the park to swing and play. Wasn't sure how tired they would be but we had a great time. The small city pool was open with a little kids area close by. They had fountains spraying all over and kids running through them. Kind of reminded me of my running through the sprinkler days. Do kids still do that? We spent hours outside in the summer. Now when it is really hot I seldom see children. I think they're all inside playing games on the computer. We finished our outing at McDonalds and arrived home just in time for jammies and stories. Erin said she and Josh spent the whole two hours snuggled on the couch. Figure they don't get much of that time and will get even less next week. If the weather stays nice we'll give the fountains a try over the weekend.
Nothing much else. Not walking as much as I should. I certainly have the time during the day when the girls are at daycare, but for whatever reason I find other things to do. I miss my gym!
The neighbors across the street removed several huge cedar trees. This morning we can see Mt. Rainier rising in the distance. So beautiful but also frightening as it is still considered "active."
Anyone know how to make banners on the computer? I knew how on the old dot matrix ones but not sure about the newer printers with just single sheets of paper.
Every night the girls want the "Baby Book" read to them. It's called "Welcome ot our World!" We change it to "Welcome to our world Baby Briley!" I'd like to make a banner for when Erin and Briley arrive home but don't know how. Suggestions?
Hope you all have a great day.
Karen C
Good Morning Candy & Everyone else!
Everyone seems to be in a chatty mood, love it when that happens, as I can picture you all doing whatever it is you wrote about. . .
I have slowly been purging my paper stuff, though it's been a while since I did any, though I now get rid of everything that I don't need immediately. After I took Roxie for her walk this morning, I went out back and checked on the vegetable garden and watered it some, as it is going to be hot and while they keep telling us about thunderstorms, they are not materializing, just a cloud burst or two and that is not helping at all. . .
As for weight gain and the like, I, too, have been battling that and I intend to win the battle by doing what I know works best. . .
Anyway, came into work and it was a madhouse getting my attorney ready for a hearing she had, which she forgot to send me all that she needed done last night, so this morning I had tons to print and get ready for her, as well as the other attorney who is very likely filing a big case on Monday. . . oh well, it is WORK for a reason. . .
Last night was fun, saw my grandchildren and had a nice dinner that my DIL (with a little help from me) grilled and had, even got to see my son, as he managed to wrangle out of work a little early (early meaning instead of working 12 hours, he worked 10, sheesh, his firm wants his lifeblood). . . then home and tired I went to bed by 10. . .
Well that's it from me, going to my AA homegroup this evening and otherwise nothing great happening here. . .
You all have a wonderful day and wishing you peace and strength to get through whatever life brings your way.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Scooter let me sleep late today ... til 9 a.m. Well, he tried to get me up at 6 a.m. but of course I turned over and went back to sleep.
I know what you mean about purging stuff ... I did that the past month as I was packing ... packing and pitching. Didn't get through everything I wanted to. Moving will help you get rid of a lot of stuff ... it also brought down the price of the move by about $200. I donated a lot of stuff to my friend Jeanine's cat rescue rummage sale. Hope they make a lot of money from my junk.
Found my way to a Walmart ...boy, do I miss Meijer! Lots of stuff I wanted wasn't on the shelves, the clerks were rather surly. I think I'm going to check out the other grocery stores ... one is right down the block from me (discovered that on the way home). I need to go to a Lowe's or Home Depot today ... need some stuff there like nails, a Pur filter attachment and a thing for the shower to put my soap and shampoo stuff. But at least now I have groceries .. I didn't have to eat the shelf stable microwavable dinners.
I have a headache again today ... yesterday there was a brief storm while I was out shopping. But it was hot again ... not liking the heat, but oh well, that's life. I'll get used to it.
Well, that's all from me. The White Sox won again, so I'm happy with that. Have to watch the games on the computer until the cable package gets hooked up (I have cable now, though ... MLB package doesn't get installed until July 11). Yesterday, the water was out for two hours, when I was trying to take a shower. When the cable guy came, I was grungy from not showering and not brushing my teeth ... yech!
Anyway, have a good day, I have another day of unpacking ahead of me.