Respect of our bodies, goes hand in hand with mindful eating. I connected! Hugs-Debbie
The other day, I had a conversation in which the other person ended up doing "the right thing". We were debating the pros and cons of the situation and came to an acceptable outcome but as I walked away from the conversation, things just didn't feel right.
The" not right" feeling has bothered me all this week and I couldn't figure out why until just last night. The decision was made and seeingly made in a positive direction but it was made without respect for the parties involved. It was more like giving in. Or giving up.
It hit me, again, how important respect is. When you are doing a great job being mindful of what you are putting into your body, are you doing it to beat your body into the shape it needs to be? Or are you doing it because your body allows you to get a ton of things done in a day and you are trying to take care of it the best way you know how?
Earlier this week, I asked if you were modeling the eating behavior you want the kids in your life to adopt. Again, that can be a matter of respect. You are respecting them enough to guide them in their choices in a very visible way.
Treating yourself with respect can feel very right. Once you understand how good it feels, it doesn't take a lot of willpower to maintain that respectful relationship with yourself (which is good because we don't always have a lot of extra willpower).
So give it some thought. As the stale donut is in your hand, heading toward your mouth, ask yourself "Is eating this donut respectful to my body?" Sometimes (if you like stale donuts) it might be. And sometimes (if you just weren't paying attention to what your hand was doing) it might not be.
Posted: 04 Jun 2010 03:54 AM PDT
Respect. Are you treating yourself with respect?The other day, I had a conversation in which the other person ended up doing "the right thing". We were debating the pros and cons of the situation and came to an acceptable outcome but as I walked away from the conversation, things just didn't feel right.
The" not right" feeling has bothered me all this week and I couldn't figure out why until just last night. The decision was made and seeingly made in a positive direction but it was made without respect for the parties involved. It was more like giving in. Or giving up.
It hit me, again, how important respect is. When you are doing a great job being mindful of what you are putting into your body, are you doing it to beat your body into the shape it needs to be? Or are you doing it because your body allows you to get a ton of things done in a day and you are trying to take care of it the best way you know how?
Earlier this week, I asked if you were modeling the eating behavior you want the kids in your life to adopt. Again, that can be a matter of respect. You are respecting them enough to guide them in their choices in a very visible way.
Treating yourself with respect can feel very right. Once you understand how good it feels, it doesn't take a lot of willpower to maintain that respectful relationship with yourself (which is good because we don't always have a lot of extra willpower).
So give it some thought. As the stale donut is in your hand, heading toward your mouth, ask yourself "Is eating this donut respectful to my body?" Sometimes (if you like stale donuts) it might be. And sometimes (if you just weren't paying attention to what your hand was doing) it might not be.