What's new Tuesday, June 15th

on 6/15/10 12:30 am
Good morning, Pat, and everyone on OFF!

Before I forget--congrats, Pat, on continued weight loss and thanks Connie for your supportive messages.  Grammylew, I like your avi, it's new, isn't it?  Well...I know there's more than 3 people that posted so far but that's all I can remember :(  My memory is really getting swiss cheese-y!  :P

Right now I'm in the family waiting room at the hospital.  My DH is in outpatient surgery for his prostate and I found they have a working computer here.  How 'bout that!

Today is going to be very crazy.  After I take Ted home I might get in a quick nap (depends on what time we get out of there) before having to take my daughter to work.  For some dumb reason the high school is handing out yearbooks from 2-4 p.m.--after school!  So once I drop her off, I need to swing by her school to get her book since she'll be at work.  Eight more days of school and then she graduates!!!

Have a terrific Tuesday everyone!

Judy G.
on 6/15/10 1:19 am - Galion, OH

hey cassie...hope things are ok for your husband and prostate surgery!!! i am here if you need to talk!!! my ex went through prostate surgery several years ago.


on 6/15/10 1:54 am
Thanks, Judy, and you're one of the folks I was going to mention in my post and couldn't remember all the names, LOL.  Best wishes with the weight loss, it ain't easy!  How's your husband doing now after the surgery?  It's still helping?  hugs back!

Judy G.
on 6/15/10 4:45 am - Galion, OH

thanks for the wishes on the weight loss...as for my husband we divorced just over a year and a half ago and he passed away last sept 11th. he had his prostate surgery in 2000 and never had any more cancer there. he lost his sex drive tho. but he had his life. he developed dementia problems due to other health problems from his tumors in his head/brain areas. but he lived several years after his surgery for prostate cancer!!!

so if you need me i am here to talk and answer any questions. wishing the best for your husband and you at this time.


Connie D.
on 6/15/10 4:52 am
Cassie....still am sending up prayers for you and your hubbie!

Please keep us updated!

Congratulations to your daughter who will be graduating soon!!!

Hugs....connie d
annette R.
on 6/15/10 12:52 am - ithaca, NY
I'm procrastinating for a while. I love doing the support groups but always put off doing the notes. Especially when the groups and notes are so big.

I took Tom by the ear to help rid the basement of more junk. It was time to put the baby high chair by the road. Somebody will pick it up and use it. Much of the stuff (junk) consisted of bits and pieces and of no use. After 43 years in the same place, I would love to tra**** all and start from scratch. Dream on.

Enough sitting on my butt. Back to work.

Kisses to all.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Judy G.
on 6/15/10 1:24 am - Galion, OH

hey sis!!!! good seeing you posting today!!! so many of the regulars have been missing or just lurking i miss them!!! when i don't post i am usually working.

glad you got tom moving to help you rid stuff....lol to bad you weren't closer because i would have you help me....;-)

i am still looking for a support group closer to home and no luck!!! hey!! why don't one of you support group leaders have a online meeting here on OFF??? or is that not allowed???

Sybul C.
on 6/15/10 12:57 am, edited 6/15/10 1:00 am - Alma, AR
Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't been posting for quite a while. I have been lurking every day though. I figure if I can't add anything upbeat to the conversation, I will just keep my mouth shut and listen. Been going through a mental health crisis the past few months. I guess I worry too much about everyone else around me and let myself get too worn down. I love my job but it has been pure hell around there the past few months. Due to a promotion, all of the management positions changed and everyone is trying to find their way in their new positions which is stressful in itself. Add to that our facility is being used as a start up for a new software program they plan to roll out to all the other facilities next year. It has been hellish to say the least. I work on the computer all day entering info on the residents for state and for the first two months, we were down more than we were up working out the glitches so I am about 6 weeks behind and have been really stressed out over that. Add to that all the other duties I have at work and I have just been overwhelmed. My aunt who was the last sibling on my mothers side of the family died about 6 weeks ago and it ha**** me really hard. She was a part of my every day. I have taken care of her for the past 8 years at the nursing home. She was like my second mom. Add to that severe financial problems and fear of losing our home, my daughter and son-in-law moving in next door and practically living with us while getting their utilities and such in, a 17 y/o son and his friend who has no place else to live, and there you have it. Oh, I forgot to mention my dad's brother that died about two weeks ago. He made our lives miserable when we were young. He was our legal guardian for years. I walked away from all that as soon as I was old enough and thought I had put that all past me. when I got the call he died, all this forgotten anger just welled up inside me. I can't believe he can still get to me after all these years. Anyway, it has gotten to the point that I can't sleep, I'm stress eating for the first time since my surgery two years ago, (I ate a whole hot dog on a bun and when I realized it, I cried). I haven't been exercising or getting in my water; I have been guzzling coffee like it is going out of style to the tune of 3 pots a day instead. Also, the cigarette monster has taken hold again. I finally saw my PCP yesterday and she said my lungs sound like a water buffalo. Had to go in for another ct scan over the nodule on my adrenal gland they found at the first of the year but the good news is that it is stable, nothing to worry about. Then to top it all off, I had a toothache and went to the dentist just to find out my teeth are a lost cause due to extreme bone loss and he is telling me I need dentures. The long and short of it is that my doc increased my antidepressant to the max dose and put me on Klonipin and put me off work for a week and told me to sleep. My back and neck and arms hurt so bad from the muscle spasms I've been having, it hurts when the water hits my skin when I shower. She told me to sleep for a few days. I took my increased antidepressant and a klonipin this morning but still am wide awake. I guess it will take a few doses before it starts to kick in. The bad part of all this is I am worried that I will be even more behind when I go back to work next week. I feel like I can't win for losing. I'm usually a take charge kind of gal but lately I just want to find a hole to crawl into and hide. sorry to lay all this on you but I really don't want to say anything to my family and get them to worrying too much. I guess this too shall pass someday.

Judy G.
on 6/15/10 1:08 am - Galion, OH

(((sybul))) my heart goes out to you....i know how you feel with all this in your life!! my family life has been and still is in an uproar and i worry about them all especially with me being 4-5 hours away from them all.

as for the coffee...are you drinking decaf or real coffee??? try mixing it half and half if its the real stuff and gradually add more decaf til its ALL decaf!! maybe then you will get some sleep.

we are here for you so please do NOT lurk!!! POST!!!! someone will be there to help you!!! we all listen and offer support!!! i don't know where i would be if it weren't for this special group of OFF people!!!

Eileen Briesch
on 6/15/10 1:48 am - Evansville, IN
Sybul, as for the bone loss ... my bariatric center just started upping our calcium and changing our vitamin regimen. We now take 1,500 of calcium citrate ... 500 mg in the morning, 500 mg at lunch, 500 mg at dinner ... then we take our multivitamin and iron at bedtime. It's different than I had to do for the first five years, in which the multi was taken first thing in the morning, and then iron some other time during the day and then the calcium later in the day after the iron and multis.

I think they did this because of the recent studies about malabsorption and bone loss.

As for the depression, been there, done that. I'm convinced I need to be on the antidepressants for the rest of my life. I have fibromyalgia, and one of the symptoms is depression. I went off the antidepressants at one time and it wasn't a good decision.

Take care and I hope you feel better.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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