on 6/17/10 11:41 pm - Edgar, WI
Good morning everyone.  I got up this morning to start my 5th day of pre-op liquid diet.  I feel a little weak, my stomach is sore and I have a headache but otherwise I doing pretty good. 

I was suppose to go shopping for supplies for the Spaghetti Supper our church ladies club is hosting on Thursday.  However, my wonderful, supportive husband insists that I wait until tomorrow so he can drive me. 

 Yea, I'm the chair and I'll be on my 11th day on my pre-op liquid diet on the day we serve.  BTW it wasn't scheduled that way.  I didn't get me surgery date until after the dinner was scheduled.   I'll get through it, won't be easy but I'll do it.

Surgery is Monday, 6/28 and I'm (like everyone else) am very nervous and excited at the same time. 

Have a good day everyone.
on 6/18/10 1:01 am
Yay, you're about half way through the liquid diet?  It gets easier with each passing day.  Best wishes to you for a very speedy recovery from your surgery on the 28th.  Soon you'll be on the losers' bench with the rest of us!  :)

Terri G.
on 6/17/10 11:44 pm - ME
Good Day All,
Just went for 6 month check up. Dr said I am doing well. Down 91 lbs. Blood lvls good. So I am happy. My weight is what it was in Jr. High. Working out at the Gym 3 to 4 days a week. Just hanging in there.
Best wishes all.
on 6/17/10 11:59 pm
Good morning, Janet and everyone here!

I'm having a quiet start to the weekend, thank goodness!  My DH is supposed to rest for 2 weeks but do you think he'd listen to the dr?  :P  *I'm* resting *for* him, lol!

Normally we'd see our little guy on Saturday but decided to wait until Monday or Wednesday.  T's last day of school is today and before summer school starts, we can get him for the whole day.  We figured we'd do that and go on a trip to the shore beach since he enjoys sand, digging, and all that good stuff so much.  :)


on 6/18/10 1:07 am - Medina, OH
Hi Janet and everyone,

I have been so busy the last week. I have't had time to stop in.

My nephew who was awaiting trial went WED.  He was sentenced for one year.  Which is bad, but not as bad as it could be.  He will be in a jail about 15 min, which will make it easy for me to see him.

I am really glad that is over.

Going to spend father's day Sat at my in-laws and Sunday my brother is going to have us all over to his house.  Trying today to get caught up on things.

It is suppse to be hot today and tomorrw.  Going to try and do some work in the yard.



I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

Connie D.
on 6/18/10 1:33 am
Good morning Janet and everyone.....

We had some wicked thunderstorms and tornado's last yesterday and last night. No tornado's near me thank goodness. Just a lot of high winds and hail. I do know people that weren't as fortunate. Many prayers going up for them today. I just spoke with my daughter Jamie in Iowa.....they were having horrible storms there right now. I will keep praying!!

I need to try to get out and get a top returned and go to WalMart to get my vitamins and such. I want to go soon before the day gets any warmer. I love the high temps but the humidity about kills me. I have asthma and COPD.

I am hoping that Eileen has safe travels on her way to her new home.

So many here that I will be saying prayers for today.

Wishing you all a wonderful day!!!

Welcome to OFF all you newbies!!  Hope some of our MIA will return soon!!

Love and hugs.....connie d
Mary M.
on 6/18/10 2:40 am - Minneapolis, MN
Hi everyone!

 Sorry I've been so absent lately  (at least I'm not "absent minded"  LOL).   The new job takes up way too much time and I don't get to post much at all.  I read when I can, but it's been sporadic.  My other job allowed me the luxury of signing in quite often. Now it's rare.

The job is going well, the weight loss is at a stall.  I thought I broke the stall, but it's back again.  I'm still enjoying my weight loss so much, but have a long way to go.  I'm not worried, just need to stay on track.  Carbs will get me every time!

Hope everyone is doing well.

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
on 6/18/10 6:48 am - NY
Afternoon all.... I KNOW I KNOW I'm a little late...
was at Robert Packer Hospital this morning at 7:45.  My 6 year old granddaughter was scheduled for a tonsilectomy...well she had her nasty old tonsils out and then the ENT did sinus surgery on her.
 Poor baby..she is miserable and slept all day long.  We just got home...

  Her words, "why am I the only one here?"...that was at about 4 pm.  She was the second into surgery and the last to come home.  Doing ok..just tired and her nose hurts.
  Liquid pain med works wonders...she'll sleep all night...and me..I"M EXHAUSTED !!!

  Hope everyone had a good here.

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