What's New Saturday Edition
Well, here it is a few minutes after 5 a.m. on the West Coast. I love early morning -- the quiet. It's my time to reflect I guess.
We don't have any big plans for the weekend. Ron's mom is recovering from pneumonia so we won't be going out for our usual Sunday morning breakfast. We're going to the assisted living facility to have breakfast with her there.
We'll be seeing my mom next Tuesday. It's been three weeks since we saw her last. She rolled out of bed this past Monday. The aide at the nursing home who called me to tell me what happened said there was no overt sign of injury and mom wasn't complaining of pain. And, I thought to myself -- of course she's not complaining of pain -- she's on morphine. Anyway, they are going to put higher rails on her bed. She does have a pressure sensor on the bed and it did go off on Monday morning but by the time the aides got there, mom was in a tangled mess of blankets on the floor.
That's all that's new with me. What's new with you?
Cindy P.
I will start my last 3 weeks of my vacay this coming week. It's been great to have so many weeks off (paid) and to be able to spend time with my family and friends.
I will see my great/grand nephew today for the first time. He is less than a month old and was the first born (and maybe the last) to my 38 year old niece. She is thrilled that he is here - baby Keegan has been born into a family that will surround him with love. Lucky little boy!
I am having my house painted - inside - and that starts Monday. The roof will be re-shingled in a few weeks and some new interior doors will be installed. I've lived here for two years and am only now deciding on colours, designs, etc. for my house. It will be so much nicer and fresher when all is done.
No trials or tribulations in my life right now - knock on wood. I am on a dating site and have had lots of interaction with the men on the site. This is a totally new experience for me - at least since my teen years. There are nice men out there. They are not all a love match, but it's nice to meet some 'new' friends.
Have a great day and weekend. I hope that you all are taking it easy and enjoying the moment because, after all, this is all we have.
its hot and muggy in jersey, i guess summer arrived and spring got lost this year.
im off to the gym and maybe a date later, not sure yet
tomorrow is the mass and brunch from what would have been Bob's 50th college reunion.
he so hoped to make it, and had worked on the reunion committee and made a beautiful
DVD for them to play before he got so sick. im going with his sister, i guess it will be kinda
a sad/bittersweet kinda day.
my ankle is crappy lately, i have a brace for the last few weeks, and now thats hurting me
too. i see the doc this week and i know he will talk surgery again, which i sooooooo dont want.
oh well, im schlepping along best i can.
hugs to you all i know many of you need them as much as i do.
Hi Everyone,
Today is going to be a fun day. We are having a engagement party for our daughter.
So I have to get gussied up for pictures.
I had an insedent with the front desk at our hotel we are staying at. When I made the reservation for the room on the internet it said hot breadfast included on the price!!!! Well they dont want to honor that. I finally got her to honor it. But she wanted me to produce the reservation. I told her I printed it off and left it 1400 miles at home. She was very argumentative and rude so I will be talking to the manager. Also Yesterday I had to switch rooms. The mold and mildew around the bathtub was very bad. The coffee maker didnt work and the hairdryer didnt work!!!!!! So I told them to compensate me or move me so they moved me.
Consenses is dont stay at the Wyndham Glenview Suites!!!!!
I am leaving on Monday to get back to Florida so I can work on thursday.
My granddaughter Kyleigh has moved to another home in Minneapolis, MN. It is more like Gerard's in Austin where she was previously. The Safehouse in Burnsville just wasn't working out as well as we had hoped. She is having problems with her meds and getting more depressed again. She needs a more structured place . She has been there about a week now and we can already see a change.
My grandson Nic goes to St Judes in Memphis, TN again this Tuesday. They will be doing testing, scans and bone marrow etc. as always. We should get the results of the tests by Friday. Please pray for good test results. Nic will be a counselor at 2 camps and participating at 2 others this summer and is really looking forward to it.....I pray nothing gets in the way!!
My other three grandchildren are doing awesome.....bless their hearts!!
My BFF Pam will be taking me to Target or Walmart today so I can pick up a few things. It will be great to get out of the house again even for a short time. I spent about a half hour at the grocery store yesterday with my sister and it wiped me out.....I get tired so easy.
My incision is healing nicely and the pain is a lot better. I will be glad when I can ditch the walker and crutches!!! Hopefully that will happen on the 21st when I see my surgeon. I am a very active person and this is about driving me crazy!!
Enough of my rambling......have a terrific day everyone!!
My many prayers continue for all.
Love and hugs.....connie d
Hope you are doing better
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Last night was awesome. We had a get together with 14 girls ( should I say women..lol) that I went to JR and High School with. We laughed, cried, and just really enjoyed seeing each other again.
We promised to meet again soon at another friends house. She has a built in pool, so it should be fun. It really will be nice to stay in touch with everyone.
I got home at 4am...YIKES. My husband was getting up for work as I strolled in. He said , wow, you must have a really good time.
Bad thing is, I slept to noon. God, I hate sleeping the day away. It was worth it. I have not slept until noon since I was either sick or younger.
Nothing else really new here. The weather is cloudy and looks like rain right now. I wanted to work in my garden. It rained very hard here last night and I suppose the ground is too wet.
Well, have to wake up and start my day.
Prayers to all
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.