Tuesday What's New with you?
Check back later. . . .
Wishing you all a wonderful day and the peace and strength to get through whatever you are experiencing today,
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Laureen, I don't know if my garden is going to make it...we have had so much rain!
Enjoy your walk with Roxie.
Work is busy and after work hubby and I have been keeping busy helping SD with her new house, getting her ready to move into it, taking off wallpaper (yuck) painting (more yuck) and building another bedroom down in the basement. What ever happened to kids sharing bedrooms anyway???
Rozzie wants me to take her to the lake after I get home from work today. I just might play instead of work on SD house. I do like to Play!!
Everyone have a great day, I need to take my walk early before it gets tooooo humid! Hugs Debbie
Funny thing, we have more threats of rain lately, than actual rain, which my front lawn can attest to, I finally dragged out the sprinkler this morning trying to save what's left of it. . . I will have to reseed in the fall. . . the weather pattern this year has certainly been crazy.
Hugs, L
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Enjoy your acreage, however, I hope your fields dry out. . .
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Good morning, ya'll.
It is gonna be another hot and humid one here. I am heading to the gym for a little treadmill, but no water aerobics this AM. Too much to do at home.
A few weeks ago I needed a couple extra bags of mulch and a few more landscape bricks, and I put them in my trunk, instead of going back home to get our son's truck. Well, consequently I have residue in my trunk - a LOT of it. I have got to get it vacuumed out today, no matter what. Our daughter and the kids come tomorrow and I have a few more things to get done around here (some grocery shopping, a few meal plan things, straightening). My DH says the place looks good and I thought I was done, but I just keep seeing little things that should have been taken care of. Yesterday's trip to G-ville for a doc appointment sorta threw a monkey wrench into the plans.
Also, Sat I got a check in the mail from USAA to 'the estate of (my Mom)'. I wasn't sure if it was from an IRA I inherited, or if it was from some account we didn't know about. So had to call them. Apparently it was from dividends from policies M&D had over the years that they just had USAA hold rather than credited to other policy premiums. They hold the funds for a year after death to be sure there are no other claims on the policies. SOOOO, had to go to the bank to deposit the check and send a check for half to my Sis. That also took up precious time.
So I better get my butt off this 'puter and get to work, or it'll be so hot outside I'll decide to put it all off again.
Everyone have a fantabulous day.
Three more mornings of waking up at 5:30 a.m. and then high school is *over* and I can go by my internal alarm clock! Wooohoooo! The youngest is so hard to awaken at that hour, too, and it's always been such an ordeal. She sleeps right through her own alarm and so that's why I've been "helping". Once she starts college, she's on her own but there's no class that starts *that* early in the morning. It's barbaric how early they start some of these kids!
Laureen, how're you making out with this latest heat wave? We've been hiding indoors mostly but tomorrow we're going to brave the heat index to go to the beach with our little guy. We won't be able to stay long because we don't want him (or us) to fry.
Younger stepdaughter is now in TN with her husband, staying with her sister & family. We saw a message on Facebook that they have no clothing at all for the new baby expected in July and I just saw a post on Freecycle for infant girl clothes 0-6 mos. So I can't stand the idea of the baby having no clothes and so I'm getting the clothes and sending them to TN. No body in that house is working! OK, I'll stop there ...
Not much else going on here so I'm off to have my first protein shake of the day.
Stay cool, everyone!

I'm doing about as good as everyone else, the heat I can handle, it's the humidity that kind of makes me feel like a dish rag. . . however, I can say that with the lost pounds, at least I can cope, I just am grateful for A/C on days such as these, but I will say that the side benefit appears to be what's going on in my vegetable garden. . .
Anyway, take care and Freecycle is a great resource for clothing items, as well as so much more and while I have yet to take anything from it, it is a great idea. . .
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I really don't have much of anything to chat about. However, for those that don't chat with me on Facebook don't know this .......I am done with my crutches!!!!!! YAY I can walk freely again!! The doctor said to keep a cane with me for a week or so just until I get used to walking again. I will gladly do that!! I feel free again!!
Nic made it to Montana last night about 10PM....glad he got there safely. He will have a blast!!
I need to get back to work. Wishing you all a really great day....stay cool...I have the AC on here for sure!!
Prayers to all in need....and a few special ones too.
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
morning laureen and OFF...
man i have been missing from OFF it seems like forever here!!! working sure cuts into my OFF time!!!! so far i have worked after today 52 hours without a day off!!! thank GOD i am off tomorrow and thursday!!! i am beat!!! and this heat!!!!! think i got a touch of dehydration....had the "trots" sunday into yesterday and have been drinking water but i guess not enough...so i have been using a straw to drink my water just so i can get MORE into me faster. so far the "trots" have gone away. that was terrible having it at work!!! good thing i was not alone in food court or i would have been in big trouble because it was busy.....
apartment manager was in my work place yesterday and i asked her if there was any news on the lower apartment yet. she said there were 2 that would be available. one in building D and the other in building F. the one in D is in the front and the one in F is in the back. i told her i would like the one in building F in the back so we would have a nice yard instead of an ugly shrub blocking our view but then it would be looking at the parked cars...so she is to get back to me when we can go look at it. so soon as we figure out when we can move we will move then i will go on vacation and get mom and bring her here for a vacation for a week or so. wooohoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
we went to the classic car show saturday night but it was so dang hot the sweat was falling down my face into my eyes i told rick i had enough lets go....so we looked for a place to eat that had some AC but they were all packed so we left the area and found another place. never going back there again!!! service was terrible!!! waitress took my salad without asking if i was done with it!!! now if it was sitting at the EDGE of the table i was done right?? but i had it sitting off to the side in the middle of the table because i was still EATING it with my steak!!!!!!! and this waitress reached OVER my shoulder from BEHIND me and just took it!!!!!! never even seen her!!!!!! there was more but i won't bore you with it all...just kept saying WTF!!!!!!! then we had to wait forever for our check!!! where it said TIP i wrote in NONE!!!!! we just were not happy at all with this place and the service we got!!! and i was told this place was GREAT!!!!! yeah right!!!!
well best get the carpet vaccumed before it gets to hot in here and then a shower and ready for work....so good to see alot of the regulars posting again!!!!! :-) also great that connie and maui karen are ok and didn't get harmed from their storms/fires!!!
ok i have to git so have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!