Saturday, What's happening folks?
Woke up early and had some petting time with the Roxie girl, so I thought I would stop in and start the thread today.
My plans today include the dog park, taking Diane to work, dyeing my hair, a little laundry, packing an overnight bag and Tony, maybe a movie. Tomorrow I am taking Diane to see her boyfriend in the early morning and then when we get home Tony and I are going to the racetrack and spending a night at the "shore" which is Jerseyan for the beach. . . Monday I come home go for a follow-up mammogram, as there was "significant" change in the calicification of one of my breasts and Monday night I have a visit with the dental hygienist. . .
So what are you all up to?
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, wishing those facing more challenging situations, peace and strength to get through.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Sounds like you have a very busy day today, but a fun one. I'm busy too, but working....not exactly the I'll be at the salon until about 6:00 tonight, and Gary, bless his heart, has already offered dinner out. I'll be ready, for sure!
If you've heard about the flooding and deaths caused by it night before last, the area is about 75 miles from us. It's so very tragic. One family of 11 lost 6 members, all of them but one under 13. They're still searching the area, but now have switched to recovery from rescue. Very sad time for the State of AR.
Well, off to get the "what are you eating" thread started and then get ready for the day. Hope everyone has a wonderful day/weekend!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Susan I am so sorry for all the sadness there. I can't even imagine what you all are going through.
It's raining here today. Thats okay, I have lots of indoor stuff to do. I have started sewing again. I am making a white sundress for me. Then 2 raggety ann dolls for a friend of Carlas. At some point I have to clean my house.(yuck)
I do think the other 2 dogs will get their baths & haitcuts today too. I do the baths & DH does the haircuts. Thank goodness they are all small enough to still fit in the sink!
Hope you all have a great weekend!!!
It's gloomy but not raining yet here. I didn't get much pitching and packing done yesterday ... just one boxed packed and some put aside for my former cat sitter's garage sale.
I wanted to do more, but after my doctor's appointment, I met with a friend for lunch, and then I felt sick, so I just went to bed early and watched TV in bed. So I have to get back at it today.
PCP wasn't able to help me with the blood spots on my arms and legs or the excess bruising, or the funny ridges on my fingernails. He says it's stress .. well, certainly I've had a lot of stress. I need a fairy godmother to find some extra money for me. My friend and former coworker Rick tells me to have hope ... he is always so optimistic. I'm on the other end of the spectrum ... pessimistic ... I'm a worrywort, always have been.
My brother Gary is down at my mom's today stripping wallpaper from one of the bedrooms, getting his room ready to be painted. He is going to put a ceiling fan in there, too, and clean the wood floors. Me, I'm going to watch the Cubs-Sox game and pitch and pack. Got to get after it today. Oh, and I'm making a cake for my party tomorrow (my friends are throwing one for me) ... have to get rid of the cake mix and frosting and some eggs).
Well, I was happy that the White Sox beat the Cubs yesterday ... hope that continues today. Have a good day. Go Sox!
Good morning, ya'll.
That flash flooding situation was tragic. Families trying to have some time together. Sad.
Our grandson's girlfriend graduated from high school last night. She is a real sweetheart.
Another hot humid day here in NC. Typical of the summer months. Good day for staying indoors. Either at home, or shopping!!
Our daughter and her kids plus one, will be here in about a week. I need to wash sheets on the 2 spare beds and put away all the stuff I put in there out of the way, instead of taking care of it in the first place. Our granddaughter always has a hissy when they are here and the boys won't include her in stuff, so this year she is bringing a friend. The boys here are 19 and 17 and her brother is 15. They have no time for a 13 year old girl. She would like to spend all day in our DIL's pool, but not by herself. Should be more peaceful this year.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!
I'm not sure what the day will bring. I haven't heard from our little guy's dad yet about whether or not he'll be coming over this morning. If he does, we'll probably take him to the beach or to the park. My tummy is giving me a fit so I hope it settles down. One of the issues I'm dealing with is sometimes I have these IBS type symptoms and it really messes me up! :P
Yesterday we met with the advocate at Consumer Credit Counseling and she called the dreaded dastardly BOA. Truly, they must be way too big for the britches because the left hand absolutely is *clueless* about what the right is doing. Still, I feel we made better progress with Esmeralda and we're going to stop waiting for BOA and just download all the MHA (making homes affordable) forms we need from the HUD website and submit them with all new documentation. One agent at the bank put us on a verbal modification trial plan and,. of course, no one had any idea he'd done it. You can't even depend on them to keep a promise even when it's in writing. We just feel so screwed. :P So yesterday I was busy downloading and filling out forms and copying documentation. Wish us luck!