Get creative
Well this is true, not one of us is the same and we all have different ways to lose weight and mantain that weight loss. Thank God for the support on this forum. I do connect with all of you!
Happy Tuesday and have a great day! Hugs- Debbie
Happy Tuesday and have a great day! Hugs- Debbie
Posted: 15 Jun 2010 03:12 AM PDT You know how I am always telling you to get creative with your weight loss....losing weight for the long term is about finding something that works in your life - not superimposing a weight loss way of life over your existing life (quite frankly, that is too much life going on right there). Well, here is a good example of some women that did that.....Yesterday, I watched The Secret Life of Women: Extreme Weight Loss. The show tells the story of 3 women who have been successful losing 100's of pounds of weight. It's not very overly dramatic and the women are pretty honest about what has worked for them in the past (and what did not). The thing that I find endlessly fascinating is that each one of these women (much like all of you) needed to find their own path. My path won't work for you, neither will any other "expert's", nor even your best friend's. The idea is for you to look around and become inspired by what you see and then put your own special twist on things to make it yours and sensible to you. One of the women in this show actually started using YouTube to document her weight loss as a way to be accountable to someone (or 15,000 someones) about her everyday choices -- she runs a video blog. What do you need to be successful -- I am pretty sure you already know the answer to that -- you might not know how to make it happen for yourself yet but that's something different. Give it some thought -- wish you were Oprah so you could afford a personal trainer and chef -- there are ways to get that support without spending a million dollars. Wish that you could take some time out and move to Biggest Loser land so you could concentrate on what needs to be done for your health?? -- maybe you can't step out of your life just know but there are ways to create spaces of time to make your changes happen. Just need a task master to keep you on track? Again, there are a million ways to make this happen -- the challenge is to find one that works for you. Get creative in your problem solving -- don't close your mind to any of the ideas that pop in just because they are new. Who knows -- maybe you will be the next video blogger success and I will be able to say I knew you when... |