Good Monday Morning!!!!!

on 6/14/10 12:34 am - Canada
Hi everyone
I am having the interior of my house painted and this is day four.  I feel like I am a prisoner in my own home  -  when will the painter ever leave?
He is very good at his job, and the rooms look great, but I want my house and my life back!
It's a dreary day here, but it is cooler, so I can't complain. 
It feels like I've had my summer already as I return to teaching in two weeks and teach through July and August.  It's hard to believe that summer hasn't really started yet.  My annuals and perennials are blooming like it is August and not mid June.  I just hope that they continue to look so good throughout the summer.
well, that's enough of my boring life.  Hope everyone has a great day  -  prayers for those that need them.
HW: 250
SW: 240
CW: 173.8
GW: 150

The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
Mohandas Gandhi
on 6/14/10 4:06 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Has anyone heard anything about Brenda?  Haven't seen her post in a long time.

Eileen Briesch
on 6/14/10 4:28 am - Evansville, IN

Bev, Brenda is still around, busy taking care of her grandson ... I don't know why she isn't posting here, but she is on Faceboo****asionally.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 6/14/10 5:57 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Thank Eileen.  I'm not consistent but I hate to see people drift off the board altogether.
Eileen, I don't know whether you know it or not but I'm blocked from your OH page.  I can't even ask you to be a friend.  Maybe you could ask me to be a friend.

Eileen Briesch
on 6/14/10 6:47 am - Evansville, IN
Don't know why you'd be blocked ... don't block anyone. But I just asked you to be a friend. I certainly consider you one!

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Brenda R.
on 6/14/10 10:00 am - Portage, IN
Hi Bev, it seems strange that you asked about me today..since here I am. This is the first time in a long time...really it seems like most of a lifetime to me...that I have come on here and read up on things. I seem to feel that I am so far off track that I may never get back on it. But have no fear...I will just jump on the track and work on keeping up with everyone.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 6/14/10 11:34 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi Brenda,
Glad to see you.  I was wondering how you were doing.  I hope you can come and join us some more.

on 6/14/10 4:31 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi Carla and all my OFF friends,
Not much new with me.  Visited my sister Sat. nite and she is recuperating well from her hysterectomy. 
Tonite is my last scout meeting for the summer.  It's a leaders meeting, no kids, to get our calendar for next year.
Hubby and I have a few day trips planned for the summer but for the most part, we'll stay home.  Lots of work to do around the house and yard.
I've been thinking about trying out a new church on Sunday.  I've been with my current church since I was five, but the church is dying under the weight of too big and old of a building and not enough members.  I'll have to see how it goes.
Sticking to my eating plan but chocolate gets me every time.  Not doing well with my exercise either.
Health and happiness to all.

karen C.
on 6/14/10 8:32 am - Kennewick, WA

Hi Everyone! Thanks so much to all of you who posted pictures from your real lives today. I love seeing them all.

Staying super busy here at Erin's. Baby Briley watch is kicking into high gear. I have no problem staying busy that is for sure. Did household stuff this morning, then took the two little dogs with me  to go grocery shopping. Then we stopped a beautiful park on the grounds of an old fort and went for a nice long walk. Then home, to fold clothes, put away groceries and took the big dog for a walk. Or rather she took me for one!

I think I told you all that my husband Mike had a wakeup call about 3 months ago when he went for his physical. His been a big guy for many years but just kep gaining a few pounds each year. This year his blood sugar had climbed 15 points from last year. We started counting carbs and restricting "white" refined stuff. He has lost over 40 lbs in 3 months! I"m so proud of him. He goes back to his doctor on Wednesday. First time in a long time that he's looking forward to the doctor's visit. Keeping it off will be the hard part. He still wants to lose about another 40 lbs. The loss is going more slowly. He still hasn't added  exercise which is so hard for him with his back fusion and neuropathy in his feet. I told him even 5 minutes a day to start is better than nothing.

Gotta catch the next load from the drier! You all have a great day.

Karen C

on 6/14/10 9:36 am, edited 6/14/10 9:38 am - Palmyra, WI
Hi Carla and all--

Carla--so sorry about Pitt. 

It will be 7 years in October that we had to put our kitty Pepper down.  She was 14 and went downhill real quick.  We raised her from a kitten of about 5 weeks old when she wandered in our yard and my daughter Lisa was 3 at the time and didn't want to let her go.  At the time, we had a 22 pound moose kitty named Garfield that would have crushed her.  When he died, Pepper looked around for him for a while and then we brought one kitten home that we had to bring back to the shelter because they didn't get along.  We brought home a 1-1/2 year old cat named Candy from the shelter about 3 months after Pepper died and they lived together until she died.  When that happened and during the time she went downhill, Candy was very anxious and after Pepper was put to sleep, she was looking for her for a while and I would think I saw her too. 
After Pepper died, Candy was the queen bee until she died at the age of 17 on August 5th of last year. 

We have been petless since and probably would have stayed that way but my SIL rescued a mama cat from my MIL's yard and she had 4 kittens.  She sent us pics when they were 3 weeks and there was no way we could resist.  We picked one and he has been weaned for a couple of weeks but we aren't taking him home because she talked us into the runt of the litter because they are buds.  She isn't weaned yet because she has had better things to do but they are working on it and once she is weaned, we will have 2 new little furbabies that will be partners in crime together.

Your heart will know when the right time is to get another cat.  You have to be ready. 

Big hugs.

 HW:  407  SW:  386  CW:  202
RNY Surgery Date:  7-9-08
Dr. Manfred Chaing, Bariatric Institute of WI

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