What's new Tuesday, June 15th

Connie D.
on 6/15/10 5:00 am
Sybul....my heart is breaking for you. You are struggling with way too much!!

I am sending prayers your way. So sorry for your losses....of so many kinds.

We are here and there isn't anything you can't share with us. You need us and we need you!!

You have been missed.....more then you know.

HUGS.....connie d
Eileen Briesch
on 6/15/10 1:26 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Pat and my OFF family:

Yes, it's raining off and on here, too, which means I have a headache and my body hurts. Woke up with the headache, have taken an Imitrex and a vicodin and had the heating pad on the back of my neck ... still have a bit of a headache. I have so much to do, I don't have time to have a headache today.

I did a lot of packing and pitching yesterday in between taking Nettie to Jeanine's house (Jeanine is my former cat sitter who runs a cat rescue, and that's where I got Nettie and Diva). Right now Jeanine has 60-plus cats ... phew, it smells in there! She has volunteers who come in to clean litter boxes and help out in other ways, but you can imagine, there's no way to make it smell nice with 60 cats. She had two cute little kittens in there ... she usually doesn't take kittens, just adults cats. I fell in love with a big black cat named Otto ... he kept demanding I pick him up to be loved. If I wasn't moving, I'd adopt him in a heartbeat. I got lots of kitty love there.

In the process of packing and pitching, I lost one of my prescriptions ... either I packed or pitched it. So this morning, I had to call my PCP and get him to call a 30-day supply into Walgreens for me. It's one of allergy drugs. My allergies have been really bad this year. Not that I'm sneezing or anything, but my eyes are runny and itchy, and Sunday my nose was running all day at Mary Kay's during my party ... I think that may be because of her new dog (who is so cute by the way) ...I am allergic to dogs, not cats.

I got a call from Social Security this morning regarding my disability. Since I told the psychologist during my interview that I was moving to Louisiana, they are sending me a form to withdraw the application. That's OK. The woman said they will keep the information on file in case I need to put it back in sometime in the future. I really want to work anyway ... I'd rather work than sit at home doing nothing.

Well, that's all for me right now. Take care and have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 6/15/10 4:55 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi Pat and all my OFF friends,
Sorry to hear about so much depression.  I hope the sun shines on you and a lot more good things happen to you than bad.  I really have to watch the caffeine.  If I have anything within four hours of going to bed, I'll be up all night.
Well, my husband will pitch a fit when he sees it, but I went and bought myself some tools.  I got a drill and a set of bits and screwdriver heads to go with it.  And I bought a stapler/brad nailer and a box of staples.  It was less than $90 for all.  I just got so sick of asking for a tool and having to wait days to get it.  It was like putting in a requisition from a company tool crib.  My trips down to the basement were no help either because I could never find what I was looking for.  My first job will be to take the plastic storm window frames down on our screened in porch.  That will let the breeze blow through.  Hubby walks by it every day but it hasn't occurred to him to do it.  I've always wanted to drill some more hole in some of my ceramic plant pots too.  Now I can, I got the right bit for it too.
Work is frustrating.  I'm waiting on people to get to me with information all the time.  I have to keep emailing them over and over because it's not their priority.
The weather today is gorgeous.  I went home for lunch and it was hard to come back to work.  I sit and look at my flowers and watch the birds all day.  We have about four pairs of yellow finches that come to the finch feeder.
Going to my bariatric doc tomorrow.  He's going to check how my unfill is doing since last week.  They may take out more.  I've been having GERD problems and blood in my stool (sorry, TMI).  So they are trying to make sure it isn't erosion from the band.  I may have to have an endoscopy to check for sure. My gastroenterologist is also involved since I think it's a problem lower in my intestines than my band.  I had a colonscopy two years ago and it was good so they are not jumping right in to do another one.  Instead I'm on Benefiber twice a day and taking Nexium to see if that clears it up.
I want to get a lot done in the house before the Grands get here so that is the real reason I got the tools.
Feel better everybody.

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