Happy Wednesday....what's new???

on 6/8/10 9:43 pm
Good morning Connie and everyone on OFF!

I'm not sure what kind of bug bit me late Monday night but I'm sure grateful it was only of the 24 hour variety.  I was purely miserable!  I had to cancel my dr appt and spent most of the day sleeping in between bouts of running to the bathroom.  :P  Yuck!

Today I'm going to make sure the house is all straightened up for my finicky MIL.  We invited her over to have dinner with us this evening.  We usually enjoy her company and want to do this because we know she's been really lonely and kinda having a hard time financially.  We're hoping to do this once a week and drop by to visit her more often.

Other than that, no real plans.

Have a great day everyone!

on 6/8/10 9:48 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Good morning Connie and OFF family,

Plans for this weekend: Going up to Mackinac, stay with my BIL and new wife who I fixed him up with. Will do lots of walking and bike riding. Hubby has found a Made in Michigan Store that will sell his art work (walking sticks) that he draws on the sticks and wood burns them in. Some of them are painted, they are so cool. So it will be partly business this weekend. Will also help my friend who is also a Deb study, she has her master's but is getting more work in cardiac rehab, so I will quiz her and learn too!

Take care, it's suppose to get more sunny today, right now it's foggy and rainy! Sleeping weather!
Eileen Briesch
on 6/8/10 9:57 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Connie and my OFF family:

Foggy and dreary this morning, chilly too ... I'm up early for a quick hello but have to get going soon to get ready for my appointment with the pain doc. This will be my last visit with Dr. Davis. He is the man who pushed me toward WLS ... he told me if I didn't do something about my weight, I'd end up in a wheelchair. I'd like to think he saved my life. I pushed this appointment up because my back has been hurting me and because otherwise, I'd be out of town by the time the appointment was scheduled.

Didn't get much packing done yesterday ... need to get with it! I did pack two small boxes of videos/DVDs in the evening so the day wasn't a total bust.

Sue, congrats on your energy burst ... I had that about three months after surgery ... then I lost it. Wish I had it back!

Well, have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 6/8/10 10:04 pm - IA

Good morning.  Sitting here in the quiet.  I like it.  Quiet because yesterday's storm took out our cable box and cable company can't come until tomorrow to replace it.  My DH can't stand being in the house without the tv.  He has a radio going in his bathroom, but it's still quiet here in the living room.

Off to work after a while.  The boss won't be there today, so I should get a lot done.  She tends to draw me away from my tasks to have me do something else.  Then I end up having 2-3 projects going at once.  Trying to get things ready for the new fiscal year that will start 7/1 and to wrap up everything I can for this FY. 

Everyone have a great day.


Some people might not support my WLS decision. 
Those people remind me of slinkys. Not good for much but it would would bring a smile to my face if someone pushed them down the stairs.


Ticker includes Pre-op weight loss 24 lb. 

on 6/8/10 10:13 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Connie, nice to see you start the thread today.  Hello to everyone!

It is raining (again)  and very cool here.  This is the worst spring that I can remember.

Last night I got some of my plants in the garden.  I still have many seeds to plant, but the ground is way to wet to work in.

Today, I have to catch up on some mundane house work  and some laundry.  Seems like I am a robot while doing them anymore.

Once again, I have to take my sister to see her youngest son's  counselor.  It is very hard some days to take her to appointments.  There are so many weekly.  It can be draining.

Other than that, nothing major going on in my life.

Connie,  I hope you are recovering well.



I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.


on 6/8/10 10:42 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good mornin', ya'll.

It's Wednesday!!  Yesterday I did my first day in a long time at the gym.  The base gym is free, but they don't have a pool.  I really like water aerobics.  So I am paying $45 a month. I did the recumbant bike first, then to the pool. 

For 3 months I have said I will join the gym again when I am done with travelling and company. I told myself, for 3 days I would just have my liquid protein diet and that would get me back on track.  Well, Monday I admitted to myself that if I had joined the gym THEN, and if I had begun eating correctly again THEN, I would have that extra 20 pounds off.  So, no more waiting. The new regimen has begun!! My head is finally where it needs to be!

Our weather has been hot and muggy.  But today it is still very warm (75 already), but the humidity is gone.  I love weather like this and I hope the humidity stays away!! 

Everyone have a fantabulous day!!!

Grammylew in Jax


Nancy H.
on 6/8/10 11:13 pm - Traverse City, MI
Good morning Connie, nice to see post. Remember you & all the kids are in my thoughts & prayers!

Well it's raining today. Not complaining as we do need it. It rains a lot more downstate than here. Got the rest of my flowers in yesterday. I found a cooler of bulbs in the basement I had forgot about. I have to stop buying them, even with 20 acres I am running out of room. I have to leave some space for the kids & quads.

The pool is together & the grands were in it yesterday getting the rest of the leaves out. Even with only about a foot of water they managed to get soaked! Five of them came unexpectedly yesterday & they all wanted to eat. My bread, ham & cheese is gone today. Oh well I love them anyway!

I think I will make me a sundress today. I have been making new covers for the outside furniture for a week now. I don't want to buy new as the squirrels will just eat them. Anyone know how to get rid of squirrels? My DH had been using a paint ball gun on them, but his aim is not so good!
Have a great day everyone,
on 6/9/10 7:52 am - Bradenton, FL
Hey Nan,
I am having a craving for riding the quads!!!!!!!
image hosting site

on 6/8/10 11:29 pm - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi Connie and all my OFF friends,
I hope you are coming along on your recovery.  Sue, I remember that burst of energy.  I'm recommitted too Grammylew.  After hearing about my sisters problems with her cancer surgery, me and all my other sisters are ready to join a gym and eat right.
Nan, you made me laugh because my FIL used to shoot the squirrels with an air rifle out the bathroom window.  Later he used have-a-heart traps to relocate them to local state parks.  Problem is you never know what's going to turn up in the have-a-heart traps - like a skunk. lol.
I'm leaving work in a half hour to bring my sister home from the hospital.  I'm hoping the serious talk with her doctor will make her committed to losing weight.  She told him she doesn't want wl surgery.  I hope she can do it on her own with WW.  I have my doubts because she has tried that multiple times and gained it all back plus some.  Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers on this matter.
Health and Happiness to all,

Judy G.
on 6/9/10 1:03 am - Galion, OH

morning connie and OFF

well this morning i have one sore scratchy throat!!!! yuck!!!!!! where oh where did that come from???? just what i need right now is a dam cold!!!!!!!! haven't had a cold in a few years now and i sure don't want one now!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR

hip is still a bit sore today but then i only work 4 hours again yesterday. i am off today and thursday then working 1-9 friday and 8-430 saturday so we shall see if this new medicine works or not.

making a nice beef roast for dinner tonight. had to use the real small roasting pan because i can't find the top for the middle size roaster. no clue where mr clean put it!!! if he would only put pans and lids together like they should be there would be NO PROBLEM!!!!!! but he puts things where he finds an open spot!!! makes me mad but he doesn't care....sighs when we move he WILL put things back where he found them or else!!! i already told him that!!!

talked to my mom and she said my cousin aka my dad is in intensive care with a breathing tube and all the rest and we will know more after 24 hours how he is doing. so that should be anytime now i guess. so far he is doing ok. thats a good thing!!! still i am worried about him.

rain here and chilly today. looks like another day that the pool will be closed on my day off as usual for me...not that i would actually go IN the pool....i just would like to sit out and enjoy the sun if it comes out. asked the maintence guy about the one picnic table way off in another area if it was any good and he said it would probably fall apart if they tried to move it. said everything is so old they were going to eliminate it all eventually. i told him they should stop advertising it then in the ads then. i can't wait to move to a lower apartment so we can get a grill and have a bbq!!! i really miss that!!! we do have a small smokey joe but i would like a bigger grill.

calling for rain this weekend and that isn't good either!!! NASCAR race in michigan sunday. sure don't want to drive back again on monday if its rained out sunday. as for a motel...hahaha those i am sure have been booked months in advanced!!! and who could afford one anyhow.

well thats about it for me...know i am thinking about you all....and wish those that are lurking would post!!!! miss seeing everyone!!!!!

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