Scooter and I are home!
When I moved to Maui, it was much as you have done. I knew very few people here, came alone, and just knew that I wanted to live here for the rest of my life. It's amazing how quickly people come into your life and want to help and get to know you. I hope you have great neighbors.
I'm excited for you. Little Scooter will do fine. When I moved from Santa Cruz to Oregon, I took Maui and Sophie with me. They hid for a few days, and then came bounding out like they wanted to explore their new digs. This was a big house with a nice big backyard and they got to go outside for the first time in their lives. It was all fenced in, and they never strayed past the fence. Unfortunately I wouldn't put them through the 4 month quarantine they had in Hawaii at the time, so left them with my son Todd who still lives in that house. They went eventually to live on a farm with a young woman who adored them. They still can tug at my heart though.......even though I now have Miss Popoki and St. Nicholas (Nicky) to love.
I wish you the best of everything, Eileen. It will be fun to go along on your adventure with you. Thanks for sharing the details.
With much aloha,
Maui Karen
Scooter comes out at night and meows at me, then sleeps with me and wakes me up in the morning. Tonight, as I was unpacking some bathroom stuff, he found the cabinets in the bathroom ... what fun he had exploring that! I think I have uncovered his inner kitten. I also discovered a whole pile of cat toys (as well as the Mardi Gras mask that Miss Diva destroyed a week after I got her ... it had feathers on it and she had to have it, so she climbed the bookcase for it).
Of course, this isn't my first adventure ... the first big one was moving from Illinois, where I grew up and my family and friends were, to Montana, when I was 28 ... a few months later, my father died. I knew, of course, he had kidney disease when I left; later, he was diagnosed with terminal colon cancer. I got home in time to say goodbye. I think he knew he was dying when he told me to take the job; he said you have to live your dreams.
Then I went from Montana to South Dakota; then from South Dakota to Georgia (just a year and half stint) and then to Michigan, where I thought I'd stay til I retired. Well, life is taking me down a different path and a new adventure, I guess. This is why I have so many friends all over the country.