What's New Sunday Edition

Cindy P.
on 6/19/10 9:52 pm
Hello Everyone.  It's been a little while since I've posted.  We've been busy with my mom. 

Hope that everyone is having a restful night's sleep and that you all awake refreshed and ready to begin a new day.

I'll post more later.

Cindy P.
Cindy P.
on 6/19/10 10:03 pm

I'm back for a little update.  We finally got mom moved here to the nursing home.  It was an agonizing decision -- whether or not to do it.  Sybul, if you're reading this -- I checked nursing home compare and found that the local home is the only five out of five star home within 100 miles.  That information helped us make the decision to move mom.

She has lost 9 1/2 lbs in 2 weeks and now weighs 77 lbs soaking wet.  She seems to be letting go of life with each breath.  I so want to tell her it's OK -- that Ron and I will be OK -- but the words just won't come.  I tried to say it yesterday and ended up in tears.  She told me not to cry.  I did tell her I want her to be comfortable and not to be in pain and she said not to worry.  I will redouble my effort to have "the" conversation.  She keeps looking at me and I think she wants to talk about her final journey.

We'll be taking Ron's mom to breakfast this morning and then shopping at Wal-Mart.  After that, we'll head over to see mom.

Take care, everyone.

Cindy P.

on 6/19/10 11:12 pm

Connie D.
on 6/19/10 11:15 pm
Good morning Cindy and everyone....

Cindy....my heart aches for you. I have been through all that with my own mother. It is not an easy place to be.
Speak to your mom....it will be good for both of you. I am keeping you both in my prayers.

I had a fun day yesterday with friends. I met a new guy. He invited me out to dinner. I will after I am off these crutches. Another guy asked me to go out to listen to a really awesome country music band last night. Again...the crutches are just too hard to get around with in crowded places. I took a rain check. I was feeling down about myself. This sure perked me up...still got guys interested....that is so nice!!

I went out to my garage this morning.....I was going to go get a newspaper.....ugh...flat tire!!! I will call my neighbor a little later and have him come over and change it for me. What a way to start the day!!!!!

Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there.....I sure am missing mine.

I might spend some time with my sister today if I get my tire fixed and can get over to her house.Normally it is only about a 6 block walk and I would do that...not with crutches!! 

Have a wonderful day everyone. Many prayers to so many in need.

Love and hugs to all.....connie d

on 6/20/10 10:33 am


Woo woo - lol - nice to know you still have it going on girlfriend.  I know you can't wait to get rid of those damned crutches so you can get back to freedom.  Hang in there, it won't be long now and you'll be better than new.



Connie D.
on 6/20/10 10:58 am
Debbie...thanks for the giggles!!!

Hugs sweetie.....connie d
on 6/20/10 1:39 am - Alexander, AR
Hi Cindy,

I also know just what you're going through. The hospice nurses wanted me to write a letter and read it to mom in her final days, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I think she knew what I would have said anyway.

Yesterday was interesting, to say the least. First, I was super busy again at work, and really couldn't wait to get home and relax. Gary had planned a maternity photo shoot for noon, and the mom, husband and three children, all under 7, got to the house 4 hours late. I called the house when I finished work at 5:00 and told Gary I was staying in town to do some shopping, secretly hoping they'd be done soon. When I finished my strolling through the mall, I called him and he said they were packing up. On I went home.
When I got here he had a pizza in the oven, chicken nuggets in the toaster oven and there were strangers staying for dinner. The dog was going crazy in the sun room, barking at the children running circles around the living room, screeching each time they passed the sunroom door which caused Baxter to bark all the more.
Thinking this couldn't last long since they had a 2 1/2 hour drive home, they continuted to sit and chat. I guess I should say they're not strangers to Gary, he and the pregnant mom went to the police academy together and he photographed their wedding. But....all I wanted to do was have some peace and quite and put on my new jammies I just bought. I sure as HE** didn't want Wal-mart pizza for dinner.

Ahhhhh, I'm such a bit**.

Today's better, I'm still in my new jammies, have had my lattes and done 2 loads of laundry. Off to see Toy Story 3 and dinner w/ Jeff and Tess. MUCHO better day!



on 6/19/10 11:12 pm
Good morning, Cindy, and everyone who follows on OFF,

am I really the first one to post after Cindy?

Happy Father's Day to all the dads here!  Planning anything special?

I think all that "resting" (not) caught up to Ted yesterday.  He was soooooo sick.  He's feeling better this morning and is gung ho in his work shop again.  Sigh.

He's going on a Freecycle run today and hopefully will come back happy.  He usually does & has been getting all kinds of wood and material to use for his projects.

Me?  I'm just lounging around today goofing off!

Have a good one, all!

on 6/19/10 11:33 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good mornin' ya'll.

Cindy, I agree, DO have that talk with your Momma.  It was very hard for my Sis to say the words to Mom.  Mom and I had the talk while my Sis wasn't there. Later, Sis DID tell her she was OK with Mom going to be with Daddy.  Shortly after that Mom did go.  I think we postpone saying those words more for ourselves than for our loved one.  We hope that if we don't say it, they won't go.

I hope everyone out there has a Happy Father's Day.  Either as a Father, or honoring your Father, the Father of your children, or the Father of your grandchildren. Too often Dad's are the 'silent' family member.  Although, I do think it is easier for them to say 'I love you' to their kids, then it was in earlier generations.

I should have 2 grandsons and at least one of their friends down here for BLTs very soon. The bacon is done and I am ready for them.  I'll continue my crochet til they get here.

Everyone have a fantabulous day.

Grammylew in Jax


karen C.
on 6/19/10 11:34 pm, edited 6/19/10 11:39 pm - Kennewick, WA


Keeping you and yours close to my heart. This is such a difficult time. Sometimes I still want to be the child and dealing with aging parents was one of those times.

On a lighter note. Note to self: "Self: do not attempt to frost cupcakes with 2 yr olds!"  Erin made cupcakes for Josh's birthday and Father's Day today. Whle Erin and Josh got out of the house for an hour Hannah, Clara, and I decided to frost and decorate the cupcakes.

 I frosted them before they got up from their nap. Figured they could decorate with the sprinkles that we had in several shaker containers. . .OMG!! What a disaster!

 First off, Erin said to let them share a cupcake first. So I removed the paper, cut one in half. You would have thought I had cut someone's arm off!!! Tears, hysteria from both H and C. Evidently they wanted the paper left on and a whole cupcake!!!

 So what did MeMaw do? Of course I immediately shoved a whole cupcake in front of each of them and stepped back out of the way! The tears dried and the wails subsided. They happily dove in and that was good for about 20 minutes of peace.

Then the real fun began. I put one frosted cupcake in front of each. Tried to "help" them with the shakers. Nope, that didn't work.  "Me do it!" "I do it!" Violent head shaking from both. Ended up with sprinkles all over the counter, some on the cupcakes, frosting on just about everything. They wanted to eat each cupcake!!! Couldn't understand why MeMaw wouldn't let them do that!

Must admit I kind of lost my cool more than once. Got the chore finished as soon as possible, cleaned up the mess, and moved on to playing kitchen with the play stuff which worked much better. Needlesstosay they had no interest in dinner. . .

So today fool that I am I will attempt to take them to the park by myself to give Erin an hour or two at home without being mauled. One week from tomorrow Briley is scheduled to arrive.

Me thinks these two little girls are going to really have their noses out of joint for a few weeks after little Sis arrives to claim their mom and dad's time. It will be hard for them to understand that this wee thing has a place in Mom and Dad's heart also!

It's 6:30am. Nice and quiet. Peaceful even for another hour or so. 

Mike's home alone today. He'll go to my brother and sis in law's for dinner. I'm glad they invited him. I'm sure he'll be here by Friday. He's had a hard time staying away but this house is so crowded. I've been sleeping on a blowup so that Erin can have the spare bed. She doesn't sleep well anywhere, but does best there.

Wish we had a small RV that we could just bring over here and park. I'm seriously looking for a used about 16 ft lightweight trailer. Would love to have one anyway. We could all use it for camping and trips to the beach as well as an extra space when we are here. Most that I find are too big to haul, but I'll keep looking.

Missing my dad today. He was a quiet man, but I always knew I was special in his eyes and heart. Have a nice day everyone.

Karen C

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