What? No early birds today? What's new?
Good Monday Morning Everyone!
Well, yesterday with the twins turned out to be as much fun as the day before was frustrating. About 10am we got our jeansn and tennies on and headed out. Just Hannah, Clara, and MeMaw. First we went to a couple of parks looking for good little kid swings. Took a couple of trys before we found the best spot. spent about an hour with me pushing them in the swings and playing on the playground equipment that they are big enough to climb all over.
Then we headed to Mcdonalds where there were lots of older people having lunch. Those little girls can turn on the charm! The older dads and granddads had to flirt with them too. They were little sweethearts the whole time we were there. They love the milk jugs with straws in them, shared their lunch and managed to not make a huge mess. Best of all no one threw a fit out of frustration or tiredness. Got home about 2pm just in time for a nice long nap.
In the evening my son in law Josh's parents came up for cake for Josh's birthday. The twins sang "happy birfday" to Daddy. It was so cute. Amazing what all they have learned in the past year.
Today is Erin's pre op appt. One week from this morning Briley will be arriving unless they move up the appt. That wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings a bit including mine!
I'm reading TWILIGHT. Erin talked me into it. It's pretty good but I'm just not into vampire stuff tho this is pretty intrigueing. Trying to fini**** this morning before the day gets busy. Wishing you all a good day.
Karen C
Mary....sorry your sister isn't talking to you. That is her issue not yours. Don't let her make it yours....HUGS
Pat...that golf tournament was quite interesting...their scores were all over the place....lots of bad shots. Those greens looked just horrible...that sure didn't help.
Annette....I laugh over your antics with M&M. Gracie loves it when I do airplane with her too. My hip better be good and strong when I see her next!!
Sounds like everyone had a great Fathers Day weekend. That is wonderful!
Nic (grandson) leaves for cancer camp #2 in Montana today. I spoke with him last night. He is so excited. I am nervous as this is his first time flying alone. He is very capable I know but I am his Nana and I will worry anyway!! Nic is so excited about being a counselor and helping the little kids......as he was helped when he was younger.I know this will be a wonderful experience for him.
I see my surgeon today and hope he says I can ditch the crutches today....send some vibes/prayers my way please!!
Today is a workday so I best get back to it. I will check in again later.
Have a really good day everyone. Prayers to all in need.
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
Hello Aberdare.....nice of you to send a post to me.
Thank you so much about Nic.....we are so happy for his great Cancer results.....glad too that he is getting to go to camp to help other younger children with cancer..
As for my hip.....I broke it a year ago. I had a rod and pin put in.....it was causing me so much pain because the pin was loosening up......they had to remove it. I feel so much better!!!
Have a great evening...hugs.....connie d
I'm in Memphis yet, and Scooter is happy we're staying for another day. He's sitting on the king-sized bed after eating his breakfast and throwing the food around on the floor. He is a sloppy eater! Yesterday, I came in the room and he was sitting in the bathtub, hiding behind the shower curtain. The bed is on a platform, so he can't hide under the bed, just under the bedskirt. Good for me because I can catch him easier when I need to, bad for him.
Yesterday, I ate at this wonderful place called Marlowe's ... it's right across from Graceland, and they will pick you up from the hotel in a pink cadillac limousine ... but only after 4 p.m. I was too hungry to wait. Really good ribs, baked beans and cole slaw. I had a half rack and couldn't fini**** ... I'll have it for dinner tonight. And they played Elvis music ... pictures of Elvis all around. Cool place.
So I had breakfast here at the hotel (free hot breakfast ... interesting egg ... egg patties), filed for my unemployment check and then checked e-mail and my forums ... now off to the shower, then off to play tourist ... Graceland, Sun Studios ... don't know what else, it's supposed to be 95-plus today. I don't do heat very well. I wish the pool here was indoors, I might use it, but oh well.
Scooter is happy he doesn't have to get drugged and get back in the car ... I'm happy I don't have to drive long distance today too. I'm looking forward to getting to my new home and unpacking.
Have a good day and stay cool and hydrated.
Sorry to hear about your sister, as Connie said, don't let her make it your problem and be careful because all that stress is not good for you, hope you have a good day. . .
Well it's really almost afternoon now, but I had a busy morning here at work, so I'm taking a few minutes to fill you in on my busy life. . .
It started with cleaning house, mowing the yard, poop patrol and setting up for the bbq I hosted for some of my old co-workers, Tony was on grill duty and my friends came and we had an great time, after Tony and my friends left (Tony had to be at work at 7 on Father's Day), I went to an AA meeting with my two Dianes (my roomie and another friend of ours), then back home where I collapsed and slept like a baby until 5 when the old bladder needed to be emptied, I got out of bed real quietly, as Roxie was not in the room, wouldn't you know it, as quiet as I was she heard me and came running, I think she was thinking it was petting time, well I crawled back into bed, she jumped right up next to me, I scratched her belly and said, ok Roxie, Momma needs more sleep and she snuggled in next to me and we slept until almost 7, what was nice about it, was it was the first time since I got her that she let me sleep holding her, which was Dillinger's preference, anyway I got up, put on a pot of coffee, gave her some petting time and fed her and while the coffee was dripping I decided to make the early morning (7:30) AA meeting that I like to attend most Sunday's, came home, packed up all the leftovers from my party to give to my friend Diane for a party she was hosting for my roomie, Diane's, AA anniversary, and then changed into my bathing suit, waited on Diane to get ready, drove over to Diane's house and cooled off in her nice pool, until our friends started arriving, we had a nice bbq and social until 6, then left there went home and we moved the fencing that was surrounding our vegetable garden, as the zucchini and cucumber plants needed more space, while doing that we found our first tomatoes, a zucchini and banana pepper had grown, very exciting, then watered the other plants in my yard, as well as Miss Roxie, who loves to play in the garden hose, by the end of all that it was 8:30 and we sat on the back porch for half and hour watching the lightening bugs and just feeling grateful for our lives, it was bedtime by 10 and here I am at work, stealing time to let you all know what I've been doing. . .
Well, I'd better get back to work and I'm wishing each and everyone of you a good day, I'll catch up on what you all were up to over the weekend in a bit.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Karen C
The weather here has been more like mid summer than it should be in June, we are expecting temps in the 90s all week and that is yukky to me. . . more so because of humidity than anything, though today the humidity is relatively comfortable. . . funny thing, if you sit on my front porch the mosquitoes are pretty annoying, however, and it's fine with me, the backyard is not so bad, though Saturday the flies were awful and the humidity got thick about 6, so we moved inside at that point. . . I will need some tips on this vegetable garden of mine and I know you, for one, are someone I can turn to. . . one thing I've already learned is that when planting zucchini plants, one needs to plant them kind of to themselves, as they get humongous. . .
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Another tidbit about zucchini. . . pick them when they are 7-10 inches long. Seems like overnight they will hide under something and become 2 ft long and fat!! Around here a joke goes around that if you leave your front porch unattended for 10 minutes in late summer you will find an anonymous family of zucchini on your porch waiting for your return.
I planted carrots for the first time this year and realize that they are much too thick and I'm not sure how to thin them. The green tops are beautiful but I'm afraid my carrots will all be grown together! Lesson learned to follow the planting directions more closely next year!
Tons of zucchini recipes on line. I have a favorite chocolate zucchini bread and a zucchini/egg breakfast casserole that I love. Let me know when they are coming out your ears. I'm just using the last of the frozen zucchini from last year. I grate it and freeze it in 2 cup freezer bags to use throughout the year.
Karen C