checking in...
I've been days have been hectic and my dial-up onternet cpmmection annoyingly slower than usual..even worse with the recent rains.
My days are very full. I do water-jogging exercize on Mon, Wed & Fridays for 2-3 hours each time...add to that, I facilitate two LifePath groups a week, each three hours in length.
Mother continues to do well in her assisted living facility and I speak with her daily and visit weekly since it's alot further away for me.
I continue to study, always building my repetoire for my clients.
My water exercize, since mid-January has been very beneficial...I've lost 30 pounds and have muscular biceps! I've lost four inches off my hips and three inches from my waist and that was last month..I get weighed and measured again in two weeks.
My clothes are hanging on me even tho the scales does not reflect this...I'd gotten very discouraged because I couldnt see the numbers go down but the doctors reminded me that I'm also building heavy muscles so that I am, in fact, losing weight. I do have to admit that I FEEL so much better, walk alot easier, and I feel stronger too! And I'm now wearing SMALLER support stockings! yay!! Yet I still buy clothes that are too big for me, as my best friend pointed out last week at I just cannot seem to judge my size yet.
I'd recently bought an expensive skirt while on vacation in Miami Beach..and suddenly the waist was HUGE so I was able to cut the elastic ...six inches removed!...and I keep that six inch piece of elastic in my purse to remind myself that I AM doing well.
MY eatng habits are now so engrained in my way of life that I do not consider myself to be "on a diet" but just that I'm eating differently and I love that concept! I do maintain that the word DIET has DIE in the middle! *lol*
Well, I'm off to bed now...hugs for any who wish them...
Nancy B
You sound like you are in such a good place physically, mentally, and emotionally. I am happy for you. You've done an amazing job with your exercise, weightloss, and toning and slimming your body. Good job!
That's great that your mom has adjusted to her new surroundings and is flourishing there. Wish I could say the same for my mom. She is declining and it is so hard to see. I recently read the book MAKING ROUNDS WITH OSCAR which is written by a dr. who is in charge of a dementia/Alzheimer's unit in a nursing home. It is an excellent book. I recommend it to anyone who has a loved one with dementia.
Well, I hope everyone has a great day.
Cindy P.
You are an inspiration. I step on the scale and it seems to never move. I guess it is true about building muscle and losing in inches.
Keeo up the great work. Sounds like you are staying busy!
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Good mornin' ya'll.
Well, I am back from my sleep study and will be taking a nap when I am done on here. I'm sure many of you have been through this. Twenty wires running from me to machines, plus a canula in my nose and a thingy on my finger to measure my oxygen. Quite difficult to roll over, which I generally do a lot of. PLUS, I had to wear 2 piece pajamas. I DO NOT wear pajamas! I do know that I did sleep some, and I did dream some. I'll find out next week if I have sleep apnea.
Got home about 6 AM, went up and let the DIL's dogs out and back in. She and the kids are at the beach this weekend. It is hot and muggy here. My AC is cranking out the cold air and it is quite nice in here.
I hope everyone dodged those tornados that went by last night. I am praying for everyone along the coast that are in the way of that giant oil slick. This mess will take years to clean up, and the impact on our environment and economy will be hard to recover from. We don't need to worry about the Taliban, we can mess things up just fine by ourselves!!
Have a fantabulous day!
Karen C
I envy your tenacity with water jogging. I am trying to get myself to the local Y, which is one block away, and I can't even do that, and you are going 3 times per week for one or two hours!
Anyway, you are doing so well and when I grow up, I want to be just like you!
PS I have tickets for The Tempest at Stratford in July and can't wait to go - you probably know that Christopher Plummer has the lead role.