What's New Friday Edition
Hope that everyone slept well and is good and rested today. I know I'm up early (4:36 a.m. on the West Coast) but early morning is my favorite time of the day.
What are your plans for today? Are you doing anything special this weekend?
Cindy P.
There was no chance of rain today, but it is pouring buckets right now. So much for that forecast. I unplugged my laptop and running on battery due to the lightening. Our sump pump has been running off and on for days. I hope it keeps up. We've never gotten water in the basement yet. The sump pump is in a pit and any water that comes in to the pit gets pumped into the sewer system before it gets into the basement. If that pump ever fails.....oh my I don't want to think about it.
I think I'll try to go to Goodwill tomorrow to find some things to wear that don't hang on me like gunny sacks. I have a few things in my closet that are smaller sizes, but not enough to prevent repeats during the work week.
Have a nice weekend.
We are heading up to Mackinac after work today for the weekend. I love Up North. Just not into the long drive but I'll turn it into fun anyway.
Brought in a kitty to give to a co-worker who wanted a boy kitty for her dad. Only 3 more to find homes for.
Everyone have a great weekend. Debbie
Good morning, ya'll.
Friday! School is out for nearly everyone here. The one grandson still has one exam to take. Everyone is spending their free time at the beach. Not us. I HATE the beach. Too hot, sand gets in places it has no business being, drag 6 tons of crap from the parking lot, get set up, then drag 6 tons of crap back to the car. Used to camp at the beach when the kids were little and we lived in HI. Ya gotta do that stuff when the kids are little. No more.
I'll be doing the recumbant bike and water aerobics again today at Courts Plus. It is amazing how rubbery my legs have gotten from doing so little exercise.
Got my sleep study report yesterday. I do not have sleep apnea, and I do not snore. He suggested I lose weight and not sleep on my back. In bed for 8.5 hours, actually slept 6. My problem is the pain in my left shoulder and left hip. I wake up hurting and have to change position. Plus I have to get up to pee at least 3 times a night. In September I'll get that left shoulder fixed and maybe I can do more sleeping at night, and less during the day!!
Everyone have a fantabulous day.
He wants you to LOSE weight? Is he totally clueless or what? Pain is what keeps me from sleeping well also. The cortisone shot that I got in my should in March helped immensely. Seems like my problem there was an "impingement" and not my arthritic neck. Now today. . . I had a cortisone shot in the top of my foot for the neuroma that keeps flaring up about every 9 months. Getting old sure ain't for sissies.
I totally envy you the warm beach and being close to it. We're almost 7 hours away. Our Pacific up north here to so dang cold year round. You have to stay in it long enough to get NUMB to enjoy it. I love walking for hours along the edge of the waves searching for agates and shells sand and all!
Karen C
Karen C
morning cindy and OFF
grammylew that is great news!!!! wish you the best on getting fixed up soon!!!
debbie wish i could take one of your kitties!!! rick misses his cat so much it tears him up when he sees cats on tv...i miss mine but not as much as rick misses his.
wanda? never been to a dance recital in my life but i bet it will be alot of fun to watch the young ones dance their feet off!!!
well it must have rained during the night because the car was wet when i took bandit out for potty this morning. still calling for rain this weekend and humid. everyday it changes from storms and hot to now humid and 40% chance of rain. maybe when sunday gets here it will be nice??? that would be great!!! i want my first NASCAR race to be a fun one and not a rained out one!!! please GOD???
this cold is getting me down!!! yesterday i laid around most of the day only going out when bandit had to go potty. was supposed to go to a spa party but i felt so crappy i didn't go. work also called while i was in the shower and wanted me to come into work 1-5. i called them back and told them NO i felt like crap and besides i had no way to get there. seems the new mommy called in AGAIN. i don't see her lasting much longer working if this keeps up. but anyhow today i feel a little bit better i THINK.
thats it for me today...sorry if i missed anyone...have a good day!!!
ps i forgot to mention that when i had bandit out yesterday we saw a beautiful deer near the apartment we will be moving into soon!!! that will be so cool to see wildlife again!!! i miss that...used to see alot of wildlife when we lived at ricks moms. (thats the only thing i miss there!!!)
I'm in to work early this morning. Tonite I'm going to help out one of my Tiger Cub Moms. She needs a job. She's well qualified so I'm going to take a look at her resume. We are also going to use my laptop to look for jobs for her to apply to. When I worked for the Electronics School, I was their Director of Student Services. My job included doing Placement Services so I gave classes on building a resume and how to interview. That was twelve years ago, hopefully, my skills aren't too rusty. I really want to help her.
Tomorrow I'm going to a Tastefully Simple party that another scouts Mom is having. Hubby will be going to the NY Duchess County Fair. I'm not going because frankly, he's all into engines, trucks, etc. (snore). I want to stay home and work on organizing our home office. I barely can walk in there these days it's so cluttered.
Our anniversary dinner last night was yummy. It's supposed to be nice today but the weekend forecast is rain.
Health and happiness to all.
It's cloudy and gloomy out ... no headache, so I don't know if it's going to rain today. My knee does hurt a lot, though ... but then, it always hurts. I had the windows open yesterday but closed them at night because it looked like rain ... I kept waking up during the night hacking. I still think the pollen is bad enough for me to keep things closed up.
Didn't get much packing done yesterday, but at least two boxes of books/videos/CDs ... need to get at it the next two days. I still don't know how I'm going to afford this. Yesterday was an expensive day ... spent $229 at the Honda dealer getting the back door fixed, more than $100 at Walgreens for prescriptions/vitamins and such (I have to go back there today and ask why I didn't get a buy one/get one free on the one vitamin as it was advertise), plus $66 at Petsmart for cat supplies (bought a new cat carrier with door that opens on the top ... not sure if it's big enough because Scooter wouldn't cooperate with me). I need $4,200 for the movers and I barely have enough for that, plus money f******otels (forget food, I can eat from the car and the motels have fridges/microwaves). I did sell my fireplace for $150 (or will, to Paulette, who used to come on here) ... but still, I'm just running out of moolah. I'm almost tempted to ask my mom for money, but it's so hard to talk to her on the phone because she is so hard of hearing. And then I get a lecture. Plus, when I get down there I have to pay rent ... just don't know how I'm going to manage it all. Wish I had gotten more from my 401k as I had thought. Damn stock market!
Well, today I have a doctor's appointment ... yearly physical with my PCP and I need to get copies of prescriptions. A former coworker is supposed to take me out to lunch, too. He got laid off at the same time I did, but he isn't working yet. He is trying to relaunch his career in this area because his wife has a really good job here and he doesn't want to move again (the last time, he uprooted the family from Indiana to move up here).
Well, that's all for now. Have a good day.